GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Miss Graham must think she is in a bit of a pickle.

by BQnita
GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sums it up pretty well. This helps explain why Congress was acting so desperately crazy during the SOTU address. Their matrix of lies is crumbling, and if it falls to ashes, so do they. Too late, too late. They should never have thought they could get away with mass murder.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

God will never allow all of his creatures to starve to death. Regional famines, yes, sometimes. He is giving Bill Gates enough rope with which to hang himself.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Something last night looked really really weird. Camera frames on the unholy trio of Biden, Harris and Pelosi sometimes had a CGI green screen or hologram type appearance. I visited Orlando Universal Studios. There was a hologram of Christopher Walken. If they hadn't told us it was a hologram, I would have thought it was real. The only thing that gave it away was when the figure crossed in front of set pieces, you could see through the hologram a bit. Methinks their tech is fairly sophisticated nowadays. Masks, too, are highly advanced. Saw Arnold S. staring at a mask of himself circulating on Internet. Couldn't tell them apart. Sometimes last night, I found myself wondering what exactly the audience was looking at, and was it rehearsed and pre-taped? They were also weirdly trying to outdo each other on who was going to lead the SO's and trained seal clapping.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't be. Abe Lincoln: You can't fool all of the people all of the time.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

When he was talking about vets coming down with cancers due to the toxic burning pits, he brought up son's brain cancer. I never heard from anyone that his cancer was due to toxic burning pit exposure, but suddenly he grabs attention from something that is really a serious issue for servicemen to focus on his own losses. This caused a commotion in the peanut gallery, so he shifts from a promise to cure burning pit cancers to a promise to cure all cancers. I think there are already many cancer cures. They just don't want anyone to have them. Not profitable, not deadly.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +2 / -1

Actually, from the very beginning, salvation was always and only by the grace of God through faith (which is a gift of God) accomplished through the Person and work of Christ alone, completely apart from any works of man. The Lamb was slain from before the foundation of the world. OT era animal sacrifices were a temporary insertion until Christ should come to earth and die for his people, as Paul explains in his letters. "It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." Abraham was saved because he believed God's promise, not because he sacrificed animals. All who believe have the same kind of faith that Abraham had.

Not every Israelite was "saved." Only the ones who had God given faith. Based upon his behavior, you wouldn't think that Lot was saved, yet Peter affirms it was so. Lot was a type of believer too much in the world, yet God had chosen him for salvation before he was ever born. When Christ came, salvation was opened up to the world of the gentile nations. Prior, it was mainly for the Israelites. Also, the Holy Spirit was given to indwell believers when Christ appeared at Pentecost. Prior to this, the Spirit would sometimes temporarily fall upon believers who would be empowered to prophesy.

NT talks about fasting for the purpose of prayer, so giving up something for Lent is a type of fasting, which doesn't have to be assigned to a particular season. I put Lent in the same category as celebrating Easter and Christmas. Observe these things if you wish, just don't get caught in the mind set that religious rituals and observances are keys to finding favor with God. The heart has to be scrubbed of self-righteous notions. Christ alone is perfectly righteous, and a believer has Christ's righteousness laid to his account. He died as a substitute for his people's sins, which have all been washed in the blood of the Lamb. The debt of sin is paid in full.

A believer will have some good works, but genuine good works spring from salvation and God's work in and for the believer, not our own fleshly "good works." Even religious non-believers can perform fleshly good works. Any good works performed prior to experiencing the spiritual rebirth of salvation are what the Bible calls "dead works."

There is that troubling passage in the book of James. It talks about faith vs works and faith without works being "dead faith." This is on the surface different from Paul's writings, especially in the book of Galatians, where he says they have been "bewitched" by Judiaizers into adding the works of the Law to the grace of salvation. He explicitly states that if they continue to believe in co-mingling grace and works, they will be in danger as to their salvation status. The point of the Law of Moses is that no one can perfectly keep it! It only condemns you to a trip to the Lake of Fire. Who saves you from the fire? Christ! Christ only! Not any portion of what the Bible calls "filthy rags of self-righteousness" will open the gates of Heaven to you. Cling to Christ and you will be safe.

The Parable of the Wedding Feast: Matthew 22

22 And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2 “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king [God the Father] who gave a wedding feast for his son [Christ], 3 and sent his servants [prophets] to call those who were invited [Israelites] to the wedding feast [marriage supper of the Lamb], but they would not come. [No thanks, we don't want salvation your way.]

4 Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.”’ 5 But they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business [interested in worldly things, not heavenly things], 6 while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. [Prophets, apostles and Christ were killed.]7 The king was angry, and he sent his troops [Roman army] and destroyed those murderers and burned their city [sack of Jerusalem].

8 Then he said to his servants [Christians, including apostles], ‘The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9 Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ 10 And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all [Jews as well as gentiles in the world] whom they found, BOTH BAD AND GOOD [no relationship to works]. So the wedding hall was FILLED with guests [lots of people in Heaven].

