JDVETERAN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most people I know have no idea about this or what it is.... but the few that I’ve talk to which have heard about it, sadly think that it’s a good thing. I’m not so sure that this will meet much resistance

JDVETERAN 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Trust Wray”?? I’d hate to think Q being so wrong about something..... if it’s wrong about that, means he could be wrong about a lot. Disinfo??

JDVETERAN 2 points ago +2 / -0

So why did Trump push so hard for him to get the nomination....

JDVETERAN 11 points ago +11 / -0


JDVETERAN 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know I saw something a while back.... but is there any conservative/patriot/non-woke associated list of companies? Everyone I know is pretty much on the bud light boycott, or at least makes fun of it, but Anheiser Busch owns so many different beers.... and coors and Miller are not exactly “woke free” either....

JDVETERAN 34 points ago +35 / -1

Good thoughts.... I'm with you. But I can also relate to what the other poster is saying as well. I used to stay engaged constantly..... spent several hours per day looking for signs of happenings and getting excited about small victories. Now, I just spend a couple minutes every now and then to see what's going on. While I absolutely believe that there is a coordinated effort or "plan" in place..... I think less and less that there will be any dramatic events occurring. I think the "plan" is a gradual awakening of the population and a slow organic cleansing of our government and culture caused by the people themselves. Which is fine. When Q says "the ending won't be for everyone".... this may be what is meant. No public showings of justice or anything like that. And honestly, I don't think there is any timeline associated with this. If the population is not "awake" enough, it's very possible that this could take many more years unfortunately. They may very well allow the 2024 election to get stolen again as well. I'm confident and hopeful. In the end God wins. And I believe that we will indeed see the great awakening. But I'm not so sure that there will be any "storm" associated with it.

by DRan
JDVETERAN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well.... not necessarily... to be honest I don’t know many of the details here, but depending on his job, he may very well have had access and capability. For example, if he was in the intel field, he could have been sitting a lot of time in the vault by himself. But I really don’t know exactly what was leaked. It might be completely false. I was just reacting to the statement that someone so young would never have access to classified information.

by DRan
JDVETERAN 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well...... in the military you get access pretty quick. I had access up to SECRET when I was 19...... and TOP SECRET when I was probably 20. It's actually pretty standard.

JDVETERAN -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm not surprised.... I travel all over the country for work, and EVERYONE is saying they would vote for DeSantis. People that did AND didn't vote for Trump previously.

JDVETERAN 17 points ago +18 / -1

We've been tracking this ever since the beginning of 2021. Unfortunately..... Biden HAS used the AF1 callsign. Verified several times. If you listen to Live ATC on one of the days that he travels, you can hear it all the way from ARTCC to the TRACONs to the tower frequencies.

JDVETERAN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ha! What a way to go out

JDVETERAN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ha! I always wanted to try that out..... to talk someone through a landing over the radio.... if you were able to access the cockpit, figure out the radio, all systems are working ok, and the weather is ok, then I think you would have a decent shot at it

JDVETERAN 25 points ago +25 / -0

Only a couple major airlines actually made them mandatory.... and those that were refused were fired and later won lawsuits reinstating them. But the other major airlines (like mine) did everything they could to force the vaccine without actually requiring it.

JDVETERAN 29 points ago +29 / -0

Non vaxxed airline pilot here.... while more than 50% definitely are vaxxed.... there’s a lot that aren’t as well

JDVETERAN 3 points ago +5 / -2

Maybe he’s testing us..... follow him blindly vs think for ourselves....

JDVETERAN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not saying with 100% certainty that chemtrails are not real.... but as a career military/airline pilot, I can tell you that this video is not that

JDVETERAN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuel comes out of the dump mast.... which is located on the wing. Some aircraft have one, some have two. That smoke there is coming out of the APU exhaust

JDVETERAN 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is an APU fire.... not any chemtrails

JDVETERAN 4 points ago +4 / -0

From my perspective.....back when they started trying to mandate the vaccines (several companies did) there were many pilots that were very strongly against getting it in my company. I would definitely say the majority got it, (most are unaware of the dangers and there was quite a bit of pay and time off incentive to get it). Currently, if I had to guess, 80% or so are probably vaccinated. And most are unaware of the dangers of mRNA vaccines, just like a lot of the population. But I also believe that they are figuring it out at the same rate, and I would definitely say that most pilots are NOT getting the booster.

JDVETERAN 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not sure what to say about this...... I’m a career (non vaccinated) airline pilot.... for a major airline, and this is never talked about, never brought up, and definitely not part of annual or quarterly recurrent training where I work......

JDVETERAN 40 points ago +41 / -1

I’ve been pretty excited since learning about everything going on in South America..... until I spoke with 2 separate people living IN Brazil.... and they said this was all nonsense. I’m going to Brazil next month.... going to try and get some actual intel for myself

JDVETERAN 4 points ago +4 / -0

Great! It's a great path to be on. I would recommend sticking with it and finishing the program he's in quicker than later....if you leave it for a while you have to spend a lot more money and time re-learning what you've learned and picking up where you left off. It happens to a lot of people. Good luck!

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