HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing that makes it different than what you or I could do... is the pre burned body.

I can roll my Tesla up to a door using ASS. I could be on the roof, in a front facing room, around the corner.

He even had access to civ IED gear. Where is the C4?!?!? Just another light in the sky.

HenryTheRed 8 points ago +9 / -1

DEI was used to promote H1B. It wasn't about just blacks it was always about cheap labor. H1B is just anti-white.

Why is it anti-white? Because we are being called racist again by another democrat. We can HATE anyone as long as they are white. This has been the message since 2015 at least.

Elon is more of the same establishment that got us into this mess. He is part of the chain gang like in foot ball. You need to move the first yard line up the field. The chain is 10 yards long. Elon is the back stop for the new 'Overton window' of the main stream. They think Elon is the back stop to what we will accept.

They are using the exact same tactics, attacks, and language as the left. They want us to accept where we were in at least 2020 as the back stop, not 2004 or earlier.

HenryTheRed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pre burned body. Changed his signal number after he ‘shot himself’.

Diversion, distraction, disinformation?

HenryTheRed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Elon's persona is half between Tesla (200 patents+) or Edison.

The narrative is that he basically has a flow of ideas coming in all the time... since he was little. He had to hide his savant nature.

He has no normal boundaries with women. Thinks of humans as economic units... and is looking to replace us all with AI and Robots. Seems normal for a Bill Gates sort of personality.

Story of elites knowing a dude name Elon would help NASA is rumored from the 50's or 60's. Maybe that rumor was a 'operation mince meat man'?

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have had interviews where there he held a hand over his face and someone else was doing the interview.

We would conduct 100+ interviews to find no one that could FizzBuzz.

But since we already had a contract with that company. They would hire people at really low wages or maybe not all? They would then spend months training those guys up ... to pass an interview barely... then get on the job experience.

Americans are not being called in for job interview... it is a replacement not a back fill. Like abortion something like 'rare and infrequent and only for the first few weeks'. Now the doctors can set the baby in another room so it can be comparable while it dies.

You should also read up ... reach out to some tech workers... go to reddit and look up some stories.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ass out of seat car goes into park... have not tried that while driving or self driving.

Self driving looks for activity. Try to change to a new playlist you must come out of autopilot or you get massive warnings and possible shutdown of self driving until you park and get out of the car.

Telsa also has a feature for self driving. If you are about to crash self driving can detect it, but if it can't avoid it... it just beeps and turns off. So, the log will say you were driving not Tesla.

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Without weight in the drivers seat the car will go into park. If you are in hold mode and lift your ass out of the seat you are in park mode before you sit your tired ass back down.

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

For self driving the inside camera is active. There is no privacy in a Tesla. It has been reported before... it will happen again. Same as any platform ""Privacy"".

Tesla employees trade photos of people having sex their cars.

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, but Elon should have reported that by now. He got thanked by the police for his help already.

So did they override Tesla's system? If so that is kind of sophisticated.

HenryTheRed 10 points ago +11 / -1

It was a 2 step big shift. A couple years back Biden changed the rules for taxation. US Companies could write off 100% of developer work against new products. They changed that to 20% over 5 years.

And then this also hit...


HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sea levels don't rise. The land melts from underneath and shifts around. Water is heavy and thing in the crust can drip.

Richat Structure and a few other are basically the back side of a drip and wave forming.

The real fun happens when the poles shift. The Why files has that one covered.

HenryTheRed 4 points ago +8 / -4

Ask Hillary how well she did after calling us deplorable. That was the entire bases of Trumps 2016 run and win.

Elon, Vivek both made nasty H1B comments. Trump supports them on H1B. So by proxy he is calling us 'retards' also.

Maybe the plan is to piss us off so that or voices will be heard is the only explanation that makes sense.

If these statements had been made prior to Election Day, Trump would not have won 2024.

HenryTheRed -1 points ago +2 / -3

If it is a message I approve! LOL

Now think of tunnels (Boring company) with no exit and no air vents.

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

There has to be a better picture that we will find soon. Fingers crossed

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