LibertyBelle76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes! I've found two barely-alive bumble bees hanging out on the driveway in the last 2 days. Neither one made it despite trying to nurse them back to health with flowers and sugar water. We had lots of butterflies pollinating the garden last year. I'll have to notice if the numbers are down once our weather warms up.

LibertyBelle76 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always wondered why Qagg had it labeled post 0. Thank you.

LibertyBelle76 0 points ago +1 / -1

By that logic, will Hillary not be arrested til Monday, Oct 30, 2028? That's the next time Oct 30 is on a Monday.

LibertyBelle76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Florida starts early voting on Oct 21, but I haven't received a sample ballot yet to know

LibertyBelle76 7 points ago +7 / -0

I haven't read the book, but I don't think it predicted this hurricane. I think it relived an earlier one.

The character mentioned above is an 83-year-old man and is likely having a flashback to when Hurricane Helene hit NC in 1958. The city of Asheboro suffered record flooding after the French Broad River crested, and many people lost their homes and businesses.

LibertyBelle76 2 points ago +2 / -0

The procedure is low risk, and they do use minimal radiation doses for babies. It's the next step if the US was inconclusive. The reflux of urine back towards the kidneys is the most common cause of UTIs in children, but a continuously moist diaper environment can breed yeast and cause issues too.

Contrast reactions are rare but can include skin rashes, hives, and itching on the mild side and breathing difficulties, fever, and flu-like symptoms on the more severe side. I hate that your baby granddaughter has to go through the procedure but hope it yields conclusive results. I'll keep your family in my prayers.

LibertyBelle76 1 point ago +1 / -0

A VCUG can be done by ultrasound as well as x-ray. Both require catheter insertion, but with ultrasound there is no exposure to radiation or contrast material. My cousin's daughter had one done this way to check for blockages and backflow of urine into the kidneys, so it may be an option for your granddaughter as well.

LibertyBelle76 10 points ago +10 / -0

Throw HRC and Big Mike out there together. Expose both families for the evil they have perpetrated, and the Dem party would definitely cease to exist.

LibertyBelle76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whoever it is, they are wearing glasses. Looks like Flynn. VP hint?

LibertyBelle76 4 points ago +4 / -0

The card tells you the batch number. This is an image of my mother's card. She was jabbed against my advice and ended up hospitalized after each jab. The number of adverse events associated with Moderna batch 041B21A (her first jab) is 812 and with 06C21A is 669. That is only what has been reported.

Mom went steadily downhill and developed dementia after her second month-long hospitalization in summer of 2021. She passed away a year ago, exactly two years after her second jab.


LibertyBelle76 8 points ago +8 / -0

This was inadvisable. He looks like an angry doddering fool.

LibertyBelle76 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am struggling with guilt over this right now. My oldest has had three miscarriages in the last year, and I'm afraid it could be related to the HPV vax she got as a teenager (she refused the covid jab). Like you, I trusted my pediatrician. I wish I had refused when he pushed this so hard.

LibertyBelle76 4 points ago +4 / -0

Jacksonville resident here. I have seen two names in connection with the shooting. The one you mentioned was the earlier of the two. Late last night, ActionNewsJax reported the shooter as Ryan Palmeter.

Today most of the news stations are refusing to identify him. There is definitely some scrubbing going on behind the scenes before officially identifying him.


LibertyBelle76 5 points ago +5 / -0

PEADs are classified executive orders that might fit the bill, but I'm not sure what happens to them once a president leaves the white house.

LibertyBelle76 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did you catch the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware in that segment? Q14

LibertyBelle76 5 points ago +5 / -0

He’s acknowledging that the deep state involuntarily suicides people they’re displeased with. It’s a big deal because he’s one of them and he failed at the job they hired him to do.

LibertyBelle76 7 points ago +7 / -0

It reminded me of “Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show”