sigh...heavily, heavily biased article against Pres Trump. Still trumpeting the whine about "he was mean and didn't invite us to lunch" and he tried to subvert the 2020 election...etc etc so much for fair and balanced, Fox.
the ridiculous stereotypes these democrats hold to.....I don't know of any conservative hubby who would even think to ask their wife "did you make the right choice?". Seriously. I'm surprised they didn't portray the lying wife as barefoot and Prego. OMG. If anything, the hubby might ask who the wife voted for, but never couch it in the terms of "did you make the right choice?" geeeeezzz sounds more like what a liberal wife would say to her whipped hubby.
It doesn't start there, either. In the beginning of the clip, we have the child holding on to his dad's leg, as far from Joe as you can get. Then his mother is seen shoving him toward Joe. She does this several times. Then Joe pulls the kid in for a hug, and the kid unenthusiastically wraps his arms around grandpas legs and releases them....but Joe continues to hold on. Playing with the hair follows that, and I have to doesn't exactly look like a caress. It's more of a forcing the kids head to stay where it was. And finally, the forcing of the kid's head up and holding it there for the lip to lip kiss. You can then see the kid turn around, and walk with his head down, to follow his parents. This is not normal behavior for a child around a beloved grandparent. No excited hugs hello, no looking in the eye (unless forced) and no smiling and waving good by. What's up with the creepy mom to not only allow this but continuously shove the kid forward????
A couple of things I noticed...the one on the left doesn't seem to have the deep set eyes of the one on the right. it could just be the glasses, and an eye brow shave, but they just don't look the same. The other thing I noticed is that the width of his top lip under his nose...which seems kind of narrow on the right...but then check out the mustache on the left. That thing is much, much wider from nose to lip than the available room appears on the right. Then there are the ears....that's obvious and finally, in the picture on the right, if you follow the middle "v" crease in his forehead, it leads to a ridge on top of his head. Although you can sorta see the middle "v" crease in the picture on the left, it does not lead to a ridge on his head. I'm not sure how you could get rid of a bone ridge..
LOL I just replied as a Missouri synod Lutheran! I'm living among the Amish and Mennonite populations now, but even the Mennonites are fleeing from their national committee...because the national committee voted to allow same sex marriage (yes-mennonites!) and to be exclusively pacifists meaning our great service members (active, retired, reservists or "regular vets) were frowned upon and discouraged from attending...because they are "murderers". So sad....
oh my goodness. who, exactly is sitting in this congregation? I grew up as a Lutheran, Missouri synod (a conservative synod, slow to change thank goodness) but I never considered the differences between the different Lutheran churches and synods to mean much. But this is out and out blatant blasphemy. Frankly I wouldn't even consider it a Christian church at all, let alone a Lutheran one.
I know this is rather trivial...but honestly...even with it being an old picture, when Biden was just the VP-doesn't it strike anyone as odd that you'd find the VP and a top official from security and counterterrorism are sitting on the steps outside? Like, didn't they have a security detail or an aide that could have provided chairs? Or couldn't they have used the lovely bench just in front of them? It just seems really weird.
totally agree! To top it all off, I matured early (had my first period at 9, then skipped a year and started in earnest at 11) and hated to have to wear those uncomfortable "belts" and try to keep them centered while wearing them! I also developed breasts around age 9 and was extremely embarrassed by them. Absolutely none of my friends had them (or periods) and I was horrified by my own body...:-) Most of my friends in HS were boys and I was never very "girly". BUT the thought never crossed my mind that maybe I was a boy in disguise. Now that we've given those girls the option of being a boy instead... But what if, as trans men later on, they aren't attracted to women like a man would be, so they have to become gay men instead? It's so confusing-moreso than getting thru adolescence as a tom boy!
