HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where does the Sky Begin???

Where does the Ground Begin???

Lets shoot for the Stars, it's a much better target....

But I'm still Amazed that in all of the 25 Points in the Video, I never was surprised at any point, it was all yeah, yup, mhmm, right, I know right?, and on all the way through....

I thought I was going to find doething that would make me jump and say ""That's NEW"", but nope, nothing....

Soo disappointed to be soo Right....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure, but was he Really that Openly Gay???

Just askin for a Fren that Nosetices things.....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welp, I don't know about you, but if I could have my 'druthers, Idruther all that Money stay here in the States, and not one Cent go to anyone overseas, not even the Nazis in Israel....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

In short as possible....

Those who CALL themselves Jews, are not, they are ""OTHER""....

Soros = Other....

Soros = Very Bad,= Soros Backed Groups = Also very Bad....

ANTIFA = Very Stupid and does bad things....


ZIONISTS are also Very Bad....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

She really IS that kind of Stupid....

SHE is the one that if you ask her what level of Stupid is the highest, she will tell you, ""Hold My Whine, Watch this....""

HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

I find it Very ODD, that soo many People think the Marines are a Standalone Branch of the U.S. Military....

They are nothing more than the PROUDEST Members of the U.S. Navy, technically they are Sailors that are trained to fight on Land also....

So, any Recruiting problems the Navy is having, be default, so is the Marine Corps....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, of course you won't even attempt to point in any direction where you believe a BUSINESS may or might have something resembling a ""Right"", because there isn't one....

The ONLY part of so called ""law"", where a ""right"" might be found that actually protects a BUSINESS, is under the 14th Amendment, and that is the whole of it, because it was Devised and written by a Lawyer that worked for an Insurance Company, and originally rejected by Congress upon its first presentation....

But back to the Question:: Where, if there IS a point, WHERE in any Constitution, are businesses protected under Law, beyond being Robbed???

The correct answer is nowhere....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, seriously....

Businesses are NOT People....

A Business Hires People, has People Working at a Location, but is NOT a Valid Natural Person....

For purposes of LAW SUITS, a Business is seen as an Artificial Person, but that's pretty much as far as that goes....

So tell me what ""RIGHTS"" do you think a Business has, and under which Constitution....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope, on this, it is already proven, we WAIT until there is NO OTHER OPTION....

Currently we still have Options, and Law Suits are still on the Table....

When we can no longer Apply Law, then it's time for the Final Option, so don't come back at me with something as stupid as assassinating people, that's just stupid and doesn't make any sense just yet....

Freaks, bloody thirsty war mongering freaks....

Probably don't even own any guns....

HOSEQ -1 points ago +1 / -2

The gov't wants to punish you for operating like a business.


Uh.... HELLO MCFLY.....ANYBODY inside that head of yours????

Those things called ""STORES"", well news flash, they ARE BUSINESSES....

The Joggers already stole everything from those BUSINESSES....


And your ideas on this go in the direction of REWARDS for being Criminals, and not Punishments for their Crimes, while throwing ALL the Cost on the BUSINESSES.....

Your way of thinking, well, you might as well be ON the City Council....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have ALL been betrayed, make no doubts about that, the only questions there, are, just how much, by whom, and how badly....

But yes, we have been heavily betrayed....

Of that, you should have no doubts at all....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can Destroy the U.S. Constitution, but then they'll have to Destroy the Articles of Confederation because that's the Default we fall back on....

And then IF they do that, they'll have to destroy the Treaty of 1783 in order to even come close to destroying the 50 NATIONS that make up the United (E)State of America, and each one of those Nations has its own Constitution, bot Pre-Lincolns War, and Post Lincons war....

That's a long row to hoe....

And IF their preset Invasion pops off, well, those people traveled a Very long way just to die Tired, Hungry, and scared....

HOSEQ -1 points ago +1 / -2


That's a waste of a lot of Money....

Pictures of the stolen Items where they once were....

Meme them, ""You already stole it, and we aren't replacing it""

Two People, one Shift, done and done....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup, very ""Fragrant"", it stinks enough that we can smell it on the East Coast....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

You do understand that talking to this Crowd of Blood Thirsty War Mongers, about LAW and the Application thereof, is a bit futile, right???

I'll listen, might even try to pass t along to others, but they won't, they're too stuck on Stupid and Angry....

Soo much so that they openly advocate for Attacking and murdering other Americans, on a public forum, as we can witness here in this entire thread....

Not trying to discourage you, just pointing out that a Full Grown Man that won't FIX his own Ride, and keeps using a Friends car, probably isn't going to DO anything for himself, until he feels the HUNGER PANGS....

And that's how we need to treat Cali, let them isolate themselves and be as stupid as possible until they're hurting enough to rise up and Free Themselves.....

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