I wonder if you wore a shirt that sad "Allah Is Great" or "Muhammad Is My Savior" would receive such a negative response?
Should have said it was Jésus
bolas de latón muy grandes?
You sir must be an unapologetic boat rocking truth teller - somewhat like me.
Early 2022 seemed to be a hotbed on my neighborhood block. 5 deaths December 2021-February 2022.
Don't they do that anyway? Globalism, foreign meetings. Boxes in a garage is meaningless.
How does it feel to pass a toilet bowl full of worms?
So as long as work is cancelled.
The Black Goblin.
The Illinois Separation has been a thing for years.
I read that to be fake news.
Doesn't seem like much of a plan at all. Those who say it's "Operation Trust 2.0" are most likely to be correct.
Can someone explain what exactly the significance of having boxes of documents amounts to? We have treasonous politicians running around causing wars, false flag attacks, manipulating currency, and most recently we had a SCAMDEMIC where we were all told to stay home to stop the spread, livelihoods ruined, and then a mandatory vaccine in many instances that further destroyed livelihoods and killed untold numbers in the process. And we're worried about god damn boxes of documents?
Smells like yet another FALSE FAG to me.
I'd mind if I was unnecessarily paying for not 1 but 2 internet packages.
Jesus, a backup internet package?
The average user doesn't have access to Starlink without the antenna.
Tell me about those recruiters - are ANY of them based in this country or do they all sound like they're speaking from Asia?
He's complaining about the job market. Do you think car dealerships will fare much better? That's all commission based too.
Message me. I'm looking for remote work from home.
Would be great if politician bounty contracts paid well, lol.
Investigated and found no wrong doing?
I wish my Fiance would drop Disney+. Although it saddens me - the Disney of my childhood was pretty cool, as a 1990s kid watching Disney stuff that originated from way back in the 1940s was pretty interesting.
What corporations dare to say MERRY CHRISTMAS anymore these days? It's all HAPPY HOLIDAYS or whatever watered down cuck bullshit these nightmarish days.