11 “But when the king came in to look at the guests [Christians], he saw there a man who had no wedding garment [he was wearing his filthy rags of self-righteousness]. 12 And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?' [clean wedding garments supplied by Christ's works to cover our sin] And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the attendants [angels], ‘Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.”

[Many are attracted to popular images of Christ, but "relatively" few believe in Christ as accurately set forth in the scriptures. True faith is the work of the Lord, not man.]

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nowadays, I consider that after they taught me reading, writing and arithmetic, most of the rest of my "education" was a waste. Not much useful content. And, yes, they dumbed us down purposely.

GlobalOrcs 5 points ago +5 / -0

I haven't been able to tell people this one. I stick with the pinker side of red pills, because even that is too much for some people to process. So what kind of reactions did you get? Probably they thought you were out of your mind.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure when they rolled out the impersonator(s), but that nose looks nothing at all like the originals' from photo history. Also, I don't remember the original making jack o' lantern grimaces, like he did on the day prior to Sept. 11 ceremonies when he hissed that he had lost patience with non-vaccinators. The real Joe had a broad, gleaming cosmetic dentistry smile that could look deceptively kind and warming. Someone should look up Palin vs Biden debate photos.

So if the real joe is not around at all, wth is/are the actor(s) doing, exactly? Pretending to have dementia? Pretending to fart and poop his pants? And why is the population not screeching about it? There are people in America who probably thought the SOTU speech was great because their brains have been turned into sloppy joe sandwich filling. The "thing" reading the teleprompter is the worst disgrace standing in for POTUS ever, and there are some who could give him a run for the money.

If we are supposed to think we are just watching a movie, what movie is this: "Clown House of Horrors"?

For goodness' sake, the leader of Ukraine is a professional actor who did pornographic "comedy," Sean Penn went there to make a "documentary," African "Ukranians" were filmed as "fleeing refugees" and professional dancer Maxim Chmerkovskiy from Dancing With The Stars made a series of "harrowing escape" tik toks.

Have they put fluoride in our municipal water for so long and a barrage of toxic vaccines in our bloodstream for so many years that people no longer have the ability to think? God help us, because we cannot help ourselves.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

That about sums it up. Kaminiski just adds more details.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Babylon falls very quickly (in one hour), so a financial implosion makes sense, especially considering the "merchants of the earth" mourn their financial destruction at the fall of Babylon.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think maybe they have been informed they are in "some" danger of potentially losing their money, their power, their freedom and their lives. So they have to show solidarity with Ukraine, back off "some" on pushing the COVID, and kiss Biden's posterior with excessive clapping and fake enthusiasm, along with other shenanigans. The funniest moment of the speech was when Biden said he was going to tax the Corporations and the rich individuals. Those multi-millionaires jumped up and actually applauded this threatened taxation of their ill gotten wealth. Pocahontas' face was especially funny. "He's not REALLY gonna tax me--is he?" McConnell sat there looking dour the whole time. His eyes were all red. I don't know if he always looks that way or if he had been crying. I wish he had been crying over selling out his nation, but more likely he was worried about personal loss.

Biden kept talking about the billions and billions the gov was going to spend "improving" America and how it was going to "reset" everything. I don't know how many Americans understood he was saying all these [useless and expensive] programs were going to be "free," and no one making less than $400,000 a year would pay increased taxes, but that what he REALLY meant was that he is planning to tax the middle class out of existence while pouring the money into the pockets of the uber wealthy. Whelp, methinks a chunk of middle class taxpayers AND their unfortunate children might die in the near future from poison shots, so that would mean the survivors would have to pay even MORE tax. AND guess what? He said the plan is going to be that you can go to your pharmacy, take a "free" COVID test, and if it is positive, you can get Pfizer's new [poisonous] COVID pills directly from the pharmacy also for FREE [because the MSM is saying Americans are backing off some on the booster shots]. Wonder how many tests will be positive? Wonder how many will be stupid enough to take the pills?

Biden was all happy that the so-called "free world" had stood up to Russia, who he indicated is solely to blame for the current situation. Hm-mm, sounds like blaming Germany for everything in WWI and II. And who is actually "free" in this current world? I pray for the soon collapse of the Cabal.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

For his next magic tricks, he will appear to turn vodka into red wine and skip across the Potomac.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ukraine has been very profitable for them. If Russia goes "too far" the DS will lose control of a big chunk of their operations and possibly get outed in front of the world, both of which outcomes are highly desirable.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

A kid with Type I insulin dependent diabetes, which is an auto-immune illness. He was planted there to make Biden look good when he announced he would reduce insulin prices.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought Trump had already reduced the cost of insulin, but then the Biden/Obama administration undid that. So NOW he says he will reduce insulin prices?

GlobalOrcs 6 points ago +6 / -0

No, she congratulated him for a good speech. And most of Congress gave him multiple standing ovations. That was the most embarrassing part.

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