Parlay is being shutdown so no point.
How much do they pay you pence shills? We all watched him commit treason. End of.
Haha they are so dumb. They think they are so clever and superior and we are so dumb. Can see their lies from outer space.
Guys, we are a danger to them. They are meaning to destroy us and tdw. We are a threat to their survival and they know there isn't much time left. Stay cool, stay united, they can't break our faith and our truth.
Fox News sellout. Next!
You fascists have proven there is no law and no justice in court. You are just trying to destroy our last trusted sources of Comms. Go away you are so obvious.
Shills are hysterical right now at tdw. PEdo shills doing the work of their evil masters. Good will prevail.
Fuckin A Aussie pede! Thanks for posting.
He hasn't made a single comment on the mass censorship and harassment of patriots. I would say it's painfully obvious and not requiring questioning at this point. Do you work for pence lol?
Thanks pede, eye opening stuff.
Totally agree.
Why would you do that? It's not true. Tdw loves our q brothers and sisters. You are either a plant or not too bright
Exactly! That's who is behind it! Lin wood triggers them so badly.
I too take refuge here when I am tired of deporting shills and agree. I love this place. These guys are the brain and the tdw the brawn. A perfect team united. I would like to think we can all spot the shills by now and we pay ne heed. In fact there is enjoyment to be had in knowing we have won and trolling them.
I have read Alex jones is controlled opposition.
I love this man so much. Thank you Lin.
The shills have been working at destroying TD since the election and have moved here now since you guys are a danger. They gaslight over and over. They attacked Lin wood relentlessly. More than trump even. I think they are connected to the Washington pedos. And there are 3 letter agency workers looking to provoke and detail. But I believe it's the Lin wood shills most dangerous and working the hardest.
Sorry I am new here and have taken respite from the warfare at TD. I am not knowledgable on Q but I really appreciate your community and thought this might be Q related? Apologies if I am way off mark.
This is truly hilarious thank you!
Guys you only need to click the boats on the first page. Skip the second pag
It's been clear judges are compromised. Dominion thinking it's safe now to go in for the kill. Good shall prevail!
The enemy intends to take us all down. Starting with TD. You guys were always next. You have provided a much needed wisdom and calm for us getting overwhelmed over there. We love all patriots. We stand with all patriots. Don't believe the shills here. DEPORT
Yes they work in unison. Scumbags.