This... Or a crate of lotion...? <orders lotion>
Things that will never be an issue for little miss Piggy here...
Yes, please. Paxton is going to set the DOJ ablaze!
What's your major malfunction!? Lol. You owe me for one jelly donut, snowflake!
Make insider trading great again!
Omg you guys are too funny. 😂
Do it... Do it... Do it...
Woah. That's a schnozz!
ROFL! 🤣. Check the mail in ballots and the Dominion algo. It's amazing how they disappear into the ether when they never existed in the first place!
More like Department of Subjugation and Tyranny.
Quit cutting checks to Ukraine and use the money to deport. We will have money left over!
Seriously... What's up with Sleepy Joe? They either boosted him with adrenaline or he's been playing a part in this movie!
No, i think it's a G5. But we might need a C-5 for this haul. It takes a lot to get people like Rosie O'Donnell and Whoopi the Hut in the air.
Where is Jim Jones when you need him?
Ironically, Kamala is saying the same thing right now.
One ouchi on the hour until he takes a dirt nap!
Lol. You can cross Feinstein off the list. She did one better than leave the US. She left Earth.
Dull and rusty is best
Bipartisanship works only one way: conceding positions to liberals. They never concede. Neither should we.
Is it wrong of me to break out in a huge grin watching these idiots melt down? Adulting isn't their thing, obviously.
Ways to induce ED in healthy, virile men.