Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

That face when you farted but you're sure it didn't smell bad.

That face when the room is scrunching their noses tightly and giving you the stink eye

Jtap 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can he also say uh oh spaghettios?

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

Isn't the tongue of Jesus Christ a two edged sword too? How do you know it's a gift for evil to control us?

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

What about asking you questions is manipulative?

Jtap 4 points ago +4 / -0


I recently read that CERN invented the internet. (As per correction I'm inserting that it was actually the WWW) thanks u/aryaba

I believe CERN is at the heart of the Cabal's plans.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't message you via messenger bro.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

My mistake is not understanding what the child was communicating to me.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate your concerns, sister. I can't express fully other than God through dreams led me to this. A good book from fellow Christians who took back NLP to DE- program Cathy Obrien observed that NLP at its core is supposed to enrich the lives of those it is used on insomuch as I've discovered from my own reading. Indeed it lacks the bridle of the WORD of God which I believe is why God led me to it.

Einstein has been claimed to day "coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. "

To that I report to you and all reading my message to you. My intent is to see NLP's usefulness insomuch as it lines up with God.

St. Paul himself, in the Holy Spirit, used his Greek mythology and philosophy background to minister Christ Jesus to the same Greeks that were raised in such literature.

In this way I view NLP:

If Paul (in the Holy Spirit) can quote a poem to Zeus, written by Aratus, to a bunch of greeks in order to glorify Jesus Christ (Acts 17:28), then is it far fetched to believe we Christians of the same Holy Spirit cannot find use and value in the same context with other studies?

By this I mean to say that: Truth is still Truth regardless of the mouth that speaks it. Even caiaphas spoke Truth of the prophecy of Jesus dying on the cross for all mankind (John 11)and he was, by no means, a loyalist to Jesus Christ.

Thus I believe it is the duty of the Christian in the Holy Spirit, and in specific I believe God has called me to NLP, to filter all and any knowledge and study through the lens of the Bible and as long as it is useful and expedient in spreading the gospel, then who are we to quarrel that the gospel is preached?

Does that answer your question, sister?

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love you too.

Jtap 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm hoping to learn that code we unconsciously do that Jesus implanted on us. The LORD led me to it. I don't know if you read my testimony post. If not please go read it, sister. You've brought me MUCH excitement knowing you already studied all of bandler and grinder. I just got all 8 books they did together and I'm super elated to read it. I believe God led me to it to truly help people and I believe they stumbled on what appears to be a codified ensample of how Jesus Christ reached out and reaches out to us in the Word by the Holy Spirit. I see it helping others and myself break mkultra programming placed on us long ago the same way Jesus shook the world views of those He touched when He walked the earth. So my goal is to, by language, help Christians and neighbors alike expand their Models so that they are not bound as they have been and felt by the enemy. To loose them in the name of Jesus Christ by language, and in specific the language found in the Word of God.

Jtap 2 points ago +2 / -0

I respect what you are saying and in fact I agree that punishment should be given by the law for their deeds. I want their last rites read to them though that most importantly in contrast to the alternative of never hearing the gospel they might repent and come to Jesus Christ with us before they are delivered to the Judge.

Jtap 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see your side. Believe it or not I share the sentiment of them being hung for their crimes. But I would that they still could come to Christ Jesus and be in heaven too. Hell is a terrible place.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

Thank you,. Yes, fren, NLP stands for Neurolinguistic Programming.

Jtap 0 points ago +1 / -1

Via Genesis, God said through Joseph that He establishes His work in pairs of 2 like He did through the Pharaoh's dream. Thank you Jesus for synchronization in the Holy Spirit. Amen

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

The script written by Richard bandler and John grinder and the concept of re-frame that they present in their book titled the same.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're familiar with re-frame aren't you?

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love you too.

Jtap 0 points ago +0 / -0

For example in awful context. While a priest (i.e father tom or whomever) molests a child in ritual sexual abuse (a big part of Cathy's testimony) they will pair it with scripture. I.e John 8:29

"And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I always do those things that please him."

Doing this helps anchor the abuse in God's will.

This method also causes d.i.d. disorder. The child creates an alter that can cope with the abuse and that alter knows to come to the forefront when that Bible verse is used. The Bible is actually used to program mkultra victims into sexual identites, some for beastiality, pedophilia, snuff, etc.

This pairs well with how satan uses the very Word of God to tempt us as He did Jesus Christ. How he lies to us with the very Bible we love and trust. If we don't have deep knowledge, understanding, and applicable wisdom in the Holy Ghost to combat the Word of God with the Word of God, we're doomed to be deceived.

Look at how a couple "misconceptions" created jehovas witnesses, etc. That deny the deity of Jesus Christ.

Jtap 1 point ago +1 / -0

It implies limitation for example:

I would leave town but my father is sick.

This is a surface structure

A deep structure of this is

My father is sick, (I can't/I won't) I leave town.

To challenge this you invert it:

If your father was not sick, would you leave town?

This is to expand that limitation insomuch as the book expresses and puts the responsibility of circumstance back on the person who created the structure to begin with. The dad is no longer to blame for the person refusing to leave because now they are conceding that they are choosing to stay because their father is sick as opposed to it being his fault.

The very word but implies that the person using it is feeling in some way limited by a specific thing or circumstance which they are perceiving as preventing them from the thing or action that the but claims to limit in their model.

Jtap 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well said sister. I agree with you that we have to start with the bridling of our own language before stepping out to help others. Jesus told us believers to remove our own logs first. I believe that this ties into the reverse in regards to bridling our words. We also have limited our speech in that we have not painted the fullness of what we mean; I.e surface structures vs deep structures. It is one thing to say that we are afraid. It is another to say what we are afraid of. The link of confession is, I believe, that NLP will teach us, is that we cannot be free of certain bondages until we specifically define what they are to our God first.

A surface structure even our Lord professed to God is when He asked to have the cup removed from Him yet nevertheless that He would drink if God willed.

The deep structure says: "what was the cup?"

He never said so it leaves us to discern via context what He meant right?

He was about to be betrayed and ultimately crucified taking on the sins of the world upon Himself and be separated from the Father on our behalf and go to hell and release the captives and then be resurrected the 3rd day to then be with the disciples 40 days before ascending to heaven and giving the apostles the Holy Ghost in exchange for His leave.

All this is connected to the cup drank but is implied rather than expressed. Which interestingly is where I seethe Holy Ghost connecting NLP to the scripture. We use it without knowing what it is when we define the implied definitions that Jesus left out in the scriptures. We Christians are the only ones who were trained in this concept of NLP before it even was discovered.

My hope is that we will see that NLP is only a mirror manifestation of the very thing Christians do in the Holy Spirit every time they read the Bible.

The love of Jesus Christ abound toward you, sister.

Via con Dios en El Espiritu Santo en El nombre de JesuCristo

Jtap 1 point ago +2 / -1

We will loose the grip satan has on those that God has chosen for the kingdom without ultimate fail; for we are sealed with His Holy Spirit for that same cause, in Jesus name amen.

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