This has to be a shill/sheep post... why would anyone who's been on this site knowing the truth and facts go to the hospital for anything? I get it if you have a broken bone or something of the sort, but for simple flu symptoms why wouldn't you just stay home and rest, overload on vitamins, honey, soups, teas, etc.
The sheep don't care, and they will argue their social media based opinion against your facts.
I just don't get how she is still in any place of power.
I love doing that at retail stores!
We're the last hope and all of us are in this together.
For a non globe believer this picture is even more funny.
Man yall are the best!
Thanks again!!
Appreciate it!
Thanks my friend, i really don't get the algorithm.
I've been on GAW for almost a year and I still have a handshake account?? Don't know how to get rid of it because I don't post, only comment and deport shills.
This reply needs it own thread! So much good info with sources for those who need it.
It all seems staged, just more food for the normies.
The kids are waking up, thanks to the non woke parents.
Bro be respectful of the message, she's on our side. You I'm questioning ?
Fuck yeah brother you keep being the change. We've all got your back.
This is the shit our kids are being shown. Unbelievable to say the least, only reason i know about this is from GAW.
Does anyone have a high res shot of this? I'm viewing on mobile and would like to share.
Fuck Tim Pool, could give two shits about this fence sitting fool. Deport these posts since he is not a Q supporter. Whatever info he is peddling has probably already been stated on GAW or
Honestly when was the last time any president said the lord's prayer to the masses. I love this man and his faith to the almighty.
One is all you need.
It amazes me that so many of these fools are still in positions of power.