Yes...your so correct. Feeling depressed today...and too negative. God is good and I know He's in control. So glad to have this group to commiserate, hope and if need be...die with! Thanks Fren!
Imagine that! And coming from a Dodge RAM owner?! Gotta love a Patriot!
Amen...Jesus please come soon!
Blue State...nuff said!
Jesus is good! Today is the day the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Yes...let's hope so...if the Aussies can regain control of their will certainly cause many other countries citizens to follow in suit...not sure the sheeple here could be counted on as I think most of America is brain damaged to the point of no return I'm afraid. I hope I am wrong on this point...
Appreciate the post friend...thank you for the reminder to all the sheep out there...
For 25 years I have been trying to get people to understand how money is created and the system that was set up to enslave us...but alas...I have come to the conclusion that indeed it's like Klaus Schwabbie alludes to...people will be slaves and they will like their slavery! When I tell people how this system works...without exception, one of three things happens...they tell me I'm a conspiracy theorist, they glaze over and pretend they are listening (it's very difficult for Americans to listen and think) or they will hear nothing of it and walk away. And NO, it doesn't seem to me that people are more awake now than 20 years ago...I get the exact same reaction today as I did then.
Americans have been well conditioned to believe that paying taxes to the private FED is their duty as "Good American Citizens." Their minds react to the information regarding the FED much the same way they react to trying to explain the dangers of the death jab...after they've taken it! They just refuse to even consider that it might not have been a good idea because they are now committed to their decision.
I have always held that if just a small percentage of the population stopped paying their taxes, we could end this fucking charade tomorrow. But almost without exception even suggesting that causes people to react like you've just pushed a rattle snake in their they are afraid even hearing such information will get them in trouble with Uncle "Fuck me up the Ass" Sam!
Just to give you an example of how bad things if most of you all don't know this already! I was in a customers house one afternoon about 10 years ago and as I was doing some work in "his" office, I noticed on the wall of said office that he had a framed certificate of graduation with a Masters in Economics from Harvard. I was curious if he knew about the FED and so I started talking about his degree (you know telling him how great it was, etc.). I finally worked the conversation around to talking about the economy and I mention that I believed how it was suffering primarily because of the FED. He literally laughed at me in the condescending only a Harvard grad could and said that if I understood the FED, I wouldn't make such a ridiculous statement! I asked him what the purpose of the FED was? He tells me basically what they taught him in Harvard...that it was put in place to set monetary policies and stabilize our dollar so as to avoid another crash like the one that led to the Great Depression. To this I responded, " you know when the FED was created?" He said, "Yes, in 1913..." I then asked him when the Great Depression happened? He said, "1929." I said..."Oh!" and I walked away...totally disgusted! That's the economic understanding a Masters Degree in economics from Harvard will get you!
Reminds me of Q stating how stupid these people were...the lefties just cannot help themselves with their politically correct bullshit...African American! LOL! This term wasn't even a thought until the mid 80's! I remember because at the time I was trying to get on as a pilot with United Airlines and all of them were basically only hiring from 3 categories of people...Military, anyone other than white male, and female! The joke in my circles as a struggling, civilian flight instructor was the only way to get hired on as a pilot with a major airline was to be a black female with a Mexican surname! It was at that time that this hyphenated American bullshit started showing up on the applications!
They had a name for hiring so many females and so many minorities...can't remember the fucking phrase they used. It was all bullshit...but I was constantly being passed over for hire even though I had more experience than any of the blacks or females I was being interviewed with? Don't remember any Mexicans or Asians being hired, but that was because all the Asians would be trained by guys like me and then go back to Japan or China and I guess Mexican didn't like to fly airplanes? But then again...there wasn't the fraction of Mexicans in the U.S. as there is now...
The fact that no one has dealt with the POS Lon Horiuchi is testimony to the fact that law enforcement agencies in this country will protect their own no matter what they do. Kill children, murder wives, steal, matter...we are behind you all the way. Law enforcement absolutely disgusts me. I say we arm the populace and disarm law enforcement agencies!
I'm not a fan of FOX since election night crap that FOX participated in. But to see Chris go is epic...I just could never stomach this weasel from hell! Add to this the fact that that other sodomite (Juan Williams) is gone makes me almost want to start watching again...almost, but not quite. First they must get rid of Hannity and Laura and replace them with Bongino and Owens!
This Covid bullshit has been so open and in our face that for people (anyone) to not see through the crap is astounding as to the level of complete and utter stupidity of most people in our country! Patriots and Commies alike have pretty much bought into the propaganda in some fashion. The fact that anyone with any gray matter at all took the death jab is beyond me! Everyone has known it was experimental, everyone has known that it was gene therapy and not a real vaxx. Why would anyone subject their one and only body to this shit? Anyone who has taken the death jab (except the children) get absolutely no sympathy from me. I do hope they live (the ones that have not been killed), but in life, I hope they don't live their future life in the same utter ignorance as they lived their life prior to taking the death jab! But alas...I know this is asking too much of the American populace!
Should have said..."I cannot wait to make Jessie my bitch!" Jessie is a Sodomite pervert and would love to have a male bubba "girlfriend!"
More of the same...the title of this tweet and subsequent POST are the distraction! This information didn't come out as a result of the trial...again...just more of the same bullshit! So far that I can see...the Maxwell Trial is a big nothing burger! Has Hillary, Huma, Podesta (John or his fat fuck brother), Billy, Peaty, Butter and Bob been arrested? NO!
Thanks for using the KJV...instead of one of the litany of NWO corrupt bibles!
In my not so humble opinion, they ate that poor baby...these people are sick as hell!
Proof positive...indeed Liberalism is a severe mental disorder and the only cure will be deportation or incarceration!
Praying as I read and digest very sorry for your loss. Not sure what else to say...truth is that your precious son in at home with God now and in perfect comfort and peace. We are here for you...
Imagine not hunting these fucking elites down like rats after they kill someone you love!
After reading this, I just threw down $200 on ivermectin paste from Amazon. I hate Amazon, but there you go! Thanks for the infor...I will report back for sure. Your and my lifestyles are almost identical it seems. Same cravings, same workout experience...except I just came through Hodgkin's Lymphoma and a nasty bought with Covid...week in the hospital and a full month to recover!
I feel so sorry for those children. Liberals just shouldn't have children...for so many reasons...namely so they don't raise more Liberals!
This is a great MEME friend! Thanks for the laugh and the truth! Feel this every friggen day of my life!
Expect about a week after you get home for your hair to start falling out...everyone in my sphere whose had it (including me) has said their hair started falling out. It will stop after about 2-3 weeks. My hair is still thin, but I think its coming back?
You make a broad statement like that about my knowledge and integrity is quite ridiculous considering the fact that it's obvious you have no knowledge or understand of masonry. I've studied it for many years...please tell me how I am wrong...
Brilliant is true. You're correct! I stopped paying for 10 years. Had my own business, but it caught up with me. Hired an attorney and just now (this year) clear of that debt...I hope! Unless people get so FED up...pun intended...that a major swath of people do it all at the same time...overwhelm the's a useless action. I often wondered what would happen if I told my employer to stop deducting...or have them deduct like only $1 per pay period? I'm sure they would eventually come after the employer and the end result would be worse for him than me.
Regarding amazes me how people don't even believe it's a form of slavery! In fact most feel it's their duty! Neigh impossible to educate stupid and/or mentally incapacitated! But...truth be told, we still have the most effective device at our disposal in this fight against the evil of the day...Prayer, Prayer, Prayer! I'm saying this to myself as much as to anyone else...sad I usually go to this solution last...when it should be the first!