by BQnita
Judicator 5 points ago +5 / -0

Isn't the job to stay as healthy as possible so they can do a better job of not getting shot when they get shot at?

"What, are you afraid of a little covid?" seems an apt retort there.

Judicator 8 points ago +9 / -1

channeling David Attenborough

And here, we observe the wild Durham in his elusive natural habitat. This is the first time a Durham has been observed in almost three years!

Durhams are rare creatures that live secluded lives; incredibly shy as they have a great number of predators. What those predators don't know is that the Durham, when fully grown, becomes a Durham Report, which is capable of challenging and killing any of them...

Judicator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly, didn't want to get into it too much but yeah. I've heard other stuff like how there are dedicated oil lines running under all of the 13 assailable beachheads that can be ruptured to ignite the beaches on command.

Also the planning of placing chemical facilities near each beachhead so that toxic chemicals can be spewed onto and near the beaches in the event of an assault.

Every foot of that island is designed to resist an invasion force from China. I think the only power in the world that could take it by force would be the US, and that would only be done by sheer volume of firepower and aircraft; a volume that remains pretty thoroughly unrivaled by every nation on the planet.

Judicator 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've been looking at the numbers and so on pretty closely. Taiwan could defend solo against them for ages, probably, which would be effectively a loss for china because of the morale blow that would deal.

Taiwan is an incredibly hardened target. The entire nation is like a bunker.

On the other hand, Japan and South Korea are well armed but larger and softer targets. In the assumption that they both would come to Taiwan's aid anyway, I actually think a Chinese first strike would occur against Japan or South Korea. If they could act quickly enough and seize either nation, their chances of victory go up immensely overall. Should they seize Japan, they could push South Korea from almost all sides and perform a slow starving of Taiwan.

Judicator 6 points ago +6 / -0

Also fostering a culture of lying, cheating, and fraud yields... you guessed it, all of that! You might have intended it to be aimed at your opponents, but inevitably you'll have it amongst your own ranks, and that will ruin your ability to properly plan or grow because you'll never know what numbers are accurate; you'll not know if that giant three gorges dam was built to proper specification or if it will just rupture, you'll never know if the jet fighters you are developing will actually be able to be undetected by enemy radar, you'll never know if you're going to have a food shortage, and so on.

And that's just the start.

Judicator 1 point ago +1 / -0

"I will MAKE it legal!"

George Lucas was a visionary lmao

Judicator 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bloodletting was... erhm... cutting-edge medicine back in the day

by Quelle
Judicator 3 points ago +3 / -0

Except the thing that seems to be lost on a lotta folks is this: For bigger businesses at least, if they hurt too much for profits, the government will just bail them out with tax money.

I'm not saying don't boycott. It does send a message. I am however saying that boycotting should be done tactically - no sense paying extra for goods from a separate business that may or may not be based and then losing the money to the original business for taxes. That's like, double, maybe even triple paying for something.

I would recommend focusing on middle sized businesses. Those that are acting like big tech etc., but aren't relevant enough to get a big government bailout. Those businesses will wither and die.

Most of all - don't be just contempt to boycott. First of all, if you have money to boycott OR money to go become an activist for our cause (seek audits, political offices, etc.) DEFINITELY chose the latter. If Mike Lindell, for example, had the choice between buying his products from other than Amazon or hosting his symposium, I think it's pretty obvious what is more effective.

Judicator 1 point ago +1 / -0

No conservative teacher would because they'd risk this same stuff happening to them.

Conservatives tend to be smarter, after all.

That and I find conservatives tend to be busier/less interested in gloating/less time to gloat/etc.

This guy is a freak.

Judicator 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's completely wrong on every level - wrong factually, wrong kind of mentality, wrong kind of strategy.

Thus far everything I've seen suggests they're the first generation in ages to trend conservative.

If we let them out to the wolves like this - give up on them - we are deliberately stranding the entire next generation of Americans to the enemy. That'd make Biden's actions in Afghanistan look like petty crime.

No. You need to find ways of reaching out and connecting with them. We all do. They're different from you - every generation is different from the last - but that doesn't mean you should just get frustrated and give up.

Right now most of them are just horribly depressed, confused, and upset because the world they're entering looks like complete dogshit. They're looking for places, people, things, ideologies - you name it - to turn to and latch on to for stability and comfort.

If we are not there every step of the way to help them and rescue them, communists like this fucking bastard will scoop them up and mindrape them.

Keep in mind, his optimism may be misplaced. He thinks he's accomplishing something by getting all of the kids to move left, but the only thing he's accomplishing is scaring them. Most of them likely don't give a shit and don't like his extreme and bizarre attitude; they likely just go along with what he says because they don't want to get yelled at, verbally shit on, bad grades, suspended/expelled, or worse over his bullshit. Can you blame them?

Judicator 3 points ago +3 / -0

From the "news media" that has been consistently losing lawsuits versus them.

Judicator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awesome post, thanks!

Surely Reddit (and the others, but since Reddit is the easier option) has a way of MAC or IP banning?

A good VPN could probably get around the IP banning, but what about the other options they have?

