Liberty_or_Death 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, the goal of making a virus like this would be long term damage. Both through the virus itself, vut specifically with vaccinations.

Remember ebola? The virus was too lethal to spread. In todays day and age we would stop something so viral and deadly quickly. What we would do that is harmful is the "vaccine". Particilarly MRNA. This has the potential to have people's immune system kill itself. As soon as these people's bodies actually get the flu or SARS like illness their immune system could turn on any cells that have been made to produce the proteins.

Right now concentrations are in vital organs. And in women it's ovaries.

These MRNA vaccines couls be a permanent problem for these people. And by extension the rest of us. If these people become the majority we will have problems if they are susceptible to illness. Unvaccinated people might be dangerous as vectors for other infections.

Again, a deadly disease isn't good for long term control. If they can make this have long term blood problems and even push a far deadlier thing in the MRNA gene therapies then they will have subjugated these people. Especially if those "advised" booster shots become mandatory to survive.

Liberty_or_Death 5 points ago +6 / -1

Kabbalah is.

It isn't good or bad. It can be utilized for good or for evil.

Most occultist Kabbalah is attempting to entreat "demonic" or negative forces to accomplish a goal. The perversion of the mysticism is deeply saddening, but it is a sign of how useful it can be.

It's too bad the knowledge and ability to wield it for good are likely far beyond most living people today. We could use some positivity.

Liberty_or_Death 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yea, they do take the concepts though.

They believe the ideas hold power so the utilize them. If someone were to decipher the language of Gd, then they could use it to accomplish anything.

It's like wielding some ultimate weapon. They want to wield it for their perverse means, so it is evil when used as such.

Think of sacrifice in the Bible. Gd said to do it and to do it the right way with the right intentions. It was an objectively good thing. But when we talk of sacrificing animals in some ritual all we think of is occult and evil. There is something deeply sacred about the practice and because of that it can be perverted and used to accomplish great evil.

Many things work this way. Sex, death, currency exchange... Literally any form of energy transfer. But some are more lofty than others.

Liberty_or_Death 0 points ago +5 / -5

Lmao, this aint it chief.

Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism. It's the deepest aspects of creation and the language Gd deployed to create the universe.

It's hardly studied by religious Jews as it is completely out of our depth today.

Anyone claiming to teach Kabbalah is 99% likely to be some occultist who utilizes the ideas in a perverse way.

Gematria is a fundamental aspect of reality. Tying concepts and words together through numerology. This can possibly be used for good or evil (not even sure how you would, and I've studied the stuff) as it is fundamental to reality.

Kabbalah is just the underlying way the universe was created and works. It's mostly incomprehensible by us. So again, religious Jews have hardly anything to do with it. They'd much rather study Tanach and Talmud to enrich the life they have now as the concept of the afterlife is quite simple and really not some rosy idea that we "live" in some perfect reality after being a good boy and dying.

Liberty_or_Death 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's just science and shiet.


Liberty_or_Death 26 points ago +26 / -0

Confirmed with what proof?

Stop believeing everything you like to hear and demand solid evidence!

What we need is evidence from here on out. No receipts, no support.

Liberty_or_Death 2 points ago +2 / -0

He answered you.

Depends on the authority and power structure. If their boss says so, then it shall be.

FBI can always try to find ways around this through appeals to greater authority.

Since we don't know all the inner workings or politics behinds the scenes right now the answer is "we only know what they want us to know".

Liberty_or_Death 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's always a reality. Sometimes we must forge it ourselves or convince ourselves of it, but Gd gave us a path. That path will always end up positively because that is His nature.

This isn't a matter of faith, but of fact.

Liberty_or_Death 6 points ago +7 / -1

We are the paypigs to their production slaves. A match made in hell.

Liberty_or_Death 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nothing happening is a part of the plan you shill!

But seriously, we all hope OP is right. Now we wait to see what happens.

Liberty_or_Death 5 points ago +5 / -0


How crazy would that be if we got the helicopter rides to kick off with this song blasting in the background?

Either that or YMCA