Oh and ditto for election fraud in Nevada. It was off the hook here. Trump won Nevada by ALOT. Our courts wouldn't even look at the 21 large binders of irrefutable proof that was meticulously documented and presented to them many weeks ago. That I don't understand at all and fear there are nefarious reasons behind ignoring such important evidence. This feels much bigger than Trump.
My God they are parodies of themselves. Have you heard of Yuri Bezmenov? He is an ex KGB agent that defected from the former Soviet Union. Decades ago he laid out the plan for infiltrating the USA with communist ideology . Its a fascinating discussion that is well worth your time. He talks about ideological subversion and propaganda. You can catch some interviews on YouTube.
A particular point he made sticks with me. He said once people are subjected to their tactics no amount of evidence or facts can be shown to them that will change their mind. Their minds are effectively closed to objective reality. I understood then why there is no reasoning or debate possible with people that have subscribed to Marxist ideology. Watch him for your own piece of mind. Thank you for resisting this brain washing.
Good grief. I'm sure people accustomed to such safety were easy targets. If the truth comes out and we find out precisely why and how these politicians placed these refugees into our communities, I suspect great harm will come to them.
A while back an email was leaked about a politician somewhere in middle America who pushed to allow thousands of refugees into his community with a nice kick back accruing to him of course. There was cryptic talk referring to the refugees as agents of change implying they were imported to fundamentally alter the communities to which they were "assigned". Its basically an invasion, funded by the very people they are seeking to replace. How many ways have these demons sold us out?
I forgot about that ridiculous mayor. So sad. It probably will spread but hopefully slowly. The middle class towns in the Northeast are being infiltrated and are changing for the worse mostly. Some Latino communities are doing pretty well though. I spent a few months in the Twin Cities about 20 years ago for work, really nice people. Unreal we import problems. This has to be the work of the globalist, there is no way this makes sense from an socio economic perspective.
Bush and Obama imported the Somalia hoards by the tens of thousands. Why Minneapolis? Because you have a strong social safety net. Nice right? They target nice areas with a strong tax base to flood with immigrants who will put a tremendous drain on those resources. They've done the same in Maine, Vermont and Idaho. Now even if you get rid of Omar you'll just get another Somalia radical. I bet there were plenty of progressives that cheered on the invasion, I wonder how they feel now?
I am still worried about the military , I feel that could go either way. I mean Mattis, Kelly and Mullen didn't exactly work out for Trump. People in the know say the top brass are quite "woke", perhaps too much time military think tanks idk
We should have had a national debate before we decided on extended lock downs. This was a decision of enormous consequence , like going to war really, and should have been treated accordingly.
We needed an honest debate on the costs / benefits of every planned response. How this never happened I don't know, well I do , but ya know what I mean.
One would hope when you are locked up while our overlords do as they please, BLM.can riot but you can't see your Mom for Christmas. Congress gets a $25 million dollar raise but $600 is good enough for the people that pay for it. If your not awake by now you're in a coma
Idk man I don't watch tv, but in my experience even the people that have been most afraid are fn over it. If you are in a state that loves the lock downs you are through with their bs. There is no end in sight and we are done. Its too much the riots this fake fn election, the news about safe therapeutics.....man I think at this point people don't care if they get it cuz this sure isn't living anyway.
Imho people needed to see young people dropping dead on the streets, real.or actors, and then gin up the numbers. People heard the propaganda but where was the pics of healthy people kicking? Reporting nursing home deaths doesn't scare normies., but dang they ran that fear porn 24/7. LSS, they needed more cow bell.
Idk if you could prove people in our government released covid, or worked with China to develop covid , or have knowledge of covid that would have changed the response and saved us from imploding the economy that would be significant. Or if BLM violence or Antifa violence is coordinated by people in government that want to destroy certain communities perhaps in " opportunity zones" that would be a game changer.
I think it has to be something that directly effects people in a meaningful way. I think people care pretty convinced JFK was killed with the direct or indirect help of our government. Nobody likes Biden , I truly believe the left hopes he kicks.
Yes I saw this before the election and thought it fn sounds pretty logical. On the night of November 4th I remember seeing the crazy ballot drops live, the vote flipping, the constant changing of the percentage of the total vote counted and I thought dang they want us to know they cheated and are daring us to challenge it. At the time I was certain they would hide behind the fact that the cheating occurred in urban areas and say its racist to challenge it, but they went even further they just flat out ignored obvious irrefutable fraud. Craziest thing I've ever seen. Idk about indictments but clearly they will be coming hard for conservatives. We are dealing with pure evil.
God I tried to explain that....the fake impeachment didn't work so it was time for the fake pandemic that lead to lock downs and mail in ballots and a fake election..... idk it seems pretty logical to me. Then they say Event 201 didn't happen...oy vey. I give up.
Yeah it was quite a long answer for someone who knows " nothing about them ".