KSUIE 0 points ago +1 / -1

I agree, and it is why I use the KJV Bible, I.e. first translation to english and only study while referencing a Strongs Concordance so I can learn about the original Hebrew words that were used before translation. I would read the original if I could but unfortunately I don’t speak Aramic or Hebrew so this is the best I can do. Thank you for your comment.

KSUIE 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’m unfamiliar with Mormon doctrine, this is my own beliefs from my own study. I do not attend a church or have a preacher. I trust very few people especially people in leadership roles at churches. I think too many people believe they meet their requirements by attending service and fail to read the word of God for themselves.

KSUIE 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes, I will post some context this evening enjoying thanksgiving with family today. Thank you for your interest.

KSUIE 1 point ago +2 / -1

Get a Strong’s concordance and study every word using it as a reference. It becomes easier to understand when you understand what each words hebrew definition was

KSUIE 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don’t think he was Satan, I think when he comes back to power he will be. Satan can possess people,

KSUIE 1 point ago +2 / -1

It really is that difficult fren, it really is that hard. Revelations tells us how many will be fooled and how they will fool us by telling us what we want to hear. In reality however it is easy. Trust only the Bible, be skeptical of everything else. If something doesn’t feel right.. it’s not right.

KSUIE 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm not sure if you have been privy to everything that has happened to Lin Wood since the trial, but I believe Lin Wood is a man of God and he made me suspect people that I was confident were on my side. Actually, he made me realize I had forgotten what I have always said. Truth is the most powerful weapon any one of us can wield. Every lie will be revealed. Lin, made me raise my level of discernment and made me reconsider all of the evidence I did not want to believe.

KSUIE 0 points ago +1 / -1

I agree with you, and thank you for the kind words.

KSUIE 3 points ago +4 / -1

If you believe as I do that the Bible is the word of God, then no. He can not repent nor will he. His demise is what the entire book is about. My belief is before the earth was created when Lucifer claimed he was equal to God there were many angels in heaven. There were the Archangels that loyally fought for God. There were the demons that loyally fought with Lucifer, and then there was us that did not pick a side. The earth was created for us to pick a side, that is what our time and journey here is for. That is my opinion. And thank you for your kind words.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

What evidence do you have she is not a liar and an enemy? Things you saw on your television? Lin Wood is not a liar. He is a proven truth teller and he produces receipts not just words.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lin wood, go read his telegram. He has been posting the truth. Go back and watch her interviews, connect the dots. Watch her in the background at the GA speech Lin wood did. Ask yourself wear is the Kraken. She’s a liar and there is a reason president trump kept his distance from her.

KSUIE 1 point ago +12 / -11

Sidney Powell is not our ally. She is controlled opposition, she fooled me for a long time, but truth has a mysterious way of always rising to the surface. Trust only truth speakers. I no longer trust Sydney, and you shouldn’t either.

KSUIE 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lin addressed the accusation on his telegram account. He provided the receipts for the bail FightBack paid. He was not Kyle’s criminal lawyer and his foundation paid the bail. Everything Kyle said about Lin was a lie. Lin doesn’t accuse Kyle of lying he believes he has been manipulated by Hancock.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Payseur..... delicious. So few people know about this here anymore. Love the way you slipped it in there fren. God Bless.

KSUIE 3 points ago +4 / -1

I’m not sure how effective this is you know, since small pox basically exterminated Mayans, Incas and like 80% of Native American population.

KSUIE 2 points ago +2 / -0

His stats are jacked up from the beginning so it is going to be hard for anyone to take his paper seriously. He is saying “Survivability Odds” 5-11 is 1/10k+ I don’t remember the number. Now I assume he simply has misstated what he means. But I can assure you that more than 1 in 10k plus 5-11 survive Covid. It should be death odds not survivability odds and since he made the mistake throughout the summary it calls in to question if he even understands the data. If he simply misstated he needs to fix it because I dismissed it immediately as someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about no matter how many charts they slap on a paper.

KSUIE 9 points ago +9 / -0

My monitor now has Diet Coke on it.... thanks a lot.

KSUIE 6 points ago +6 / -0

Home school your kids. No matter what you do the public schools are only their for communist indoctrination. Do what you have to do to get your kids out of public school. We will all benefit when your children are no longer mouth breathing zombies.

KSUIE 4 points ago +4 / -0

I appreciate your thought, however the crimes I have documented on my drive have been waiting for 4 years for justice. There are children being raped and abused everyday while we wait on the plan. Maybe the plan was for us to be the deliverers of truth and not to be a marketing campaign for President Trump's new social media venture. I appreciate the president, and I look forward to his company opening. That doesn't save anyone being abused currently, and that doesn't address the fact our election was stolen a year ago also of which I have undeniable proof of. As well as evidence, and supporting documents that I submitted to the president's lawyers, local police, as well as the 3 letter agency that is prosecuting some of our most loyal frens that were fooled. I'll stick with 11/11/21 nothing may come of it, but I have things that deserve justice and have waited long enough.

KSUIE 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know you guys like pictures better than words, Thought maybe I could get your attention better this way:::: Join us ::::: https://greatawakening.win/p/13zzVsvTcN/dday-inviting-all-frens-to-join-/

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