GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apologies for my poor computer skills. When you click the link, it takes you to the comments section. You have to scroll up/go to the top of the page to read the article.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, there was a trigger. I had been divorced for a year due to an abusive spouse. One day around that time, he came to tell me he was now dating my former best friend. I wouldn't have cared if he dated anyone else. This was the only girlfriend acquisition that was capable of causing me pain. This was dual disloyalty, she who held my hand during the painful, but necessary split. The one who told me I would feel better after leaving, because he was a terrible person who didn't know how to love anybody. It rang a loud bang in my psyche louder than any other previous life blows. Subsequently I learned this is not so uncommon in breakups, that one's former trusted friend takes up with one's ex. Plus he had the gall to tell me he was still in love with me while he was busy establishing his new source of narcissistic supply. But that's enough of that sordid tale. I'm not the only victim of such things.

My mother was a narcissist, and this is what had programmed me to be targeted by another abusive narcissist whom I married. While I was trying to process the devastation, my mind had some clarity:

My mother was unable to love me.

My husband never really did.

My friends are not my friends.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

One night not long after that, I somehow met the God of the Bible. I never understood church or the Bible, so I wasn't into it. All of a sudden, I was able to see certain basic Biblical truths: my lifelong spiritual ignorance and in-born sinfulness, being absolutely deserving of Hell, the reality of the One True God, who had sent Christ to suffer for me, even though I had always been Christ rejecting. These revelations came from somewhere outside of me and were deposited in my mind like "bricks of truth."

Finally I could take up scripture and understand what it reveals about Christ and salvation. None of this was of my own doing. It came to me as a free gift. My understanding increases over time, and I learned about free grace vs free will, Christ vs Anti-Christ, and the political, economic/financial and religious realities that make up the fabric of what is called Mystery Babylon, or what Q describes as the Cabal.

I believe that Christ saved me from my wretched self, that the Father eternally loves all whom he has chosen, and the Holy Spirit produces the "first resurrection," in the timing of God's choosing, which is spiritual regeneration. When Christ returns, all the heirs of heaven will receive a bodily resurrection, also called a "glorified" body.

Sorry to write a booklet. You sincerely asked, so I decided to plow ahead in case it should prove to be edifying to anyone.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like your theory, actually. With all the wasted and ill-gotten gains Gates has and misuses for unfathomable evil purposes, he really is like one of those 007 movie villains. When I read Gates had plans to block the sun by sending chalkdust into the atmosphere, I wondered why the world courts didn't arrest him for criminal insanity. Many of the money trails for life on the planet destruction lead to Gates. I know he works with the globalists, but one would think even they would realize his ideas are too insane and risky. So I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility that Gates could have paid China to trigger the volcano via missile(s).

GlobalOrcs 9 points ago +9 / -0

This young lady is very proud of her atheism and her self-righteous "niceness." Someday she will meet the "magic sky daddy" and she will learn that she was never a "nice person." She further insults the Creator by insinuating that he did not create a sufficient immune system, because her god is man made science.

GlobalOrcs 6 points ago +6 / -0

It can take a heavy, heavy blow to break through the crusty shell of stupidness brainwashing. Speaking from experience. It took an act of God to cause me to wake up to the first layer of true reality. After that, it's a matter of various red-pilling educational experiences. Whether one awakens or not and to what degree is a matter of God's discretion. It can be very painful, but it is better to be awake than not, plus you gain the ability to see where you stand with God.

by YoFoo
GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't trust China. China is [literally] asshoe!

. . .some kind of fetish?. . .

Banner over the entrance:

"Welcome to the 2022 Beijing Olympics where everyone is anally swabbed for the greater good."

China's ticket sales policy:

China will not permit ticket sales to any individuals at the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games, a move Olympic officials say is designed to prevent COVID-19 spread within the country. The decision, which comes weeks before thousands of [duped vaxxed and anally swabbed] international athletes and officials are slated to arrive in China for the [Official Anal Swab] Olympics, is a sharp departure from previous plans to allow Chinese citizens into the events.

Chinese Olympic officials had decided in September that no international visitors would be permitted to purchase tickets to the Games. On Monday they expanded that order to include Chinese residents. However, organizers left the door open for an "adapted program that will invite groups of spectators to be present on site during the Games." These groups will be vetted [triple or quadruple vaxxed, anally swabbed, and wearing full PPE gear] before, during and after the events for adherence to COVID protocols, Games officials said in a statement.

--from Yahoo Sports


And also:

China is pursuing a zero-COVID [anal] strategy that calls for extensive [anal] testing, contact [anal] tracing, so-called "snap [anal] lockdowns" and [anal] quarantines in an attempt to halt, rather than mitigate, the [anal] spread of the disease. A single Omicron case forced the lockdown of an entire office building in Beijing over the weekend, according to a CNN report. Other cities across the country are in various states of lockdown after the detection of positive tests.

CCP theatre

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sure he can hardly wait.

Good thing is, all the people making comments on the article seem to be awake.

Too many sheeple parents, however, are likely to subject their little ones.

At what point do the still sleeping ones finally wake up?

A rabid vax mother told me angrily "everyone should get vaccinated." If these entities were able to speak the truth, they would say things like "Look! I just poisoned myself!" "Now my children can have the opportunity to get blood clots and myocarditis!"

