Where is that column chart?
So he reversed it he fool us once....
Is that comms?
If I bummer effs around then the gloves come off?!?!
Good morning.
Any shenanigans last night.
Always has been.
Yeah those percentages are too close to call (if they are true)
Did PA do any roll purging?
True the vote website to check?
I Voted. They highlighted my name. Does that mean someone requested a mail ballot in my name?
The Squirrel has need successfully rehabilitated.
All you have to know is that Stephanie Ruhl came from Bloomberg... She could even speak intelligently about economics when she was there.
You funded 160% of your social security payments.
Welfare recipients did not. You funded those too!
Then put the politicians on the inside of the dingo fence.
Perhaps a horse of a waltz persuasion..
A sucker perhaps.
Flooding! In Roswell, New Mexico??!!
That needle doesn't even have a plunger!!
That needle doesn't even have a plunger.
She worked Willy Brown's pants off in the McKiddie Ball Bin...
Unhappy liberals disperse!!!
Wel,l since he lives rent free in their minds they must have given consent....
Ixnay on the Portraynay....
Never interrupt your adversary when they are in the process of screwing up!
Wow she just alienated more voters!
Is this why there us a no fly zone?