HuntersPassword 11 points ago +11 / -0

Is it just me or is it funny how Republicans swept the state except for the governor? I call BS

HuntersPassword 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes! Did you ever imagine a world where half the people get so angry they can't kill babies or molest/abuse children??

HuntersPassword 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mine turns 17 tomorrow. Cherish every moment because you'll wake up in about two weeks and wonder where the last 17 years went!

HuntersPassword 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, don't forget to cancel any orders you don't actually place. If not, they will pester the crap out of you and some places may try to charge you for lost sales.

HuntersPassword 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found a US based bullion supplier that doesn't charge me tax or shipping on my purchases. I buy online, wait a few days for the order to process and it's at my door via UPS a few days later.

Do a google search to determine if a seller is legit. People have no problem speaking up when they've been ripped off. To determine their fees, add some silver to your cart and go to checkout. This is where you'll see tax, shipping, etc.. Do this at 3 or 4 online sellers and compare prices between them. When you find one you like, place a smallish test order to make sure the process works for you. My first order was like $160 worth of silver rounds.

HuntersPassword 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting idea with the postal money orders. My question tho, what are the advantages, if any, over keeping cash?
Also, don't forget salt! You can cure meat for long term storage without refrigeration with only salt

HuntersPassword 1 point ago +1 / -0

My 401k took quite a hit like most folks did. At that point I starting watching and waiting for the right time when the market had rebounded a little. That time was only a few weeks ago but I moved EVERYTHING to stable value within my 401k and it saved me from the hit last week. Not sure if it'll last but it feels better for now.

HuntersPassword 1 point ago +1 / -0

As a young man before the y2k scare I had enough money to fill my gas tank and an extra gas can. I'm in the upper south so weather is mostly tolerable year round but my plan was to drive south as far as my gas would take me since it was January and cold. That was the extent of my prepping! Haha I'm much better prepped now and am confident most people around me are not very well prepped at all.

HuntersPassword 1 point ago +1 / -0

A one oz silver round is only worth $20- $25. Not at all too valuable for everyday use. They can be cut in half or quarters if needed as well. 1/2 oz rounds are readily available too. Gold is another story, and is the exact reason I'm mostly silver.

HuntersPassword 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is if we still have the right and ability to question it.

HuntersPassword 2 points ago +2 / -0

Election integrity should be a top priority or we'll be here in 2 years crying about the latest election fraud.

HuntersPassword 13 points ago +13 / -0

Desert storm started and I had to be part of it. Enlisted late 90, mid 91 Basic and AIT was no prob. Soon after arriving at company I realized just how much I had been lied to (recruiter) and my CO was a fuckin incompetent pussy hat I could not stand. He had a hard-on for me too. My 18 yo self learned quickly to despise him and the Army in general, which really went against everything I grew up believing. Most of my family had been military in some capacity. It wasn't until years later when I finally woke up to what's really happening.. But I already distrusted the gov and military so it was an easy pill to swallow. Now I have health probs likely from being stationed at Ft McClellan that they won't even recognize. (Monsanto, another subject for another day) There are thousands of us being denied. They're waiting for us to die off so we quit complaining. So fuck them, I won't even go to the VA now. I'd rather die broke.

HuntersPassword 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't it winter in Oh?

HuntersPassword 3 points ago +3 / -0

During covid, the illegally elected governor Andolf Beshear gave daily radio updates where he'd read off the names and ages of covid deaths. This ended once people figured out they couldn't match the names with local obituaries across the state. He was making it up.

HuntersPassword 1 point ago +1 / -0

Andolf Beshear needed to get his jab numbers up.

HuntersPassword 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also blame the illegally elected democrat governor Andolf Beshear.