Can you link mass psychosis video? I see it being referenced a lot but I have no idea where it came from.
Anthony Sabbatini is running, not salvation. He is a patriot and has been fighting vaccine mandates!
He did more for this country than you and I combined.
Not a close, but someone did a great write up that it is open source browser built on chromium. As a result if you are code savvy, you can see it is not Google based.
Fidelity so far has been the best. Even Fidelity has its problems if you look into GME saga from 2 days ago with fidelity entering a wrong number of shares to borrow, but at least you can direct register your GME shares thru them in about 2 to 3 days, whereas some brokers take weeks to do so.
The silver price is at 22.48 but all silver is about 26 dollars on jmbullion? Is that normal?
Trump knew, that's why he is creating TruthSocial
Ben and Jerry's have been lefttards since they started. I've never even tasted them.
Can we ban the next person that posts this today?
Bullshit website. Stop with this garbage.
Add me to it as well 😊
Why did you go to another gas station and not just ring up another transaction at the same pump? Sound like FUD
Sorry brother
How do you execute dwac warrants?
Fud. I'm not selling gme. Just buy both.
What's the difference between dwacw and dwac?
Jesus is King! He can move the mountains!
Is Trump attending? What time does it start?
Most of them came from airport tvs
We need them working at the school!