Jacobin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump is launching his VIP membership to his new and exclusive Save America Patriot Alliance.

The first 50 signatories are granted 6 months free membership and VIP members will enjoy being hosted as guests of honor at an annual fete held on the grounds of Mar-a-Lago for a special intimate audience with Trump himself to discuss grass roots strategies for salvaging the nation. This exclusive offer also entails an all-inclusive barbecue-style meal as well as a goody bag and flyers to be distributed should VIP members wish to do so.

The date is TBC but will perhaps be confirmed tomorrow.

VIP membership is capped at 500 and there will be a lot of applicants so make sure you get in there first for your free 6 month membership to become a member of Trumps elite new unit of Patriots as a member of the Same America Patriots Alliance!.

by BQnita
Jacobin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Will 95% do ya?

The white rabbits refer to actual white rabbits that magicians used to pull out of their hats (think Paul Daniels).

These family-friendly magicians so common in evening television were actually the Savilesque fixers for political perverts and their business counterparts.

Their incantations prior to pulling the rabbit from their [Top] Hats were actually a highly complex code for their fellow initiates/customers who would be watching for cues from their TV screens. The size of the bucket and colour of the ribbon around their [Top] Hats gave further information. Their hand gestures and even their expertly woven comic patter were laden with esoteric instruction. Everything about these guys was devilishly communicative.

Jacobin 8 points ago +8 / -0

Even though BLM and AntiFa are definitely bad guys, I remember when the.. erm… ‘protests’ first started setting clear footage of cops supposedly there to contain the protests walking down the street and smashing car windows with their truncheons trying to get it the anarchy started.

Jacobin 2 points ago +3 / -1

Can you clarify a bit please? I’m not sure what it is you’re referring to as bullshit.

Jacobin 2 points ago +2 / -0

And the ‘other side’ created a hardcore population of diehard insurgents. For what purpose have these hardcore populations been created? To counteract each other?

Just like WWII Europe created hardcore communists and hardcore nationalists, each with their own convincing propaganda and for what purpose? To wind each other up And increase tension so much that War happened wherein Europeans by their tens of millions were duped into voluntarily entering the threshing machine of war in a mass human sacrifice.

You need to always bear in mind that there are equally zealous people being created on the other side of the debate who also consider you an existential threat and the dregs of humanity. This may be done on purpose with both sides being radicalised against the other so that they too enter the sacrifice ritual voluntarily.

Jacobin 3 points ago +5 / -2

Don’t trust the real Dark judge. He’s already been exposed as a fraud along the same lines of Simon Parkes. He’s a Kenyan I believe who is just an internet guy.

Also, consider who the Dark Judges were. This should interest you a bit.

They are characters from Judge Dredd comic book who despise humanity, one of whom is Judge Sidney Death (Sidney Powell?) and another is Judge Kraken.

Interesting if nothing else.


Jacobin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes it is frustrating and I have been banned many times over for raising salient questions which have uneasy elements about them.

I enjoy coming here to see some lesser known news items and at the end of the day I’m on the anons side too, just minus the faith in Q and Trump.

For example, a fair and simple point is the following:

Trump said he’d like to lose it all to see who was loyal to him in a tv interview from the 80s or 90s.

He subsequently DID lose it all. And who was loyal to him? Who bailed him out? It was the bankruptcy guru for the Rothschilds, Wilbur Ross.

And how did Trump repay his loyalty? He made Wilbur Ross his Commerce Secretary.

Now that is a swampy appointment if ever there was one as it put a Rothschilds guy in direct control of Commerce.

Why doesn’t that make anons take at least a little pause for thought? What do they make of it?

It’s a completely fair point that I’m sure they would otherwise be minded to consider and address meaningfully were it not for the fact that Trump and Q command, and receive from them, an unwavering, unquestioning loyalty.

There’s many more questionable things about the whole phenomenon which ought to be reasonably addressed but I think some anons - and certainly those with a whip hand on this site - can’t bring themselves to countenance the possible implications of such a detached and dispassionate reassessment.

Without meaning to be insulting, I agree with you that there is a cult like element to it all. It is quasi-religious - exactly like their counterparts on the Critical Theory-based Diversity and Inclusion woke hive of insurgents.

