It is interesting because I have 5 different suggestions on 7 replies. It would be great to have a poll on this
Great analysis and theory
Have a link for a fellow pede? Cheers in advance
Kek. Fuckin hilarious and it absolutely has me gagging
Vice is owned by George Soros { 40% shareholder }
Notice how he covers his one eye at approximately the :41 sec mark?
Symbolism will be their downfall... that and being unbelievably cringe
I wasn't questioning that, I was questioning which one flipped to make this a proof... because if it was Good, this makes it even more inexplicable
So was it Good that flipped for the win or gaetz?
Implying that he isn't playing by traditional rules if you ask me.
All a show
We are the news now boys. Try and keep this in mind when posting and commenting. We have much eyes surrounding every post on here.... remember, if you're not on a list by now, you're doing it wrong!
100% and at this point, those of us who are exhausted should take a break from the battlefield to get some positive energy back. Always remember to take care of your mental AND physical health. We have an army of digital soldiers. The war will still be here when you get back from rejuvenation!! Stay strong frens and God bless
Can anyone else feel the heat turning up exponentially everyday, or is it just me?
I would love for the truth about the standard hotel, and ultimately Anthony Bourdains "suicide" . Did Schiff actually drug a 10 year old Ethiopian kid with methamphetamine and rape him while he was dead (from overdose)?
Did Bourdain see the clean up crew?
Wasn't Bourdain also working on a documentary / film that was about human trafficking at the highest levels of government?
The unvaxxd have been addressing the elephant in the room for over 2 years now... it's the people who have 5 boosters who don't want to address it because :
1- they would have to admit they were wrong.
2- They were lied to.
3- Their health is potentially at risk because they were lied to.
4- They have to admit that their fundamental beliefs are all WRONG.
5- Ego in these people will never fail, they will never humble themselves.
6- Most will die and be thankful that they followed their orders. True NPCs
It will never happen unless their overloards tell them
His MD tweeted that he had given him his booster on the 26th. I haven't been able to find a source claiming it's true though, and I doubt I ever will find one. If it's true... they will bury it
The question has been in the public consciousness since about a month after the vaccine roll out. It's still the same people questioning it and the same people denying it with every ounce of energy they have, calling us all deranged human scum for even bringing up the possibility.
Lord help us all, pray for the victims
All I see is the same sheep regurgitating the same line "its called commotio cordis"
Really????!!!!!! a normal football hit that happens 1000 times a week to these professional athletes, and this particular guy was boosted on December 27th? Literally a week ago?
People who have been "vaccinated" will never question it because they are too afraid to admit they were wrong and they were lied to!
Crimes against children is literally the only thing that will wake these sheep up.
He seemed fine standing up... then boom collapsed. Seeing this an awful lately with professional athletes. Praying for this young man
I wonder if the DOJ has actually ever worked for us. Has the government EVER done anything good for humanity?
Most of us knew it was all a lie before they even declared it a pandemic. I remember a certain Chinese video that got "leaked" a month before covid hit North America of Chinese people dropping in the street. I'm talking about 1 person every 30 seconds.
I could tell right away that it was propaganda and that this virus is not what they are telling us. Everything was planned years ago and probably would've happened 4 years earlier if Hildabeast won in 2016. I think that's why all of their lies are being exposed so easily now, [[[their]]] timeline had to be sped up 4 years to reach the great reset timeline and agenda 2030.
This board has turned into a Facebook feed lately. I've seen posts of hockey fights, carpentry tutorials... random music videos... it's either boomers who have made this their new social media site or people trying to forum slide..
Show them who the motherfuckin boss is Kari. This is epic, you gotta love Kari Lake at this point
The fact that they do live organ harvesting should sicken everyone. -
The fact that they torture children before drinking their blood (for adrenochrome... monsters inc anyone?) should terrify everyone. These are literal monsters.
Why do you think halal meat tastes different?
- Torture and fear produces adrenaline in your blood system, which is then extracted for these demons to consume.
It's "their fountain of youth"
Great point on "only a cultist will defend one translation"