Thank you for dialing the temp of the conversation down. This post sounds more like a "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy" kind of post though...not sure if you meant it in a Klaus Schwab sort of way. Agreed Jimmy's friend will never be free of the consequences of his actions...but that's part of the sadness of it all that I've been trying to make here. If you listen to the de-transitioners...this guy has a lifetime of hell facing him...even if he does try to turn back to his biological sex at some point. Those hormones and the damage they do are forever. My hope would be that if a friend of yours was so mentally unstable/demonized or whatever you want to call it that they are dooming themselves to a life of hell chemically you would not throw them to the curb and not look back or think twice about them. Do you know Jimmy hasn't had discussions with his friend? Do you know for a fact that he supports his friend's decision because he's totally fine with transgenderism? Or has he tried to talk his friend out of it and failed? It's not like Jimmy auditioned people for his videos and chose the friend so the show could be seen as "woke". No.......this guy had been on Jimmy's team for years and was a childhood friend...and started to transition after being on the team for years. Would it look better for Jimmy's "brand" if he publicly humiliated his friend, turned his back on him, and showed hatred toward him? Just how would that look for a Christian conservative white male's brand? For many, it would be un-Christlike. Jesus dined with sinners and sought them out-not to condone the sin, but to soften their hearts and open their eyes with compassion, not condemnation. It's kindness that leads us to repentance. I'm sorry you feel like you're a slave. The truth sets us free, and we are to no longer be slaves to sin, fear, our jobs or anything else except the Lord. I totally agree with your last statement...thanks for posting such a powerful set of words!
So you're saying that Jimmy had control over his friend transitioning to a woman? That working with Jimmy somehow could have prevented this friend from doing dumb stuff? Parents don't even have "control" over their adult kids...yet you think Jimmy could somehow have control over a friend? You say that you don't rely on many people to affirm your decisions or your beliefs, but you think somehow Jimmy has super powers over his friend? Nope. Not buying that one at all. apparently you also style yourself after "the preacher" who wrote Ecclesiastes. Or is it Eeyore of Winnie the Pooh fame? It seems like you call yourself a Christian...but somehow you're forgetting the Scriptures that tell us to rejoice without ceasing...the joy of the Lord is our strength...this woe is me, it's hopeless, everything is doomed, there is no one righteous, let's just all eat worms and die is not how we are to be living our lives here on earth. God has a remnant. Always has, always will.
I agree the trans agenda is poison. However....I hardly call having a childhood friend (and defending them against attackers) is promoting the trans agenda. Do you have complete control over all your friends? Obviously, your loyalty to a long time friend only goes so far as agreeing 100% with your ideology. Do all your friends agree with your doom and gloom promotion? Does your loyalty extend to those who don't...or do you kick them to the curb?
As a pro-life person, can I have friends who mean the world to me but are pro choice?
Do I have to shun anyone in my family who are pro-vaxx and have been jabbed?
Is everything I write, do, work at, including my faith poisoned because I have friends in the lg (not b or t) lifestyle?
Your dooming is against Christianity-a religion of hope and salvation,
How sad to live such a pessimistic lifestyle.
Oh dear. Try to have a little more comprehension in your reading. I explicitly said that I "grew up" as an Army BRAT. (a child, in case you aren't familiar with the terms of military families) I am not the vet. My uncle was a VN vet. My dad was a wounded Korean vet, but when I was a child, living on foreign soil, he was not active duty. He worked for the DoD.
Therefore, the answer to all your odd questions is no. I did not listen to the Doors (whoever they were). I only know about Jim Morrison from histories I've read about I have no idea who his father was and neither father nor son played a significant role. Another thing you obviously don't understand, is that as a child living on a military base in another country during the Viet Nam war, you lived in a cocoon. We had no English speaking TV channels. We had the newspaper and the Armed Forces radio. The newspapers were predominantly about the happenings on the bases. The radio played the songs from my parents' know...Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Jeannie C Riley. For entertainment, they played the old radio shows like "The honeymooners" or "Only the shadow knows". And while I would presume that there was beer and "reefer" in the barracks (these men were on their way in or out of the theater in Viet Nam, after all) children were very protected and shielded and not privvy to those sorts of things.
When my family eventually returned to the US, my older brother and I suffered for some time over culture shock. We had no idea what had happened here in the country while we were gone.
I know what this board is...but I don't agree with your version of The Great Awakening. I don't think this board is about destroying people's hope. And I think it is absolutely about changing people pills and truth memes meant to shine light on the corruption and the truth.
Furthermore, if it wasn't about changing people....why are you trying to change people's minds about a single, conservative, Christian while male philanthropist because of his friend's decision? That's what your whole schtick was about. Ruin Mr Beast. That's your attempt to change people.
