Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

i morbidly laughed during the whole covid hoax when people were like THE QUARANTINE MADE ME AN ALCOHOLIC i was like damn it took that long to wanna numb out? cause im already seasoned. lol

Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

sometimes i cant see my own hand infront of my face the fog so thick

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

thank you fren may God bless you as well

Jamezelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm just done pretending the game matters

It doesn't

We know there's a good side n a bad side in a war being fought

We know voting is corrupt as can be

We ... Etc x1000

But "campaign goals" is a measure that is a half step

We need full steps at this point.

If it's war then let it be war

Jamezelo 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm from Colorado and live in Kansas

Ive never seen (outside of media) the world outside my tiny bubble

That said, my DNA polish AF and I like looking into all these diff places of the world wether it's Poland or Finland and Sweden

The Internet is beautiful because it lets us see those parts of the world but it got too big and now the Internet has a good heart but she also the dirtiest mf u ever met

Jamezelo 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm doing it bad y'all NGL. Gaw gave me hope and it still does bless my Frens here. But

In my personal life I'm blackpilled that I'm ever gonna overcome my drinking and that shit gonna kill me

Jamezelo 9 points ago +9 / -0

In just a month just this reaction has half a million views

This awakening is great. Kek

The smoke and mirrors they've used for years isn't fooling people anymore. The magicians tricks have been told.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

So honestly, as someone who's "only" 35.. and never cared about the bs game that is politics until the era of Trump came along - so, I dont really know about RFK - But, I definitely think its time to find starting out.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pancreatitis, nothing i can do really

Jamezelo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bit out of the loop as to whats been happening lately, but im ok with that. Sometimes I just need a break from it all.

Today wasnt a bad day though, my pancreas seems to be behaving itself (spent another fun night in the hospital on Monday) for the most part...and for a Friday work was pretty smooth

Broke af though, especially after losing shifts from my health/wellness. I'll be happy when I can get back to actually saving some money from each paycheck instead of having to borrow against the next one.

Jamezelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder where i'd be - both literally, and mentally - if I never came across GAW. If the Q drops were never a thing... if Trump was just another politician with a fake smile...etc

I honestly wonder if I would even still be here. Depression's a sneaky SOB to have to win battles in the invisible war with... Even WITH belief in the GAW - some days are hard, man. But... At least with that belief there's hope

Jamezelo 9 points ago +9 / -0

Been a little bit since I've hit one of these. There's one weirdo who always PMs me when I make these comments and insults me - so i'm sure i'll get one from them for this (not that it even gets to me any lol) but, yeah..

I'm not sure which was fueling which but the weight I carry with anxiety and depression & my drinking just got to a point I decided to do something about it. Went and did a week in detox/rehab. On the way there, it was the last thing I wanted to do, naturally... But - I'm glad I did, not just because it helped me....but, I was also there to help others when they needed someone - even if just to listen.

Obviously i'm not "cured" but I'm feeling alot better than I felt before I went in. First day back to work today, that went well... So - overall things are looking kinda decent and i'll take that.

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

At a job I had last year, the GM was a dyke and her daughter thinks shes a guy. Far as I know, all theyve done is use binders - never bothered to want to find out lol...But its sad because they were only 17...How young did that shit get into their brain?

Shame too because (most the time) I actually liked them, far as co-workers go...But, I didn't dare speak of anything even remotely "political" because it's pretty obvious we werent gonna have the same views lol

Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just incase you didnt catch the last name, He's Waylon Jennings grandson. He's probably also my favorite name i've mentioned in this conversation

here's one called Cries Of The Crusader thats on the same level as that first one. hope you fuck with it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgBeuxqcmw4

im glad this didnt end on me saying fuck yall when you didnt like Tom tho. I dont like being petty. I think i am gonna go tho lol, wanna play a lil Fallout before i call it a night

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Btw, I guess its only fit that I mention PTB and Tech made a song like 7 years ago lol (kinda. it was a contest w/ an open verse. this is what PTB hit it with. but, tech co-signed it and said it was dope)


Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

i mean wu-tang forever but id honestly say Tom has done more than they have... He's on the front lines of a civil war. What was Wu really done for me ?

And im not saying GZA isn't fire by any means I just mean in the topic of this conversation id absolutely say Tom deserves my support more than they do.

also Tom has more than one flow. but, if we all thought the same way music would mean nothing.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the record, my bad for kinda getting on the offensive but its just imo Tom gets hated on entirely too much for being dope as he is and im tired of it.

But, here's PTB and Killdozer, see if you like them. (for the record, PTB did 6 months in a maximum security prison for being at J6)


Jamezelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, you lost me when you edited just to discredit Tom.

have a nice night.

Jamezelo 2 points ago +2 / -0

not to mention Playboy the beast, Mesus, Killdozer, Forgiato Blow, Burden and more.

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