HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Inside job. Trump WAS in danger.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

You could actually watch the video a few dozen times and hear it each time.

Watch for the Asst. FBI Director in a black hat white top film it.

Watch the MIL guy aim his rifle AT TRUMP while they are getting him into the limo.

It was a set up. Just the FBI working to help assassinate yet another president.

HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are forgetting while Trump was on the ground the CS team came up. Before Trump got up CS team stated that the sniper was down. Trump did not think there was still a sniper.

HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

The stage would not support it. They didn't have a proper rider for the event. But you can bet they had some fucking brown M&M's.

'Riders' on the storm here:

David Lee Roth tells the story behind the "no brown M&Ms" legend


HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is their ONLY chance at raising ANY money. Once it speaks the donations will dry up faster than Biden's memory of that Ice Cream Cone that is still in his hand.

HenryTheRed 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is the Asst Director of the FBI. It was on the board Sun/Mon just after.



https://x.com/TheMilkBarTV/status/1812731727053488418 Look at 2:40 mark. She is squatting down. White or light colored phone, black hat, white top.

HenryTheRed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Her personal income stream is down because no one is buying test kits that she gets royalties for. So, send the same pre-fucked test out for cows to sell a butt load. Fake a YUGE number of false positives.

Then sell MORE kits to stupid humans.

She makes bank and buys another home.

by b472113
HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

His temper, her vanity, Hunter with his childhood abuse issues from those 2 raging on at night. They will start a war to look tough.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

The selfies are a good excuse to look like a normie. To have your phone in your hand... I just happened to be there sort of vibe.

The more normal you look the less you stand out.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0


Look at 2:40 mark. She is squatting down. White or light colored phone, black hat, white top.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

She was taking selfies. White shirt black hat. White or light color type of phone.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lapel pin should be on the left.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fork lift is what was hit. Not the John Deer Tractor.

This animation shows all shots from one location.


HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. He should have the best reporting of all. TheQuartering is doing better reporting. Hmm....

HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bongio is weird right now. I think he has his head up his ass and is not REALLY looking this. "I was an INVESTIGATOR" he claims. Timmy From South Park style. FULL RETARD MODE.

Redacted news is way better right now. They are asking questions. Bongino "I ONLY REPORT FACTS". Where are your facts coming from? SS agents and official news?

Why not eye witness accounts? Doesn't an instigator look at those?

Why not all angles of a video feed? Not the job of an INVESTIGATOR!

Bongio is giving us warmed over regurgitated BS ONLY from Official sources and compromised agents. He is simply not looking at the whole scene. It should be his wheel house moment but even Tim Cast is asking better questions.

LOL... I just needed a rant.

HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Redacted also talks about the ladder

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