What you said is exactly why you (or anyone else unlearned) SHOULD NOT BE MAKING STATEMENTS ABOUT VAERS.
No. You saying, the "inaccuracy should be approximately the same for all events being report[ed]" merely demonstrates you don't understand what you're talking about and that your logic is flawed.
Why would pregnancies be reported at the same rate? Hint, only 49.9% the population can get pregnant. Why would erectile dysfunction be reported similarly when only 51.1% of the population can be affected? Why would lightening strikes (1) even be reported and (2) of the average 43 lightening strikes that cause 4-5 deaths every year lead you to believe nearly 25% are COVID related? (I'm being facetious here to show how stats are twisted to say what they don't.)
So, no, thousands of more reports on one ABSOLUTELY does not mean one is more dangerous than another. My examples above show you've not thought about it critically, i.e. why does your argument not support your position. You should learn to try to disprove what you believe. Data must be cleaned before any proper, reliable, it relevant analysis can be done.
As far as who's logic is lacking, let's just pretend the 10,688 deaths reported to VAERDS, as of December 20, 2021, were caused by the various vaccines. We won't filter any of them and just pretend vaccines cause all of them.
What logic leads to the conclusion to not get vaccinated when 54.7M cases of COVID has resulted in >825K Americans (1.5%) dead? (No offense if you're not American, I recognize >5.6M people worldwide have died from COVID?).
How does your logic justify not getting vax'd when 1.5% of confirmed COVID cases die balanced against ~500M doses administered causing a pretend (purposeful overinflation) 10,688 deaths or 0.0021%?
In what universe does even common sense tell you it's a good idea to avoid a preventative measure that reduces the probability of death ( not to mention the myriad other serious, debilitating health conditions we aren't even bothering to address) by more than three (3) factors of magnitude. Not just three times, but three factors of magnitude. (Hint, magnitude is a measure is decimal movement.)
Do, please feel free to elucidate on where EXACTLY my logic is in short supply. This should be eminently entertaining.
LOL. Way to show you failed to understand the purpose for the hospital ships. They weren't assigned (or provisioned) to provide support for patients with COVID. They were sent to provide services for NON-COVID patients so that local area hospitals could focus on COVID patient care.
That the hospital ships remained relatively unused is a testament to area hospitals, not the lack of need. Your statement is a testament to your (and others who think the same) lack of critical thinking, your abject inability to discern the difference between the ACTUAL mission assigned and the false narrative you've been fed.
LOL. Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me
FAIL YOU understand zero about the VAERS reporting system. VAERS is a data collection system for post-innoculoation adverse events - undesirable outcomes. ANYONE can enter a report; false reports - like a 2yo dying - are not uncommon.
People report true associated adverse events - death, anaphylaxis, blood clots. They can report true UNassociated events - pregnancy. They can even report nonsense - becoming the hulk. EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that happens following vaccination that someone doesn't like after being vaccinated gets reported.
It is a system for collecting RAW DATA. The End.
YOU are listening to imbeciles who don't know how to interpret RAW DATA. They are a number that confirms their bias and run with it. They don't investigate jackshit. They just use the number available to spread misinformation. AND YOU, not knowing any better, EAT IT UP.
Of 23 serious health outcomes none were "significantly higher for individuals 1 to 21 days after vaccination compared with similar individuals at 22 to 42 days after vaccination."
I'm pretty sure I know what your next false narrative will be after reading that. But, I'll hold on to my preemptive response, so I can show how you're continually misled.
You sound like one of those global conspiracy Qnuts who EXEMPLIFY Dunning-Kruger.
What if the reason he wasn't charged us because he committed no crime?
Please elaborate EXACTLY on how 18USC2101 was violated.
Abso-fucking-lutely pure, unmitigated, sociopathic BULLSHIT.
First ....
COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths by Vaccination Status
Washington State Department of Health December 22, 2021
Summary Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are • 4 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds. • 19 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year- olds. Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are • 5 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds. • 18 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year- olds. Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are • 7 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds. • 12 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year- olds. • 13 times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
Second, I thought y'all didn't trust the CDC. They've been telling you to wear masks, social distance, and to get fucking vaccinated. Now, here you are saying, "Go to the CDC and VAERS websites and look at the actual numbers." I cannot grasp how, with the level of cognitive dissonance you've demonstrated, you can be a functional member of society. Either the CDC is a reliable source (hint, it is) or it's not, but pick a fucking lane, you goddamn mental midget.
