I_Wear_Ten_Masks 30 points ago +30 / -0


Ghislaine Maxwell's judge seems to have spent much of her life promoting homosexuality and rubbing her lesbian vagina in everyone's faces... assuming she has a vagina because she looks like a man.

She seems like a mentally ill degenerate, the sort of fagot who wants to normalize pedophilia and child sex trafficking.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 11 points ago +11 / -0

I miss watching Hillary fall down and hit her head.

The only flaw in this article is I suspect Hillary is less popular than heels-up-Harris.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 2 points ago +3 / -1

These people don't seem to understand that the Australian government and the Australian police WANT to be hated.

Their mission is to be hated.

Soon, the World Health Organization will issue recommended Covid mandates for all countries and those mandates will be far less intolerable than the Australian government mandates...

...and then the Australian people will be asked to vote between local government mandates and less horrific WHO mandates.


That's how unelected WHO globalists gain power over entire nations.

Manufactured consent.

Welcome to the New World Order.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks -2 points ago +2 / -4

I don’t think you have any basis

I judge each argument on it's merits: I don't care if you think that user is a pope or a prince or a plumber.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks -2 points ago +4 / -6

Your argument has devolved into personal attacks claiming I don't belong here, while you were the one who implied you had all the answers and I was ignorant for not reading every Q post, which I have done since October 2017.

You have been blocked.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks -3 points ago +3 / -6

Attack me with down-votes if it makes you feel righteous about murdering innocent infants, but I don't consider little children to be collateral damage in any war, especially holy wars.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks -6 points ago +1 / -7

Tell me you haven't read any Q drops without telling me you haven't read any Q drops.

No. Don't dance around the question.

Tell us specifically how Trump's / Q's plan ends without being cryptic or throwing mud or down-voting and running away or avoiding giving a straight answer.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks -1 points ago +3 / -4

If only people knew the truth...

...however they dominate almost total control over Hollywood and the world's mainstream news media through the Associated Press and the world's internet through Google and social media...

and they know they don't need to fool everyone, just poisoning the minds of most people is enough.

We'll need some YUGE BOOMS to overcome them because they've invested a fortune and generations to prepare for this.

Patriots.Win have started permanently banning anyone who shares research linking Ghislaine Maxwell to Mossad. Cowards are bending over for the Sons of Satan. We'll need some divine intervention to help us fight.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q showed us in post #135 that China is $44 trillion in debt to their Jewish central bankers.

Fun-fact: the CCP can't take a shit without permission from the (((House of Rothschild))).

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 6 points ago +6 / -0




"There were some cases that originated in South Africa and that went to Botswana from people who traveled and found out they were infected and one that had gone actually to Hong Hong... so that's the reason why we're trying to get the precise molecular makeup of it so you can actually test for it." - Dr. Fauci

TL;DR: Fauci claimed people have tested positive to the Omicron throughout South Africa and Botswana and Hong Hong, moments before he admitted to not having a test for Omicron.

There is no definitive test for Covid and there are no tests for any of the variants.

Whenever our (((MSM))) reports about the origin or the spread of certain variants, it's total bullshit.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hunter vaccinating his niece with his penis!

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Harry Potter Banking Goblins are the masters of controlled opposition.

The only way to know if the Pinocchios are Bolsheviking at 100% if to know about everything that is happening which is often impossible.


I_Wear_Ten_Masks 11 points ago +11 / -0

Here's what they don't want you to know:

Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, Israel's most notorious Mossad spy who sold the U.S. government financial software that allowed Israel to hack our government databases so our secrets could be sold to Russia.

Epstein Island was blatantly an Israeli child rape extortion honeypot designed to turn our CEOs and Supreme Court Justices and powerful politicians into life-long puppets of Israel.

Epstein "magically" owned five properties (although he had no income) where he and Ghislaine regularly hosted "pizza parties" for powerful Americans and where hidden cameras were installed in every room, including the bathrooms and toilets.

I'd like to know how many more of these child rape extortion honeypots that Israel have peppered all over the world?

I'd like to know what percentage of our Congress is controlled, either willingly or through extortion, by Israel.

What factor did Israeli extortion play in the Kalergi Plan death of Europe by open borders to an invading army of jihadist "refugees"?

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 4 points ago +4 / -0

TFW you realize the Synagogue of Satan has infiltrated everything are attacking us from all sides.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 1 point ago +6 / -5

So you believe part of "the plan" is the wholesale mass murder of innocent patriotic men, women and children who were given the deadly clot-shot after President Trump installed Fauci and encouraged everyone to take the vaccine?

Child mortality has risen 60% since mid October when their vaccinations began and that number will likely skyrocket.

I'm not sure if your just saying random things, but if not... how does Trump's / Q's plan end? Please be specific so we know you're aren't totally full of shit.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's the context for this?

I don't watch sportsball.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 17 points ago +19 / -2

I disagree.

I think the rise and fall of Fauci was scripted years ago because he's the New World Order Banking Goblin scapegoat.

His "character arc" involves fake news pretending to worship him, fake media publishing books and fake social media posting people wearing little hats while singing love songs about Fauci and his vaccines.

Then comes the fall when the Associated Press, World Health Organization, CDC, Open Society Foundations, 90% of the world's politicians, 90% of the world's doctors, Big Pharma, Janet Yellen and the World Bank and the IMF and the World Economic Forum, every military and intelligence agency and spy agency on Earth, every school board, every hospital, every insurance company and every liberal "academic" claim they were all fooled by Fauci.

The plan is Fauci to retire in shame and for every other war criminal to shrug and walk away.

The normies are expected to experience their allocated Two Minutes of Hate focused on Facui and then feel a sense of justice and closure and ask no more questions.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are We Human

Not according Klaus Schwab's Satanic religion that claims his people are a divine master race with a destiny to enslave everyone and steal everything. All other races are lower lifeforms that were formed into the shape of Schwab so they could become better disposable slaves to be bought and sold and raped and slaughtered for shekels.

You'll need to dig deeper than Klaus Schwab's Early Life to learn more.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 6 points ago +6 / -0

Quoting any scripture that references the Synagogue of Satan, the six pointed Star of Remphan or the "people of the circumcision", the Jewish blood curse of Matthew 27:25 or how the Jews were responsible for killing Jesus (Acts 2) will result in a crowd of bloodthirsty rabbis demanding the Romans crucify you for heresy, metaphorically speaking.

I_Wear_Ten_Masks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't forget about (((Mary Maxwell))), Bill Gates' mother.

Yup, another Maxwell.

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