I'm too grieved in the Holy Spirit today. My co workers and family are all left and right just getting the vax. Promising each other they'll be just fine. One co worker was so scared and I had to listen to them be swayed into the silent ruffy pill on the vax "safety". I feel like I should warm them but at this point would it make a difference? I feel like a failure for not warning everyone more. Indeed sibling, God have mercy on us all. In Jesus name amen.
There's a discord a group of people from . Win have started to effectuate a stepping stone of such. Would you be interested in visiting and checking it out?
If not, all the same God bless you in Jesus name, sibling. Amen.
May God comfort you and your family through this, friend. I am sorrowful that your family was deceived into this death trap. May God bless you and them in the comfort of knowing that this world is fragile. We... are but a puff of vapor. Here then gone. I pray now more than ever that they come to Jesus Christ by the drawing of God using His Holy Spirit. They may not escape death in this world but they can escape the eternal death in the lake of fire. As many have said including the first thing Jesus preached after receiving the Holy Spirit, "repent the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Let us all be drawn to Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit of God. None else to save us. My empathy towards your sadness fren. Buy if I may exhort you. Preach repentance and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Set our affections on the things above, not of earth. (Colossians 3). God bless you all in Jesus name, amen.
I see now why Americans haven't fought back like the other countries yet. Because when we do.. the cabal will see why the Spirit of God blessed the founders to make this nation. We have that same Spirit of God in us. The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of righteousness. When we all realize this as a nation this will indeed be biblical. When we stand together it will be more glorious than the revolution. This nation was a nation under the God of the Bible. The God who's Son IS Jesus Christ. Our Lord and savior. We will remind the world why God blessed us as the beacon of liberty and hope to the world God delivered us through the revolution. May God bless America. In Jesus name amen!!
Oh the Pascalene argument. Well said friend.
If I a Christian believe in God, and it turns out to be false; I lose nothing. But if you, an atheist, don't believe in God and Jesus Christ and it turns out the you are wrong; you lose everything."
The body that is given for us and the blood of the new covenant that shed for us for the remission of sins. What a gift to be saved by Jesus Christ. How unworthy we are. Yet our worth to Him so high He bought us with the price of His own life. And by His resurrection we are indeed justified. In Jesus name amen.
May God bless you with the Holy Spirit to endure, friend. In Jesus name, amen.