Koppartrans 0 points ago +3 / -3

That’s the Georgia guidestones, isn’t it?

Do you see it yet? What does the guidestones say about population size? In the picture we see possibly Q standing in front of them, and now Biden and Trump pushes vaccine together. Trump got control over patriots and Biden over liberals, now they’re pushing vaxx together. They’re not opponents, they’re working towards the same goal. Different ideologies takes different strategies to get the same result. Everything was planned. Massvaccination was the plan, covid is the storm.

They have always controlled both sides, Trump was no exception. But he was good at deception. I will never take the vaxx, this is a hill to die on.

Koppartrans -1 points ago +3 / -4

Open your eyes. Biden and Trump are selling the vaccine together. The policies of the Biden admin wouldn’t have been possible without Trump stirring shit up first. Trump polarized and got control over patriots, at the same time pushing all liberals into Bidens control. Now they’re both pushing hard for the vaccines, but patriots seems to be smarter and doesn’t fall for it.

Covid is the storm and massvaccination was the goal since 2016.

Koppartrans 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lots of people say that my beatiful country is the eoot of the deep state. I wouldn’t be surprised, we’re always left untouched, we were the only european country Hitler didn’t invade and now we were exempt from restrictions and lockdowns.

Something is very weird with Sweden.

Koppartrans 1 point ago +1 / -0

US had 49% seroprevalence in mars with only 16% vaccinated and 9% confirmed cases. 160 million people were immune already in mars. Its not possible to draw conclusions about vaccine efficacy at all. Nobody knows if they reduce symptoms or prevent anything, it could be natural immunity.

Koppartrans 1 point ago +2 / -1

What if massvacination was the plan all along, and covid is the storm? There’s no doubt that Trump and Biden are selling the vaccine together.

It’s all an act, they’re working together.

Koppartrans 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thought: Biden and Trump are both pushing hard for the vaccine, they’re selling it for Pfizer together. One is supposed to round up the liberals, that went well. The other one was supposed to round up the patriots, but it seems like they were a bit smarter.

Koppartrans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump pushes hard for a vaccine made by one of the most criminal companies(Pfizer) in the world, billions in fines for crimes like bribery, false marketing and experimenting on children without parental consent.


They’ve been fined for marketing a cardiovascular drug as having ~35% efficacy, but that’s relative risk, not absolute risk reduction. The real world efficacy was close to nothing, just like the covid vaccine.

I’m getting really down now, Biden and Trump are doing this together. Trump left us with nothing. We have to read, or actually write, so much between the lines to make Trump a good guy, that we’re actually making it all up. Trump was there to stir shit up preparing for the greatest medical scam in history, and the ”nice guy” Biden was installed to make everyone take the shot. Nobody would have taken the shot if Trump was president. Trump is selling the product of an extremely crooked company, TOGETHER WITH BIDEN!!!

Can’t you see it? Biden and Trump are pushing the vaccine TOGETHER!


Koppartrans 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, just print, fill in and you have your free card? I’m in Sweden so I don’t know how it works in the US.

Koppartrans 5 points ago +5 / -0

It was because our laws didn’t permit lockdowns, but they changed the laws around christmas. We lost our freedom.

Koppartrans 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have very few vaccinated here in sweden, it got delayed from late deliveries.

Koppartrans 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yep. GME seems to have the ability to break some actors of the market, but silver might break the banks. Whatever happens, I’m stacking. Silver is cheap now.

Koppartrans 5 points ago +5 / -0

About now the dems are starting to realize who’s in control. This is going to be fun.

Koppartrans 4 points ago +5 / -1

So, the dollar is based on oil nowadays, and if you could pay your electric bill with btc it would mean that btc would be based on electricity. This shows that the fed is vulnerable in a way that btc isn’t, this could kill the fed. Btc is backed by energy just like the dollar.

Koppartrans 2 points ago +3 / -1

Germany paid jews to move to Israel before the war broke out.

edit: I mean palestine

Koppartrans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometimes my phone gets very hot when I posted something here.

Koppartrans 58 points ago +58 / -0

When Pelosi got called as a witness. We got them.

Koppartrans 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump admin v2=Biden admin? All bad guys feel safe now, this is the time to catch them.

Koppartrans 3 points ago +3 / -0

Codemonkeys new project? He said there’d be one.

Koppartrans 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about ”intercourse” then?

You have weird curse-words in your language. Here in scandinavia cursing is variations of ”satan”, ”devil” and ”hell”. If someone would curse for example ”fucking shit”(knulla skit) I would laugh to the mental images of the action it implies.

Koppartrans 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which means the majority, this will then be on record as evidence that there was fraud with military votes.

Koppartrans 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about stolen election proof?

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