we average 7-8 per day but have had 10-11 eggs days.
keeping feed prices down takes some work, but the quality of the eggs is superior. I figure we're spending about $2.50 a day on food this time of year... due to slower growth of grass,etc. Also, our winter garden is almost ended so there is less for them coming out of there as well. During the summer I was around $1.00 per day.
we live in central Florida so the cold is usually not an issue. The problem we have is predators, so we can't "free-range" them. We have 3 separate chicken runs linked together that are about 30x14 each. We let them eat the grass and weeds off 1 while we reseed the other 2. We still have to supplement with grain, but I make fodder with wheat and sunflower seeds. I ferment the seeds as well... really cuts the cost. Also, I buy meal-worms for a treat - about $50 a month. The rest of the grain runs about $55 for a 3 month supply of wheat (Tho that price is going up) and $35 for the sunflower seeds (black oil sunflower) which lasts about 3 months as well. I use cheap fast-growing grass seed to re-seed the runs - it costs maybe $2 for each re-seeding.
we also feed them veggie scraps (from our garden) and I grow a shitton of bananas and papaya. Chickens can eat every part of the banana plants and they go ape over papaya.
yep. Our Buff Orp. rooster is a huge and horny fella. the smaller chickens are loosing back feathers.
We're looking to set up a separate coup for the smaller ones and leave the Buff's to themselves. Those hens are real chonks.