ImStartingToBelieve 11 points ago +11 / -0

You’re a cuck to the crown.

Philip was a wretched old pedophile, abti-human, and a straight up Nazi.

We get it. You live under a monarchy and love living as a subject. But here, we are not subjects. We are free men and women.

ImStartingToBelieve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Vets are awesome for the most part. One time my cat was getting a rabies shot, and the vet told me there were two options. We discussed how they had different adjuvants, and how one had a higher tendency for complications.

Never, ever has a doctor given me a choice on what type of vaccines to get, or had an educational conversation with me about the differences between them.

If I don’t want to eat food, when I don’t know where it came from or how it was prepared, does that make me “anti-food”?

ImStartingToBelieve 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good comment.

It’s important to remember that there is a huge difference between being “a leader” and being “in charge”.

A leader will lead by example. Set the bar by their actions. A good leader will be good at doing a thing, and when they look up, people will be naturally following in their footsteps. A good leader will inspire others to do the same, or to support a course of action.

The beauty of good leadership is that it will inspire others to become good leaders. Others who may have a different flavour, or style of leadership that may appeal to a subset of people who may not connect as much with the original leader.

Someone “in charge” will demand that others around them conform to their demands. They aren’t so much focused on leading people in the direction they believe in, so much as controlling what they do.

You, my fren, are a true born leader. You have been inspired by other good leaders, And together, we will create a decentralized, undefeatable web of leadership. ?

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Come on man. You’ve gotta draw the line somewhere. To hell with purple people.

ImStartingToBelieve 10 points ago +10 / -0

The DS exists on both sides of the aisle. Don’t forget about McCain.

ImStartingToBelieve 4 points ago +4 / -0

Very well thought out. I agree.

To that end I’ve been thinking about the 3 simultaneous movies, and the 4, 5, and 6 posters.

It’s probably too simplistic, but I was thinking that April (4) would be the month of “Guardians of the Pedophiles”, where the public would see irrefutable evidence that high ranking people were complicit in crimes against children.

This would prime the public into having enough suspicion of high ranking officials, for Panic in DC to air in May (5). Otherwise people wouldn’t understand or suspect just how corrupt these people in DC truly are. Most people assume corruption, but don’t suspect the severity and level of depravity.

Once this becomes the narrative, the issue of election fraud won’t even be a question. If these people are guilty of such horrific crimes against children, what’s a little election fraud? It wouldn’t just be expedient. It would be necessary to protect the cobal from the impending consequences.

Finally, when the public is finally conditioned to start asking the honest questions of “if Trump was right all this time, what about all this Russia stuff? If Trump truly won, how can the public learn to see Trump as trust worthy and forget about all the last 5 years of brainwashing?

FISAGATE. Coming June (6)

ImStartingToBelieve 33 points ago +33 / -0

I don’t come here for anecdotes but I really enjoyed reading this. Bess your dad for having the balls to put family before work. Im sure it would fill him with joy to know that memory is so strong and vivid in your heart, all these years later.

Happy Easter to you and your loved ones.

ImStartingToBelieve 40 points ago +40 / -0

I don’t subscribe to datefagging, but I’ve always thought about something I describe as “the boy who cried wolf strategy”. Or in this case, “the fag who cried date”.

Basically just date fag a ton, to the point where everyone just assumes any dates being fagged must be a misdirection.

Then, 4,3,2,1 BOOM! You catch everyone off guard, while simultaneously preparing those with faith.

It’s almost like NCSWIC.

ImStartingToBelieve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good luck with your social justice warrior pursuits. I’m sure that extra chromosome will come in handy.

ImStartingToBelieve 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don’t hate me I’m just trying to be real here. If we’re talking about 20k containers, what’s a fair amount of time to assume it would take to move each container by helicopter? 7 mins all in?

Let’s use 7 just for an example.

20,000 x 7 mins = 140,000 mins total or 2333 hours. Even if you had 12 Chinooks working round the clock, that would be like 200 hours of non stop work.

ImStartingToBelieve 0 points ago +1 / -1

What exactly don’t you get about there being a difference between self defence and vigilantism? You were calling for some social justice warrior bullshit and it’s fucking pathetic.

