Skinheads groups lol
Fucking lol at how dumb David Hogg is
Cruz is a coward traitor shitcunt
Looks like she needs a good wash
Fuck traitor McCarthy and what’s the point of voting in midterms if it’s rigged? Lame
Yeah, Q groups can be brutal, just lurk around a bit
The Donald, Neons Q group, meme groups, guns of gab, homesteading off grid etc. etc.
Been there 2 years, free speech and the groups are excellent. Check it out
Dong gobbling fag
Footing for a wall
Does anyone know who the former President is that used the military to save the republic? And what occurred exactly? I don’t remember much discussion about that.
Real bible, deluxe zipper model
Looks like that “purse” Kamel put her hand on was a bible, it had “holy bible” written on it but also looked like it had a zipper. Why can’t I post a pic in my comment?
Wictor sucks his own dick and tells himself how great he is
Not on yet
Wictor has a cunt of an attitude, absolutely loves himself
Gargle my balls
Wictor is an absolute cockhead, hasn’t read any Q drops, doesn’t have a clue, is probably a fucking traitor
How about today? What’s wrong with today?
Not Clapper