HotSnakes -3 points ago +1 / -4

I guess we live on God's favorite planet, in God's favorite solar system, in God's favorite galaxy. How lucky are we?

HotSnakes -2 points ago +1 / -3

You are ignorant...and arrogant. A know-it-all-know-nothing...the worst kind of human. Ugh, the worst!

HotSnakes -1 points ago +1 / -2

You win the argument because he insulted you? You are offensively ignorant and arrogant. Two miserable traits

HotSnakes -3 points ago +1 / -4

I love the smug know-it -all attitude. Dude, sit on it. You don’t know Jack. Maybe do a dive on the subject then type your gay wisdom. Unlearn the relearn.

HotSnakes -2 points ago +1 / -3

They are hiding God and His perfect creation. Because they are demonic.

HotSnakes -2 points ago +1 / -3

I would love to debate you again but last time I did I was banned. Very pre-Musk Twitter

HotSnakes 1 point ago +4 / -3

PepeSee knows. He's the biggest globalist out there.

Zero research

5X the know-it-allism disease!

PepeSee is a LIP. Low Info Player.

HotSnakes 0 points ago +2 / -2

You my fren are proving that you have done zero research. There are lots of the things out there that you demand to see. You need to look for yourself, man. Until you do, you won't know. Right now, you don't know. Try and "understand" both views. Are you afraid to find out?

HotSnakes 0 points ago +1 / -1

They say, anyone who actually researches the topic with an open mind never goes back to their old perceptions. It's a subject that deserves open discussion, for sure. Quit acting like you all know the real truth. You don't. They lie. They lied about truths. People now are waking up to truths that seem so ridiculous to most because we all have been lied to for so long. So we are all "Great Awakening" differently and on different levels. This is more in the conspiracy.win world topic so this forum isn't ready for it yet. Must respect that. But these so called "Dummies" that believe in this "fantasy world"...Why do they believe it so strongly? Did they dive deeper than anyone else is willing to go and saw...something else. A secret perhaps? To hide the true beauty and creation.

This topic is a tricky one one here so I won't go any further to upset the mods.

For the record...I'm talking about unicorns...

...on our glorious spinning ball which travels at Mach 88 through space. It's amazingly unbelievable! The moon also reflects the sun, which is 400 times bigger and 400 times further away making them seem the same size. Our earth is tilted at 23.4 degrees, not 66.6 degrees! Polaris has shifted slightly in the last 60 million years idiots. And yes, my eyes can see 100 light years into the sky, straight up. My vision isn't 20/20...it's light years better than that. God practiced with Dinos first, then man.

Wakey wakey...

HotSnakes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had a dream once too. It was soooooo real. I was at a party. I danced. Mick Jagger was there. True story.

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