Judicator 10 points ago +12 / -2

"Have you seen how many white people operate government? We're all being oppressed by the steel-toed boot of whiteness, of racism."

Correlation is not causation. That is why your insinuated argument ["It's the Jews because they control the majority of x"] is so similarly fallacious to the left-wing "it's white systemic racism" argument.

Judicator 0 points ago +1 / -1

None of them, they just had no sources within the article and it is a source that's had a long reputation of just totally pulling stuff out of their asses. IIRC other Marine pedes were saying that it was false too, can't exactly remember tho.

The burden of proof is on the claimant. You're claiming the marine commander said that about the vaccine, I'm looking for proof.

Judicator 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sounds like we have our marching orders, doesn't it fellow "Russian bots"?!

Discord isn't really the same as the others listed because it's just a messaging service mostly. Still, there are public servers that daring folks could attempt to bring light to.

Twitter is a battleground.

IG... IDK much about IG, but I'm sure others that do can formulate plans to infiltrate.

Honestly we need to be doing more of this. Demoralize them by overwhelming the censorship and pressing the message out there in a million and one different ways. It doesn't need to be complicated or anything, even just one new account or attempt a day should do it.

That said, I think you would possibly need a VPN or the likes to get around some more direct bans.

Judicator 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sauce on Marines, only story I saw on that was unequivocally false, so if that's all ya got stop promoting it.

Judicator 1 point ago +2 / -1

Biden may take a PR hit, but the military industrial complex wins from this one.

Same recipe as under Obama:

1.) Pretend to "withdraw" from an occupied nation hastily 2.) Pretend to "abandon" equipment 3.) Actually give that equipment to the terrorist group, and give them funds. 4.) Direct them to retake their country 5.) "Oh no! We never should have left x country!" 6.) Send all the troops back, or more even, and with fresh equipment. 7.) Forever war continues for another 5-10 years with public support, funding is free-flowing 8.) Rinse and repeat.

If it makes Biden look bad, oh well. It keeps the money flowing, but it also makes the pro-war people look good. Hell, they could be using this move to ordain the next republican that's supposed to win.

How much is real, and how much is fake?

How would any of us ever really fucking know. I'm pretty confident that the insurgents are real and really do engage our troops; too many dead and maimed for that to be false. I think they just have idiots in their ranks and greedy leadership that is more than willing to sacrifice their troops to the meat grinder for a share of the profits.

Did we really pull out troops? I really doubt it. Trump tried and they [supposedly] had him deceived, saying they pulled troops out when they hadn't. Maybe a shuffle, maybe a slight withdraw, but no net loss of troops in the ME.

Oh, don't forget the bonus of shitloads of refugees to import from this, too!

Judicator 4 points ago +5 / -1


He had no real choice in that matter, and it likely doesn't really matter to the plan's success.

Keep in mind, senate approval is required. Turtleneck is the real arbiter to who gets into those positions; he could block anyone he didn't control, so Trump really had no say in that matter.

Judicator 0 points ago +2 / -2

People downvoting but I actually agree.

If she didn't want to actually administer the treatment she should have openly refused in protest or quit.

Administering things without telling people is wrong. That's what this whole shit is about, isn't it?

The other thing is that it fucks up the stats.

And, if people went there to get the vax, they'll just go get it again anyway.

I think her intentions were purest, but that doesn't change that what she did was a mistake.

Judicator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't have time to watch much today, when did you hear the stuff about military involved in the symposium? Any links or timestamps would be helpful!

Judicator 0 points ago +1 / -1

The communists came closest but that's because they did it over time. They don't have the capacity to arrest all of us at once, they didn't have the capacity to arrest all of them at once.

Had this happened in the soviet union, they'd be shooting protesters with live rounds and just dropping people.

Should they try that to a peaceful protest here, we'll get shitloads of people on our side and amped up and it will not go well for them.

2A is most useful as a deterrent, not a direct kind of thing.

Judicator 0 points ago +1 / -1

Be forewarned if you do this that you should try to preserve as high a quality as you can, but also that that will take tremendous storage space if it's any good number of videos. Video files are large.

Judicator 1 point ago +2 / -1

Given I barely know this guy's work at all, I'm not totally sure. Someone with dedicated archival hardware (would need a lot of hard drive space) could probably script something to go through and basically download or clone copies of the website.

Other folks could possibly script an automatic archival of it to a dedicated archive, but, of course, the reliability of such an archive would be questionable.

Judicator 6 points ago +7 / -1

Not exactly sure what or why this gets anyone anything.

It's not like people aren't going to/haven't archived it and it's not like they won't repost it. At least I hope and pray people do, as I do not personally have the skills to do so. We need to raise visibility of this ASAP to make sure it happens.

That said, assuming an archive, what does that get the Cabal? What does that get him?

Why did he bend the knee; what did they get him with? Why not just take him out downright, or force him to recant his stances?

And why allow him to continue to publish?

Things don't add up here. Perhaps it is a deliberate attempt by himself to go underground, appear more suppressed, and draw attention that way?

I don't know, but if someone gets an archive of his work PLEASE let me know. Until then I reckon we should all attempt to spread this to get this content rescued from destruction in 48 hours.

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