It’s one thing to take a stance and defend yourself, with brutal force, against a present threat. It’s completely different to try to call for people to ruin someone’s fucking life for the sake of making a point.

The problem isn’t so much the act of ruining someone’s life it’s more that:

  • It’s unnecessary to draw such negative attention my trying to use this platform as a tool for executing internet vigilante justice. This is supposed to be a Q research board; not some circle jerk to talk shit about imaginary street justice. If you wanted to take some action, you could easily organize and do it without drawing unnecessary attention. But that’s not what you wanted. You just wanted to VIRTUE SIGNAL and make others think you’re based or some shit.

  • You won’t even get around to doing anything about it. So you’re drawing the negative attention, and jerking off with strangers, over a fantasy that will never happen. It’s the equivalent of a SJW. Fucking pathetic.

You keep focusing on the complete wrong thing here. I don’t blame you for it. It’s an honest mistake for a retard. But holy fuck dude, it’s embarrassing how fucking dense you’re being.

ImStartingToBelieve 0 points ago +1 / -1

Youre a full blown retard.

Seriously. If you think I’m defending the dude with the bike you may not even have half a brain cell.

You think I want the dude to get away with it?

This has nothing to do with that and everything to do with you saying shit that will reflect bad on the community, and worse, it’s for nothing. You don’t have the balls or the know how to do anything about it.

Real men have tact. They know the time and the place for action. They know the time and place to keep their mouth shut and let their actions speak for themselves.

Again, I’ll point to your lack of action as evidence that you’re completely full of shit and don’t have to balls to follow through on what you run your mouth about.

ImStartingToBelieve 0 points ago +1 / -1

There’s a good reason why the military is the only way. It’s because if left to retards like you, it wouldn’t even matter who was right, you’d be too bull headed to get anything constructive actually accomplished. At least 50% of the W operation is to quell retards like yourself from getting itchy trigger fingers and fucking it all up.

How’s your vigilante justice going for the dude with the bike? Got absolutely nothing accomplished? Exactly. Keep talking like you’re actually going to get off your ass...

ImStartingToBelieve 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did typing that make you feel tough? Don’t lie to us both by suggesting you’re actually going to do anything about it.

Not just because you’re a coward, but mostly because you lack the resources and skills to pull off such a vigilante wet dream.

Besides, you keep missing the point. You don’t go and say stupid shit like that because it’s going to draw the wrong type of attention. That has nothing to do with how much the dude on the bike deserves a rude awakening. You’re being counter productive by both talking a bunch of shit that you’re going to do literally nothing about, while simultaneously giving enemies ammo to discredit this group.

Again, stop sinking to the levels of the enemy. Focus on the big picture. And most importantly, don’t be a fucking retard.

ImStartingToBelieve 0 points ago +1 / -1

You sound like a fucking libtard. You want to doxx someone to get them fired. Pathetic.

I support self defence. But I don’t support vigilante white knights to take it upon themselves to execute some LARP version of justice.

Don’t you realize that people browse this site looking for dirt to pain the entire Q community as right wing extremists? Stuff like this gives them plenty of ammo, and it’s totally unconstructive

It’s not like you’re actually doing anything. You’re just blowing hot air and trying to sound tough. Or maybe you’re just trying to make this community look like illegitimate extremists.

Don’t be a fucking retard.

ImStartingToBelieve 0 points ago +1 / -1

You’re fucking retarded. How’s that for constructive?

ImStartingToBelieve -1 points ago +1 / -2

I respect someone’s right to defend themselves. I wish buddy in the car kicked him in the chin while he had the chance. I do not however condone online vigilantism, and doxxing people to “ruin their life”.

ImStartingToBelieve -6 points ago +1 / -7

Your comment is the type of shit that gives this group a bad name.

Maybe it’s intentional ?

ImStartingToBelieve 6 points ago +6 / -0

“I’ve been hurt before John Solomon”

ImStartingToBelieve 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don’t be such a little bitch dude.

How’s that for pedantic?

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