Oh really? Google and YouTube are the ones who pushed him in front of everyone and made him a multimillionaire? Me thinks that you are terribly misinformed.
Why oh why would Google and YouTube take a white, conservative Christian and make him a multimillionaire?
Why didn't they make Diamond and Silk multimillionaires? After all, they are/were black women. Isn't that a better choice than a white, conservative Christian male?Mr Beast works with many Christian organizations...why would Google and YouTube favor him?
The money comes from video views, which generates premium revenue for corporations being featured on his videos and from subscription fees. "Normal" people subscribe to all sorts of channels...just because you don't enjoy Mr Beast's content, doesn't mean there aren't at least a million more people out there who do.
The world doesn't revolve around you. There are people out there who enjoy the videos and challenges he puts out in content. He doesn't really miss you not subscribing, honey.
You know absolutely nothing about the content, the challenges, or the philanthropic activities of this young man and his team, and how they raise or earn the millions he gives away every year.
How pathetic for someone who knows nothing about the person/organization they are demonizing to be posting their ignorance on line.
so who are the people that will benefit from all of this "burning down" and "new growth"? If it's not the J6 prisoners, then I'm not going to go along with your NWO. Being unable to learn from other people makes you unable to teach. Teaching that there is no hope for anyone and we're all going to burn and/or be screwed is part of the NWO mindset. Take away hope from people so they'll be so downtrodden they won't resist any longer. You've been teaching this doom and gloom NWO for 20 years? Bet you're happy that you finally have a platform, huh? BTW...I'll take your 20 and raise you my own 12. Before that, I was a proud Army brat during the Viet Nam war...growing up in a foreign country where the hospital treated my friends' Dads who were wounded by real bullets. I get offended by people gleefully teaching the destruction of the things those guys stood for.
sorry dear....I've been here for years...and before that on the boards where Q started. So don't assume I'm a noob. I'm not. And it isn't damage control to defend anyone from stupid and uninformed media blabber.
Just because I don't post and engage in condescending back and forth with y'all who are just too big for your britches doesn't mean you've got me "pegged".
Stop assuming,
For your information, YES. I do believe most people on this board want to see justice for the J6 prisoners.
YES, I do believe we can and should impact the cancel culture wars.
The silent majority needs to speak up. The church needs to wake up.
It's not impossible.
And thank you for showing your own colors in this post. Why are you here on this board if you don't think justice can be once again blind and the guilty punished?
Why do you have a Pepe by your name, if you don't believe in the cause Pepe represents?
At least now I know now that it's pointless to discuss anything with you're not here to gain knowledge and be informed. You're just here to "watch it crash and burn"....and rub your hands together gleefully with each step in that direction. What do you do when the Patriots win? Cry into your popcorn?
Oh wait...because shills can't ingratiate themselves into the community? I looked up your post history, and I saw that you do post memes that I can totally agree with. However...if I've learned anything by belonging to boards like this and those that came's that merely wearing a MAGA hat and learning the lingo doesn't make me want to trust you. (and I mean that figuratively...I know I haven't seen a meme with you in a MAGA hat) You can go along, playing the game, and all's well. But when you suddenly join with the msm and their attempts to bring down a successful, philanthropic, conservative, Christian white male whose good works are international...I draw the line with the pretense of previous posts. Joining the cancel culture and going after those whose friends suddenly take a wrong turn in their lives is wrong. And no different than what the msm is doing to anyone associated with Pres Trump, or anywhere near the capitol on J6. So nice try right back at you, "fren".
Wait. this tweet isn't from Mr Beast at all. Have we come to the point where we are responsible and cancelable because of our friends' and/or acquaintances' choices? I guess I better run from this board, then...I have friends who are lesbians and gay. I have friends who are liberal in the traditional sense (not the evil ones). I have family members who were jabbed, and we still love each other. Mr Beast also has friends and employees who are wonderful and conservative leaning human beings. What about them? Why can't their reputations count towards who he is and the good he has done?
that's as stupid a thought as the feds tracking every woman's menstrual cycles to make sure they don't get an abortion. OMG. how stupid can they be????