It’s pretty clear to me that Q is, amongst other things, a reference to Star Trek whilst their woke counterparts represent the Borg- hoovering up all diversity and assimilating it into its big hive mind. This is further underlined by the vaccine program being called Warp Speed. It seems to me to be just one big harmful, uncaring, anti-human joke on either side. Two sides of the same coin. The two heads of the two-headed eagle. Dark to Light, Great Reset vs Great Awakening where both paths lead to the same place.

If you look in the counterinsurgency manual for example it even says outright that the insurgents grievances become addressed and incorporated into the new order.

I will give Sleepydude some credit though - his contributions are well thought out and he puts them across excellently. I’d love to pick his brain.

Jacobin 4 points ago +6 / -2

This is logical thinking.

You are of course right, but what you are witnessing here is the implausible mental gymnastics of people who NEED to twist every single occurrence into a 5D chess move in order to sustain their belief that there is a plan that is all coming together for their benefit.

Cass Sunstein, the worlds foremost Behavioural science expert and father of Nudge Theory, wrote in his 2008 paper Conspiracy Theories: Their Causes and Cure of the self-sealing nature of conspiracy theories.

You are witnessing it in real time in lots of parts of GAW. Mr Sunstein wrote his proposal aimed at the Obama administration but shortly afterwards David Cameron the then-U.K. Prime Minister appointed him to head up the UK Governments new Behavioural Insights Unit which was subsequently exported to governments around the globe.

The paper suggests cognitively infiltrating the places where conspiracy theories flourish in order to clandestinely steer conspiracists into supporting the actions of government.

Think about the long cast list of big shots who have promised much but delivered nothing.

Think about anons wanting the US Military to seize control of the country.

The bad guys want to do this anyway in order to enslave us all and the military, if you are aware of Kay Griggs interview, are already a homosexual, debauched mafia in the upper echelons.

That’s why they name ships after Harvey Milk, it’s why they are so all aboard the trans business and the Pride rituals etc.

An example of Sunsteins plans in action? Could be…

Worth considering seriously anyway.

Jacobin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never said he was. Just saying that royal bloodlines is something that Trump shared with all the other presidents and presidential candidates as opposed to being the actual outsider that most anons mistakenly believe him to be.

But then, he is a billionaire businessman who moved in all those same circles, with all the same connections and friends and business partners so you would expect it. M

Jacobin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Then why do you think it gets so little attention? And why do you think Diversity and Inclusion Networks aren’t on the radar of anons? I mean, they are thee principal tool of the insurgency. They are everywhere, in every business, in every government department, throughout our militaries. They are firmly ensconced in absolutely EVERYTHING and are there to facilitate direct rule by corporations and organisations.

They are there to effectively replace government.

They exercise enormous influence over corporate policy and mandate that staff be trained in the tenets of the Critical Theories they operate under. It’s like living in North Korea or something and yet most folk - even anons who are supposed to be awake to this stuff - just let it fly right under their radar and just bemoan ‘woke’ stuff.

Terming it ‘woke’ or pc does absolutely nothing to highlight the seriousness of the enormous coordinated effort to replace democratic governance with red guard/kommissar type rule.

I really feel like anons and others have missed a gigantic elephant in the room by focusing only on the distraction that is the ‘news’ ie Elon and Twitter, Kanye doing what he’s doing, or single instances of parents railing at school boards.

No one is ever calling it by its name Critical Theory and accurately accounting for how it works.

Critical Theory in all its manifestations (CRT, Queer Theory, Postcolonialism, Feminism, Critical Whiteness Studies et al) is the very mechanism of the insurgency.

These are not single issue bizarre theories - they are a suite of interconnected theories all with the exact same purpose and all with the exact same theoretical model - to ‘dismantle’ society.

Build Back Better and the Great Reset utterly DEPEND upon the dismantling of society and you can see it being enacted in every single institution and every single company via their D&I Networks who engage in continuous criticism (the meaning of the word ‘Critical’ in Critical Theory, as opposed to referencing Critical thinking) of majorities, or hegemonic oppressors, as they like to think of them.

Not nearly enough attention has been given to that.

There are semi famous people who, for instance, are outspoken critics of the trans agenda but who argue against it from a feminist perspective, not realising that they themselves are still engaging in the critical theory mission of dismantling society by adopting a feminist lens. It’s sad to see.

People need to start treating these theories as merely different snakes on Medusa’s head - fighting them individually does nothing. The whole head needs to come off.

If that mechanism can be trashed then the tide surely turns.

