To be fair, the squirrel never robbed pregnant women at gunpoint and wasn’t used as an excuse to burn down 200+ American cities
The more you notice…the more you can’t unsee.
Here’s another graphic for clarity
This is a disturbing thread
Maybe the true mass awakening is post election when the DS goes absolutely batshit to stop the president elect Trump from taking office.
This post has a community note that the video is AI.
Has anyone heard of this? The community note was deleted later.
Here’s a link to help out
Seems like I remember that as well.
Wow. It’s just like Comey and Corney to scam FOIA requests.
Autocorrect killed your point
Somebody on the WH team has a real sense of humor if Trump wins at 69% of the vote
Hey sorry about that. I was in a hurry. I’m usually better at math in my head
Very interesting post.
“Is there a doctor in the house? We’re just pretending for political optics”
The original X post has a community note on it now.
Joe Rogan made a statement. He unlisted the Trump interview on YT temporarily because he they had technical issues uploading the episode to Spotify. YT did not sensor the episode.
Basically any celebrities, media personalities or politicians pushing hard for Kamala did something real bad. The ones softly pushing are most likely just paid.
That would make for a helluva interesting conversation
Rohan’s fans are across the board. He has a lot of centrists and people new to politics. The very far Left despises him. Joe himself is fairly liberal. But he lets people speak who don’t lock step the message so the drones think he’s Satan.
It’s so insane to know that our tax money is going to traffic people and also being laundered to bribe our own Congress to keep trafficking even more…
Sheriff Arpaio. I remember the press event but I didn’t realize it was this easy to figure out and so blatant.
This is why they’re doing it…
They’re planning on doing something so messed up, they’re getting ready for actual mobs to storm the capitol building.
The MSM needs to be completely discredited and shown to be collaborators with the treason, in protecting criminals, and covering up crimes against humanity. Polls are fake and have been for a long time. Look at one of the most famous pollsters for the last 20 years, Frank Luntz…he’s a shell of a man now. People need to be able to see through this very thick and well orchestrated desception.