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

What he is worried about:

“We were aware of a 5G issue. Okay. We are aware that everybody is trying to get 5G rolled out after all it’s the super cool future of whatever it may be communication and information flow. . .

-->We were not aware that the power of the antennas in the United States have been doubled compared to what’s going on elsewhere.<--

-->We were not aware that the antenna themselves have been put into a vertical position rather than a slight slanting position, which then taken together compromise not only the radio altimeter systems but the flight control systems on the fly by wire aircraft.<--

So on that basis we took that decision late last night to suspend all our services until we had clarity,” he added, saying that the airline wouldn’t take any risks.

[This should clarify the safety issues involved.]

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

So all those scripture tweets were just hypocritical?

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah that slip and fall story sounds a lot like the tall tales my teenagers used to tell.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't trust them anyway--the masks and test kits are probably all toxic. Your tax dollars paying for your own demise.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

The thought occurs to me just now: Was there no security cam at the store? We would know more details about what happened. For recent smash and grabs, we saw security cam footage.

Another thought: Shouldn't there be a rule about no one working alone for safety reasons? Plus if she were the only worker, it would have been her job as a salesperson to ask if he needed any help, even though he doesn't look like someone who would shop for "high end" furniture. MSM made a big deal about the high end status. In a story taking place in a furniture store, is it necessary to differentiate between an expensive store and a budget store? Her reported text to a friend indicates she felt some fear about this individual. If this is a DS operation, store clerk all alone is too convenient.

And another thought: I agree that if the victim had a gun, she could have come out alive. That would be supposing she had access to the gun before the perp stabbed her to death, although just showing the gun might have been enough to make him skedaddle.

This story still feels spooky, as in possibly concocted in Langley.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Last January, I was trying to read through a very thoughtful twitter account with photos and explanations of the satanic symbols of DC when it disappeared before my eyes in the great purge. A lot of really good stuff on various twitter accounts disappeared in the same way. I was so mad!

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looks like a modeling photo. In all the photos released of the alleged victim, she looks gorgeously and sexily arrayed. And she is a UCLA grad student working in a high end furniture store alone? The alleged perp is homeless, which they somehow knew before he was identified, strolls into a high priced store at random, whips out a knife, stabs the victim for no known reason, then casually strolls out of the store, caught on street cam and 7-11 store cam. Apprehended soon after photos released. MSM talking about needing more care for the mentally ill/homeless.

Does this story smell right? Real or fake?

If it is real, it is a tragedy and sign of societal disintegration.

If it is fake, what are they trying to program us to think?

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

On a trip to San Francisco, I toured a Victorian mansion that survived the post quake fire. There were post fire photos on the wall. What struck me was that the photos looked astonishingly similar to post bombing photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the peace museums in Japan, both of which I have also toured. It made me go hm-mm, and I wondered if Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been fire bombed, rather than nuked as we had been told. All Japanese who survived the bombings receive free medical care for life, and they show photos of injuries which they say are radiation burns. Some people were so badly burned that they continuously begged for water. Doctors would not let them have the water they wanted because they said it would make them die faster. A few years after seeing the SF photos, I discovered Miles Mathis, who has some convincing articles and photos which indicate the Manhattan Project to develop nuclear bombs was a huge hoax: http://mileswmathis.com/trinity.pdf

So what is real in our world, and what is fake? Eventually we will know. Looking forward to that.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Come on, guys, you know ladies don't fart. I only ever heard my mother fart twice in my whole life. Once was her reaction to hearing a bad joke.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hubs says the risen land around the volcano is the size of Hokkaido. Can a bomb do that? Just wondering.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll bite. What do you think it is?

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

There were many 5G stories on MSM last night. Specifically they said it is the C bandwidth that may interfere with airplane and helicopter altimeters. It seems to be a fight between communications companies and the airlines over who is going to foot the bill.

GlobalOrcs 5 points ago +5 / -0

The "elites" want a massively reduced global population of slaves--appx. half a billion per Georgia guidestones. They want to mix the races together so that the average IQ will be about 90. Such will be able to complete basic work tasks, but will not be intelligent enough to create advances in technology and so forth. Supposedly everything is going to be run on AI, so "elites" think they don't need intelligent or talented slaves. Did you ever see the movie "The Island"? There is an underground factory where they make clones who are given the emotional and intellectual intelligence of junior high aged individuals. So Hollywood sometimes tells us their desired future. The race mixing goal is called the Kalergi Plan. This is one of the reasons traditionally white Christian nations are being flooded with non-Christian third worlders of various races and non-Western cultures. "Elites" consider that white people of Western culture are their main competitors. Get rid of whites and they think they can more easily control everyone else. They've been telling us for decades to have fewer children. They heavily promote mixed race families in media. We are to be erased, along with Western history and culture. And they don't want any Christians because they hate Jesus Christ. Too bad for them Christianity is a worldwide religion now. "Elites" are people like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Jeff Bezos, Henry Kissinger, the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas, the RBF, Zuckerberg, and so on. Only the top tier are going to be allowed into the NWO, along with some second tier persons. They are trying to create hybridized transhumans to be the slave work force selected from the proletariat. Anyway, they are not going to succeed. Mystery Babylon is prophesied to fall.

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