ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Flat earth is fun for the entertainment value. I can see why people get caught up with it, especially when they already have such a distrust of the system. You’re right. It’s really easy to get overloaded. All the best to you on your journey.

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. And stop being such a banana fag.

ImStartingToBelieve 6 points ago +6 / -0

He’ll just withhold another billion from Ukraine to give to his brown shirt friends.

ImStartingToBelieve 15 points ago +15 / -0

I feel like 9/11 was a primer course for all the prominent conspiracies today: From Q to covid.

9/11 was my first, and most influential red pill.

If you went down that rabbit hole back in the day, IMO you are much more likely to see and make sense of everything happening today.

I feel if you never took the time to properly look at that subject, all of this would seem so abstract and hard to make sense of. It clearly all connects.

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +3 / -2

I agree with you. I understand this isn’t the place to be discussing things like chemtrails. I can understand how the perception of such a theory can detract from the main purpose of this forum, and scare away some people from considering other theories related to Q.

BUT, if someone is being close minded and mocking or belittling people for entertaining ideas like this, I’m going to pipe up and remind that person where they are. This is no place for being closed minded and dismissive.

ImStartingToBelieve 6 points ago +7 / -1

Ok but chemtrails are actually a thing though. So are condensation trails. But there are literally patents, which have been used on a large scale, for injecting aerosolized particles into the atmosphere as a form of geo-engineering.

I get that it’s not the crux of what this forum is all about, but please don’t be so quick to dismiss something just because of some bad PR, and some less than eloquent messengers.

Edit: a word

ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

With all due respect, haven’t we all established that there is a long term population control agenda?

I understand correlation doesn’t mean causation or what have you, but I think we’ve all seen enough to not be so quick to give the devil the benefit of the doubt.

I agree; nothing surprises me anymore.

Including glyphosate causing cancer. Meanwhile when I was in school studying agriculture, it was “common knowledge” that round up simply broke down into nitrogen and was harmless to health.

Or the gardasil vaccine being linked to cancer - meanwhile it was pushed heavily on the young populations and presented as completely safe and effective.

This agenda certainly didn’t start with covid.

ImStartingToBelieve 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wish Nike had come out with a new line of sneakers called ‘Floyd’s’ so at least we could all laugh as we watch “protesters” looting them this summer.

ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don’t be fooled guys. I have a feeling they just went for “the big ask” strategy here.

Keep in mind, people are still banned from social gatherings, even out doors. No peaceful assembly. No religious worship. Businesses forced down to such low capacity that making ends meet is impossible. Stores with sections roped off, so you can’t buy anything that is not deemed “essential”. The list goes on...

People here think this is a victory. It’s not. IMO they intentionally went too far with the police measures, so they could walk this back, and people would feel like it’s a victory.

When in reality, we’re still living under the boot of tyranny.

Don’t stop fighting. Don’t let them treat you like a fool. I see what these people are. These people are sick and NCSWIC!!!

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

You make no sense. So because you feel like your beliefs have been infringed upon, you feel entitled to do the same to others?

Have some principles. Put that “I don’t give a fuck attitude” to good use.

You either stand for freedom and liberty, or you don’t. Based on your words here, it’s evident that you don’t stand for liberty or freedom.

You’re just crotchety.

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s a movie reference.

No. Hypocrisy is an objective term. You’re not respecting other people’s freedoms. You want the ability to vote away other people’s freedom, simply because you disagree with something.

Impaired driving is already a crime. You have no right to impede on other people’s personal choices.

You’re also being a hypocrite for supporting federal law, as superseding state law. It’s the united STATES of America. Not the federal dominion of America. If you’re here, you clearly object to the fed overstepping their grounds on the constitution. But you support them doing so when it suits you.

Let me ask: How vocal are you about prohibiting alcohol? Objectively far more dangerous, especially for impaired driving, but also physical addiction, aggressive behaviour, and domestic violence.

We’ve learned that prohibition doesn’t work. Period. So why try to chase your tail worrying about people and their weed?

Stay in your lane. If you believe in freedom and liberty, you need to accept that others will do things that you disagree with. So long as they’re not infringing on you, stay in their own lane, what’s the problem?

Like I said, impaired driving is already illegal. So go clutch your pearls about something else, and be logically / ethically consistent.

Until then you’re just a run of the mill hypocrite.

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your blatant hypocrisy is embarrassing.

“I want freedom. But only the freedoms that I agree with.”

With logic like this, you’re no better than some yuppie librard. Disgusting lack of integrity.

ImStartingToBelieve 0 points ago +1 / -1

“The ONLY reason” ???

How about: Prohibition doesn’t work.

What about: Freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility?

Come on, be consistent. You’re either for freedom, or you’re not.

ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

No doubt. I still see people from the UK doing mental gymnastics to defend the royal family.

ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

They probably think about it like winning the lottery. If you know someone who wins the lottery, you some how feel like your chances of winning are even lower. Even though it doesn’t change things statistically, people are funny like that when it comes to using logic.

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don’t have to confirm, but this picture reminds me of a building in St. Catharines.

ImStartingToBelieve 13 points ago +13 / -0

I’m not American. I’m not saying “here” as in a geographical location. I’m talking about the spirit of patriotism. Patriots and liberty lovers do NOT live under a monarchy. We have no royalty but God.

If you believe that Philip, the Windsor family, and those they are connected with, are trust worthy, nay, worthy of support, you are nothing but a cuck.

You have Stockholm syndrome, and you were conditioned since birth to love your subservience to the crown.

That mentality is the antithesis of the Great Awakening.

Philip was objectively anti-human. He was good friends with Jimmy Saville, a well known pedophile, and satanist. Philip said he wished he could be reincarnated as a deadly virus so that he could reduce human population.

If you come here and jump on the wagon of questioning the intentions and behaviours is the elite - such as in American politics, and you don’t pause to consider the implications for your own country, you’re not thinking.

Just because you post here, doesn’t mean you understand the movement, or the world abroad.

Fuck the queen. Fuck the royal bloodlines. And may they all face the judgment they deserve.

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