LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who leaked those emails is the question I always wonder?

LiberatedDeathStar 5 points ago +5 / -0

I really want to see all of the 'covid' people tossed right in jail for war crimes and human rights abuses. Would be great to see everyone involved in that nonsense tried for their crimes.

LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always wondered if they bought weapons with that money.

LiberatedDeathStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

How would 250,000 soldiers have any material support with the US navy cutting off access?

That all doesn't make any sense to me, it sounds like bullshit.

LiberatedDeathStar 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is just way too over the top to me, so comes across as misinfo and acting. The whole stories of the aids and staff cutting him off always came across as total bullshit to me.

I think what it does is fake the news media out to show that it isn't over, that something can still be done after the 6th.

LiberatedDeathStar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even if he's a white hat, and I do suspect that he may be, I think he'll end up being distrusted a bit too much. He's had to endure a lot from us if that actually ends up being the case. Someone else will need to step in.

LiberatedDeathStar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just the description of it sounds like acting to me.

LiberatedDeathStar 5 points ago +5 / -0

All it takes is one order and those police will toss him in jail.

Remember, pretty much all the police departments endorsed the President.

LiberatedDeathStar 12 points ago +12 / -0

He had the support of the military in 2016/2017 when they first tried to pull some nonsense. That he has less support now after four years of an administration is ridiculous.

LiberatedDeathStar 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is a long operation. Just the part with the plandemic psyop to overthrow the election had the trigger pulled by the enemy over a year ago. Any counter to that was started at least as far back as that. They don't understand why Trump hasn't done much since November 3rd, but in reality anything was already done at the high level a long time ago, and there's people behind the scenes doing the real work.

LiberatedDeathStar 14 points ago +14 / -0

They want to, in glory, be the ones to fix the issue. They wanted the Rubicon Crossing to be a big mob. In reality, the crowd size justified and cemented that they still have popular support and that was its purpose.

We don't know anything, there's no way in hell we're going to be that effective. The President is going to use police and military that have been poised to strike for months.

LiberatedDeathStar 7 points ago +7 / -0

Their new inmates that will be arriving.

LiberatedDeathStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Nazis miss the forest for the trees. There are many bad Jews, and their typical proclivities are to be defensive to what their fellow Jews do, which tends to get them in trouble defending really bad things. But there are many non-Jews as well that are just as evil and doing just as much damage. We are at war with evil, and it takes many forms and has many sources.

Many of the retards there have taken that posture because Trump is standing up against them, while they want to see things go to hell as fast as possible, because they think they will get to 'lead' in that situation. They know Nazism is as dead as any of the other 1900s political ideologies.

LiberatedDeathStar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost certainly, they have plenty of extremely deadly things already created in the weapons lab. They needed this one to be new in order to be intentionally weak. The psyop part doesn't work if it's too strong, since they convince you to make small concessions after letting up the big one at the beginning.

LiberatedDeathStar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or to show how much trouble it will cause in a controlled manner so that we shut it down before it gets out of hand.

LiberatedDeathStar 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Great Reset people were talking about Cyber Pandemics and possibly infrastructure going down. Perhaps these star link satellites are to counter that.

LiberatedDeathStar 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nope, I didn't expect Pence to fix it.

I have thought since basically before things went to the SC that something was going to happen between the 6th and 20th. Could be later given the state of emergency going to the 24th, but I think it will happen on the 19th-21st.

LiberatedDeathStar 8 points ago +8 / -0

He brings in these 'lieutenants' to run around and spread disinfo for the media and others to run after. Could tell they were doing this with Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Flynn, Giuliani, etc.

Also it shows some people loyal that we can trust in the future perhaps.

LiberatedDeathStar 9 points ago +9 / -0

Also the more troops you have, the easier it is to hide some. How many of those Guardsmen are really Marines or Special Forces?

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