these people have got to be selected and not elected. there is no other way they would be in those seats for decades. are Americans really this stupid to vote this in?
talk about a 2x4 to the face, this is one of them that could use that.
hearing that screeching voice, i'm more on the side of a throat punch.
when i was a kid, our neighbors son got the polio vaccine and ended up with polio. in a wheel chair for life.
but the kick backs come back to the USA Congress and Senate. they gotta protect that flow of Benjamins or they might have to give up the extra house, car, etc.
thank you anon.
Hi J1D! someone already replied he was talking about Laken's killer(s) directly and DS - indirectly. that makes sense.
thank you.
stop all tax payers dollars from going to any and all NGO's, forever, period. full STOP.
yep, and it's complete BS that our government gives our tax dollars to these organizations. if we want to give to them, let us decide who or what we want to give. who in the hell does the government think they are?? i know, rhetorical question.
PP is the biggest one out in front, but most tax payers don't realize they are funding the very thing they are against, abortions. it should also be yelled from the mountain/roof tops that PP is using organs of "botched" abortions of babies as well.
does anyone know who POTUS is talking about?
how about FJB regime killing 100 million chickens over supposedly one case of "bird flu"?
boo freaking hoo. does this thing really think the coal miners had a choice???
it might want to take Spitfire's advice and apply at McDonalds.
i believe you're being facetious, but the fact is those Appalachian people lost everything when the coal mines shut down. a lot of them were/are very under educated to do anything but mine coal. that's why they were mining coal instead of looking for cushy government jobs.
or answering phone calls to any company. press 1 for English and you get some Indian with broken English so bad that you can't understand them. nice work demoncraps.
or decorate cakes?? i heard a very, very WOKE bakery will NOT allow service to any MAGA patriots.
it's really funny that it calls itself "normal".
i was laid off before, damn if i didn't put my shoes to the cement and start looking. guess what, i found a new job without whining like a damn pussy on the internet to the entire world.
yeah, i'm pretty sure i can do without the lamentations of their women. that shit has been going on and i'm sick of it.
yes, these people would have not only welcomed us "anti-vaxxers" into concentration camps but would have led the way to put us there. so NO, no freaking mercy. you reap what you sow, that right there, works for me.
it seems that the majority in government jobs are against MAGA. so f* them.
when Trump opens up the drilling of gas and coal mines, let THEM learn to pump gas or dig for coal. in other words, let them eat cake.
we want to make America great for those that LOVE our country, not for the boot lickers that sabotage our country. so again, f* them.
he's 71, so could be a death sentence if he does the whole 11 years.
he probably deserves more than 11 years. i'm sure he's probably done worse than what he's been charged for, but i'm glad he's been found guilty and will serve jail time. next please.
you mean to tell me that Pocahontas prefers Big Pharma over smoking peace pipe? /s
she needs to publicly apologize to Native Americans AND pay all the $$ back that she got to get her college education. she's a fraud and deserves jail time, and to make amends to which ever tribe she lied about being a part of.
they have, at the very least, one step up from the poor coal miners who no one gave two shits about when they lost their jobs. these government employees didn't have any mercy on them. many government employees actually CHEERED the coal mines being closed down. learn to code m* f*ers.
i give NO shits about you, at all.
don't even think about trying to send them to the USA. we are CLOSED.
this is the BS the DS pulls. start a war and start sending refugee's to other countries.
it seems they became rabid when Killary was losing to Trump. then when Trump won, it really became a problem.
media and politicians pushing the hate at every turn. remember Maxine Waters speech, tell them they are NOT welcomed here any more, grocery stores, gas stations, etc. many angry people pushing hate, telling their followers that it's OK to hate the other side.
ding, ding, ding!! i want to ask the liberal ass hats, where is all the COVID testing with the illegals?? they were plenty pissed that American citizens didn't get the jab, but not even worried about testing any of these illegals?
that's exactly what this sounds like, doesn't it?!
will it ever change?