I don't care tremors from pre quake shakes would easily blow transformers
No When the ground shakes the Power Pole shakes transformer blows
I swear he's wearing Marine corps dress pants maybe red stripe on blue ?https://duckduckgo.com/?q=marine+corp+brown++shirt+blue+pants+&t=brave&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F08%2F00%2F71%2F080071b2b7e136f7aed201ad55cc4f06.jpg
Arrests in spring or GTFO!
Lightning before earthquake?
Those are modern transformers blowing off 1 by 1
we're still on US COrp money that being distributed by a bankruptcy court
Front pasture just reclaimed for this reason
The chick in the middle looked like Babbitt for a spell
Let's tell him he's wrong !
Sold her to save her? Maybe?
It's all about ⏲️
Makes all of the EU cold and wanting 45 back.
4 years to show them
Nordstream........drops mic walks away !
These island natives better understand they got no where to run!
Not under the skin but just a bracelet
Safer than fentynal
Oui vey?
Not surprised
What's that US /ISREAL extradition treaty look like?
Beck lives in New York couldn't dream for 10 years. Moves ans has a reoccurring dream of warnings not to fuck with the devils deeds. Goes to meet spiritual leaders not named. Is told not to ignore his dreams or visions.
Those are transformers located on poles blowing. Ask any lineman