Looked like ADS turned up until he cooked like an external 5G microwave. I did not see a canister impact near his sinuses but I did see the smoke emanating from his melting eyes.
Yes cabal runs most Christian churches, Catholism, they invented most of the rest. They want to control it because it would be a threat otherwise. The bible is still unaltered enough to get the message, but very low %, even lower % fully awakened with activated pineal gland. Just curious how during a religious war people are still choosing the side of unconvinced atheists.
I have seen the lies, first hand, from NASA, but telling someone to read the first page of the bible and suddenly I am a flat earther. Why is it kids need to know all this globohomo indoctrination? The earths shape is irrelevant until you understand their motive is to blaspheme.
November-December 2021
I saw the Southpark episodes as a positive overall. Remember that the creators are either willingly or knowingly working with cabal, so they can only reveal so much. If you know all the crazy stuff I experienced, the time travel if on point.
I have never tried, but it is obvious that LSD, mushrooms, and Cannabis were propagandized by government for decades before now. Once FBI got rid of alcohol prohibition they needed to keep agents busy chasing a ghost of dangerous cannabis. The war on drugs is more focused on keeping everyone on a lower consciousness.
Top Hollywood actors were kept locked up while their clones were the public face under cabals control. Cabal is not able to clone like they used to, so you may notice bad actors being used to replace the mass of dead pedophiles issue in Hollyweird.
This was on "Silicon Valley" because it was such a common thing in LA.
I have felt so alone trying to wake people since the 90's when conspiracies took years of digging to find something from 50 years ago, but now conspiracy theories are condensed to a meme that happens a week later and I have millions of frens to share with!
Looked like ADS 5G to me.