I'm sure the freezing cold water lowering the body temperature and reducing it's metabolic rate had nothing to do with it.
You are referring to two separate issues. First, antibodies generated by the body trend to lay roughly 6 months. This is**as expected* Ave is the same for any antibody activity REGARDLESS. This duration is normal for the immune system. The body won't produce antibodies it no longer sees necessary.
Second, what you call"antibody dependent heart inflammation" is medically referred to as myocarditis. If you are susceptible to developing myocarditis, symptoms will generally begin to present two (2) days after innoculoation. In the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of instances a mild clinical course of anti-inflammatories is indicated and leads to rapid resolution.
The odds of developing myocarditis are lower than the death survival rate y'all like to proclaim as the reason to not get vax'd. Additionally, if you get COVID the odds you develop myocarditis are greater than if you get vax'd.
Lol. When protective effects begin doesn't mean what you think it means. MOREOVER, that you don't understand protective effects ARE A RESULT OF THE BODY'S IMMUNE SYSTEM, not the vaccine itself, which activates the immune system, tells me you're a moron who doesn't even understand the basic biology involved.
The vaccine is eliminated from the body in six weeks. The protective effects are considered in full effect BECAUSE THERE IS NO VACCINE IN THE BODY TO CONTINUE GENERATING IMMUNE RESPONSE.
So, back your shit up and understand what you're talking about before you call others shill. All you managed to accomplish is demonstrate stupidity is guiding light.
Hint," race" is a social construct like gender. It's only purpose is to segregate "them" from "us."
There is only one true race ... the human race.
Well that's gonna be an EPIC failure once it eventually gets peer-reviewed.
This person methodology is seriously flawed and make assumptions which are fatal to the analysis.The biggest flaw in the analysis being that there is ZERO vaccine in the body after 6 WEEKS.
Then there's the fact he's a doctor of psychiatry, not a statistician or even and infectious disease expert. But hey, he published something that confirms people's bias so fuck it.
Lol Ok. "Built Western culture."
The same ones who screech about being pro-life but when the moment arrives that they can walk the walk they take every excuse, fabricate stories, avoid facing reality, and make every effort to avoid doing what will save lives.
That Western culture? From those fragile fuckers? GTFOH with the self-aggrandizing bullshit.
Holy shitballs! This has to be the most UNCRITICAL thinking I've ever seen displayed.
How EXACTLY do you manage this level of cognitive dissonance and remain functional in society? I mean seriously how the absolute fuck does "I only used his findings, not his approaches to medicine" make sense to you?
It's inherently contradictory.
Normal, rationale, logical people DO NOT say such things. They don't accept it use findings that are necessarily a result of a flawed approach. If others are "finding similar results" and you have been handed how a flawed approach gives you those same results, critical thinking should kick in to tell you "Wait a minute. Something just might not be right with those other results."
:smdh: It's these kinds of demonstrations of failure to think that had me worried for America's future.
Tell me you don't understand viral spread in confined spaces without telling me you don't understand viral spread in confined spaces.
It makes no sense because what you think this know is BULLSHIT.
The Expose is a crap publication that BLATANTLY LIES.
Nothing in the that particular report or the reports they aggregate (false) data from comes anywhere near being interpreted as they are reporting.
The report itself contradicts EVERYTHING the article says.
You've proven you're more interested in clout chasing using headlines that confirm your bias than actually providing valid information from credible sources. YOU are the reason disinformation campaigns work so well. You've demonstrated a complete lamp of critical thinking and research skills.
Congratulations, your are exactly the schmuck charlatans need.
That works only if you don't bother to read the report. Otherwise, if you can comprehend what your read, you'll quickly realize you're being told a lie.
Well, once you realize your assumption - I saw your comment 5d ago - has zero basis in reality, you can begin to understand how others realize you lack the requisite critical thinking function to understand how wrong the original comment is.