Lol. The comments in that thread are sad. Some people actually believe the kool aid these idiots are drinking.
Projection, fren. 😁 🐋
I bet this beastie has a measureable Schwartzchild radius
Too bad "she" hasn't eaten herself to death yet! 😂
It's afraid! Very afraid!
These people are either really brazen or are the "Keystone" to unearthing tons of voter fraud in PA.
These sheeple would have to be pretty low on the IQ spectrum to not see free money writings on the wall. But... We are talking government and not private enterprise, so I would expect some deficiency there.
It will be about 5000 blue haired libs and a sympathetic bot echo chamber.
The laws is specifically written to facilitate fraud. Only an idiot wouldn't be able to comprehend this!
The political machine did... votes go brrrrrrr
Lol. They'd still have the audacity to attempt to make us pay for the alliance, per usual.
I think that game was rigged like the 2020 election.
Au contraire. One of the girls in the middle had some fine guns.
The free speech portion as it relates to social media seems like a compromise between private enterprise having the rights to limit free speech on their platforms and people having the right to know when they are being shadowbanned, etc. I can tell this will be extremely contentious.
Ways to induce ED in healthy, virile men.
This... Or a crate of lotion...? <orders lotion>
Things that will never be an issue for little miss Piggy here...
Yes, please. Paxton is going to set the DOJ ablaze!
What's your major malfunction!? Lol. You owe me for one jelly donut, snowflake!
Make insider trading great again!