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It’s fake! That’s from last nights award show
Not even close!!
Yup they have way more power than these two dweebs
Who cares about these people. We have KiD Rock and Rosanne
Isn’t Obama on his 3rd term?
What’s going on with Melanie? We rarely see her anymore
If he does lower them Trump will take credit for it!!
What a bunch of snowflakes. This forum supports freedom of speech and will never cancel anyone
I don’t see whey people on here care about her and Mr. Pfizer. We have Rosanne and kid rock on our side!!
Can you prove they’re not dating?
I’ll take a $48 million mystery loan!!
The internet is your friend! Do some research and you will see I stated a FACT
She’s always been against Trump!! Doesn’t matter who she’s dating
I think people are making this into a way bigger deal!! They’re dating who gives a shit
Thank you. Trump never stood a chance with that Judge. I’m expecting hefty fines. I hope I’m wrong but you and I both know how they treat Trump!!
Witch hunt!!
He already lost this case. This is to find out what he pays in damages and if he can run a business in NY!
Who cares! Mr Pfizer is going to the super bowl
It’s fake! That’s from last nights award show