Sydney Powell is back in the fight
from article:
"Powell said what prompted the move is that Americans are “starved for truth, restoration of the Rule of Law, and even-handed accountability,” and are fed up with government corruption and an “elitist political class that views them with condescension and contempt.”
“The American people deserve a voice that exposes and rejects the self-interest of political parties, the control of tech giants, and the lies of the fake news,” she said.
Vowing to be a “voice for honesty, integrity, and a return to government by We the People,” Powell said the Restore the Republic Super PAC “will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections.”
I think it might be time to quit worrying about Q and if what they posted was real or will happen
What did Q mean to most of the people here. I believe it meant a fight for Freedom, and Truth and Justice and the Constitution. A fight against Evil in human trafficking and modern slavery.
We need to take that and fight for that. This is not a democrat/republican fight in reality. This is a fight against Globalism and Totalitarianism.
The Global Elite want to change the whole world without our knowledge or consent.
There are definitely things in the world that need to change. We have not been good stewards of our Earth. A lot needs to be looked at. But this needs to be done in the open.
Was Q real, did it fail, was it a psyop. At this point we need to stay vigilant, put all of that aside and get back in the fight for our Freedom.
We will fight in every way possible that is Legal and Honorable.
For right now we still have some Free speech left. The Globalists on both sides want to Silence us.
Forget about Q. Q does not matter right at this moment. Get in the fight. We can only start where we are at.
Pick yourself up off the floor. This will be a long struggle.
Is that part of "The Plan"
Q is Fake ( just beware)
I have always been vigilant about Q so I am not so hard hit. But there is a lot to come for. The Globalist agenda is the end of America and Freedom as we know it.
If Q got you to research and understand what is happening in the world then that is real. Take that info and stay in the fight. This is not about Q, it is about us and our freedoms. We don't need Q, we are Q.
If this was a psyop to stall us or make us look crazy or make the truth look crazy then it is time to turn it around and take control of the narrative.
To everyone here Q was about Freedom, Truth and Justice and the fight against Evil.
Ok well Lets Roll with that
Q became cultish, not necessarily because of Q, but because of the way the boards are run. "This is a Q board" No other opinions allowed. If people found Q interesting and followed it but questioned it at the same time, then they were shunned and called shills etc.
So Q itself did not do that. People are people and the real fervent followers made it cultish along with the mods and board rules.
If something is true, it should be able to stand the test of free speech and questioning and that should make it stronger. I know that is hard to deal with but then we get wiser as well.
Just even sayin this sort of thing before would get you down voted, yelled at and posts removed.
So yes you are told to think for yourselves but only if Q said it. haha
This is why a lot of Trump followers don't like Q because they could not even come and question the narrative.
I have always been vigilant about Q so I am not so hard hit. But there is a lot to come for. The Globalist agenda is the end of America and Freedom as we know it.
If Q got you to research and understand what is happening in the world then that is real. Take that info and stay in the fight. This is not about Q, it is about us and our freedoms. We don't need Q, we are Q.
If this was a psyop to stall us or make us look crazy or make the truth look crazy then it is time to turn it around and take control of the narrative.
To everyone here Q was about Freedom, Truth and Justice and the fight against Evil.
Ok well Lets Roll with that
There is Q and then there are the people surrounding Q, the chans, the boards, the mods etc., then there are all the people who post theories they come up with.
All of this can distort what Q is saying. Did Q say this is a movie? Also even if you believe in Q you have to first use your own eyes, ears and brains and discern the truth. Even Q said disinfo is necessary.
Not to mention that a lot of crazy theories are being posted to make us look crazy.
Also even if some of it was pretaped etc., Joe Biden is president
yes I know people like it to be entertaining etc. But this is something solid that can be shared with more skeptical people and he also has a book that can be read and shared.
It is also something you can easily digest and share in your own more vibrant style.
"The Democrats actually hope that putting Trump on trial will lead to civil unrest (reliable sources) and they will order to shoot to kill when they told police to stand-down with the Black Lives Movement/Antifa riots. They really are trying to destroy the Republican Party and take over the country once and for all. This is the insane determination of the left which always emerges for their solution can never accept opposition – they must force everyone to comply with their ideas."
"The bigger the lie the more likely people will believe it." If they did not unleash the virus on purpose, they sure are making the best of it. Of course just before it happened they held Event 201
"Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
This is extremely fascinating because this pandemic simulation exercise of coronavirus took place about 6 weeks before the first illness from the coronavirus was actually reported in Wuhan, China.
That is one hell of a coincidence if you believe in that sort of thing."
Ya we can go off the deep end here sometimes. Great imagination, thanks for the laugh it felt good.
The world is at a crossroads. We are headed into a 4th industrial revolution. We are fighting for how that is going to end up. This is really not about republicans vs democrats.
The Global Elite want a New World Order or Great Reset to put all the world under the leadership of one body. You may be interested in looking into Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset.
A lot of it sounds really great on the surface, but really involves a complete Totalitarian system.
5G and the deployment of hundreds of starlink satellites is going to create a technocaracy grid that you will never be able to escape from.
Once they create digital currency then you will have absolutely no privacy and laws like the ones in China where people are given a social credit score will control your actions.
The Global Elite have different values than most of us are used to. You see this happening all around you. They do not believe in a "God" that gave you rights as put forth in our constitution. They believe that they should create a new framework of what is "Good" and what is "Evil"
An example would be that many of us think tearing a baby apart in the womb while alive and selling its body parts is evil. While the Global Elite believe that people only exist to serve the state and no individual has any right not given to them by the ruling class. In other words they will set themselves up to be God and feel they have the "right to rule" due to their bloodlines and superior intellect.
They are not our servants, as government is suppose to be, but instead our masters. This is a return to more of a Roman style rule of government more along the lines of Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire and the Divine Right to Rule.
A whole book could be written. Hopefully this might get you to think about things and start investigating a little more deeply and below the surface.
Their true intent is becoming more and more out in the open. We are trying to wake people up to their real plan so that we have some say and control in how the world progresses. Because much of their beliefs are anti christian beliefs more and more they will demonize christians. This has already begun if you start to pay attention.
Eventually the end game is to have complete control over food, water, the air, your body and your thoughts.
You might want to watch "1984" on youtube, a dystopian movie about controlling people thru fear and then watch "Brave New Word", a dystopian movie about controlling people thru pleasure. Both are being used right now. Once you start to look you start to SEE.
Is that the world you want? Are you willing to give up Freedom for comfort.
Unfortunately this is a repeat of history. Eventually those in power become corrupt and people need to stand up and demand change.
The terrifying thing about this time in history is that change is accelerated at an alarming rate and once they get control under one powerful body, it will be very difficult to stop it.
a lot of people have been around a long time and just new to this board. It seems to me they are just trying to raise the bar so the movement can gain credibility and be taken seriously now that people are more aware of it.
In the past the media never recognized the movement and Qtards were more aware of the subtlety of the posts.
And now with the capital riot being blamed on extremist Trump supporters, it makes sense to be more nuanced in how you express yourself.
and not posting ridiculous theories without good research to support it.
Actually that seems like something shills would do just to make us look bad
that may be true but it is a citizen statement of disapproval. But I get it. At least it is a drop in the bucket