I cast Power Word: Get a grip on reality!
One pixel in a 4k mosaic.
<cackles> Where is the joy?
That makes sense, since Liberals tend to use their political ideology as their religion.
I didn't know that Evangelicals were in such lockstep with Santa.
Genetically, Persians are white. It would be hiring based on being a female that would be the DEI criterion used here.
How does she expect to be lead puppet with her room temperature IQ?
Either Mad Dog antifreeze flavor or Thunderbird.
Honestly, I'm not sure if she reads at a level that makes the Constitution comprehensible.
Hey Zuck. Go directly to Gitmo. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
And beta bottoms at that
With an X in crayon? 😂
And she left a legion of bodies in her wake
Yep. And the most important rule is: the house always wins.
All your votes are belong to us.
Not gonna lie... He has a point.
Ooh! Such apropos, vivid imagery.
Not surprising, since the diety of the left is the government's power and their ability to subjugation the populace.
I don't think GA did allow for a full audit. I think they just audited the batch ticker tapes. IIRC, the main avenue of cheating via the Dominion machines was in the adjudication rate. Sometimes it was an order of magnitude high.
From what i understand, it wasn't a full audit as we would know it. I remember reading how this was accomplished here several years ago.
Lol. It looks like CommieLa impersonated by a dude in drag.
Yes, but this essentially confirms whether the vector is reversible or there is no chance. Things have gotten much much worse in 4 years. After this, essentially there isn't much hope.
They backed into the correct numbers by printing fake ballots after the fact.
Because dems and RINOs are in on it
The comments are pure gold. Everyone is flaming this communista.