Jacobin 2 points ago +2 / -0

that footage of her being bundled into the car was compelling. She was clearly handcuffed behind the back. Well, I say clearly but you know what I mean. Some guy whom I can't remember did a video showing that that was what was happening and I was convinced.

Jacobin 4 points ago +4 / -0

People have mentioned here that they can’t find that email in the Wikileaks and I say understandably so. It would be highly highly unlikely that Hillary would type in such a manner - omitting the g at the end of ‘fuckin’ etc.

Elites don’t type colloquially. Now, did she SAY such a thing to Donna Brazile? Also unlikely I would imagine. Why? Because she was so sure of the victory that she tweeted out that photo of herself as a young girl where she confidently said something about her being the next president. Also, she didn’t even have a concession speech planned which further underlines just how assured she was at the victory - even up to the death.

Therefore I think it is highly unlikely that Hillary would have even thunk such a thought as early as October.

Q kept saying they never thought she would lose so it didn’t make sense that she would have been agitated enough at the possibility to have said something like this.

Wasn’t it only at the actual announcement that she found out? Up until then she thought it was all sewn up.

Jacobin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not to be a party pooper but even if she feared this her fears were unfounded because Donald Trump DID win and they were all ok in the end. In fact, Donald even said that he didn’t want to cause the Clintons any strife and hushed up the chants of ‘lock her up’ at his rallies after the presidency was secured.

Trump is famously loyal and there can surely be no greater bonds of loyalty than to family. Trump and Hillary are famously of the same royal bloodline. We were only watching a show after all.

They won’t get their comeuppance in this world but in the world to come and it won’t be at the hands of other elites but on the word of God and Christ. Until then, we must endure till the end and hope that we are saved.

Psalm 146:3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
Jacobin -11 points ago +4 / -15

Allies refers to their diversity and Inclusion comrades.

This is not a good sign. It just underlined the fact that there is a military-led Marxist coup underway

by BQnita
Jacobin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m double vaxxed and triple vaxxed but that is IT. I’m done with it now. If I’d have known there was a war for my DNA I probably wouldn’t have got vaxxed at all and just taken my chances with COVID.

It would have been helpful if Q told us which of the vaccines weren’t the bad ones so we might have the best of both worlds but I suspect that every one of them has dangerous batches.

Is this Q though? It doesn’t sound like Q and it’s all written in lower case.

by BQnita
Jacobin 7 points ago +7 / -0

This doesn’t sound like Q

Jacobin 1 point ago +1 / -0

That describes the internet too I’m afraid. Reddit, TikTok, Tumblr and whatever else are just the same. They all rile up their little silos with half-truths, while truths, outright lies and misdirections. They are able to somehow get their people to adopt a sartorial and mental uniform of sorts with all the rainbow nonsense/purple hair type stuff.

4chan/8kun/win/TG/TS/Gab etc are just the conservative versions although the uniform is almost exclusively mental (WWG1WGA).

Two electronic silos. Each designed to radicalise against the other silo.

Left wingers have a legitimate fear of fascism being about to take over. Right wingers have a legitimate fear of communism having taken over.

Left wingers are presented with extreme right wing things and caricatures of the worst of conservatives.

Conservatives are presented with the dregs of the left which also just highlights the more lunatic fringes.

Conservatives are correct that no holds barred communism is taking root. Lefties are correct that fascism is taking root.

The difference is that it is doubtful that leftists know that their movement has been hijacked by pedophiles who want to make their predilections ‘normalised’ and do so by attaching themselves into the LGBT as Q.

Q plays on both sides.

Q to the conservatives represents some kind of benevolent insider leading people into a new world free from the enslavement and lies of today. An ascension.

Q on the leftist side is that curious letter attached to LGBT which really leads the entire rainbow revolution. Q to the leftists has really opened up the full spectrum of their humanity and allowed them to liberate themselves from their societal bonds of slavery - to be their authentic selves, as they see it. Q stands for ‘Queer’ in the acronym and ‘Queer Theory’ is what underpins the thinking.

Both sides think that crimes against children unite humanity but from different viewpoints.

Conservative Q followers think that crimes against children unite humanity in OPPOSITION to such things, whereas leftist Q followers think that COMMITTING crimes against children is what unites humanity.

Both sides believe the same thing, spurred on in their beliefs by their respective perceptions of Q.

Q meanwhile, like Q from Star Trek, is morally ambivalent. Q wins either way, whichever side wins.

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