INK10 6 points ago +6 / -0

It apparently has to be something so vile, evil, and shocking that they can't ignore it. Time to toughen up the complacent masses.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

Especially for very physically fit, young women. Ban tutus.

INK10 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow! Could they make it anymore obvious? My advice to anyone, especially those in their target range, is this; stock up on ivermectin and as many vitamins and supplements you can find. You kind of have to do your own research to find the right combinations, but you can save your own life and health. Also, stay far away from the medical professionals.

INK10 4 points ago +4 / -0

She would never have chosen Harry. He's an idiot and she knew it.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dunno, but too bad he didn't take Ivermectin. Pretty sure it would have been readily available to him.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

I only look at ears, they are as unique as fingerprints. Number one and number five have the same ears. No idea what's going on with the rest of them though. And same ears don't even prove it's the original Fettermen.

INK10 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had to quit my Practioner because every time I went (a few times/year) they kept trying to push various vaxes on me. Pneumonia, Flu, Covid, Pertussis. The Pertussis (whooping cough), was the most ridiculous as I'm over sixty. They said it would protect my grandchildren from me. That was it, I was outta there never to return. I had asked them to put "No to vax" on my chart, but that seemed like it made them more eager.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

It really isn't the same though. The population increases from about seven thousand residents to one or two hundred thousand during summer. That's a huge burden on public works for one, as well on the added burden on police, firefighters and EMT services. Beach fees help to offset those costs.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

As someone who lives in a beach town I totally see the necessity to pay to use the beaches. If there were no fees the cost of the lifeguards, maintenance etc., would have to be paid by people who live there. I don't even use the beach and don't see why I should be responsible to pay for it.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

You really don't even have to wear it. Just keep it with your stuff so it can be shown. No one has to punch holes in their wetsuits.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've actually had just the opposite experience. Couldn't find any pine at HD that wasn't warped or splintered. Went to Lowes and got perfect pieces without having to practically demolish the entire stack to find them.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live in an area that requires beach badges. They are overpriced and kind of a PIA. However the beaches here are usually very crowded in summer, and they require lifeguards to keep idiots from drowning because they don't know how waves work. It also limits the number of jabroneys trashing the beaches and acting like morons. I think the police way over reacted and should be held accountable. I'd also like to know if they are what we call "summer cops", or actual gun carrying real cops. There have been past incidences in which "special" officers acted like Gestapo because they had been given some limited power.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've also taken supplements for over thirty years, and the only one that made an almost immediate difference was B1 (Thiamin). I had extreme pain from the Sciatic nerve. I couldn't walk for more than five minutes without having to stop until it subsided. I tried Chiropractic, and though it didn't help with pain, it make me more limber and just generally made me feel better. B1 though worked in about three days. I'd had the pain for five years and it was amazing to have it gone. I take 100 mg daily and I'm still pain free.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can't stand him either. He's a big deal where I live, but I NEVER bought into his BS music, even when I was a kid.

INK10 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm a nurse and briefly worked in a post op care unit. There was a patient there, a young man of 19. He'd had a choking episode and consequent lack of oxygen. Paramedics revived him, and he was admitted. Not sure why he was in post op, but doctors kept pushing his family to get an EEG which they did. He was NOT brain dead, not on life support, but they kept asking about his desire to be an organ donor. It was both weird and horrifying. I don't know the outcome because I left that unit a few days later. He was an otherwise healthy person. I later witnessed the "harvesting" team visit other families when death of a loved one was imminent. It is ghoulish and awful.

INK10 5 points ago +5 / -0

How did a jet airplane hit the Pentagon, at ground level and make a cartoon-like hole in the building?

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

YW! Stay sane, better days ahead. Prayer is our shield.

INK10 2 points ago +2 / -0

Am praying. It's amazing to me how many people follow the likes of Robinson, et al. "They" have their game plan, and perhaps more people will begin to see it. They're just doing what they do as a pressure valve.

INK10 1 point ago +1 / -0

At first glance I thought it said; "Sheila Jackson Lee has lied". Not wrong really.

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