I can’t wait for the delta pro release. The camera is supposed to be much better
Of course it’s catsfive complaining....
You are correct I wouldn’t let them slaughter my pets. I don’t plan on eating my pets though...
I thought so too but I had to download the video and it’s real. Internet connectivity on dominion machines.
Don’t forget the grandest “drill” that day. 9/11, yup, drill that day..
Look at what kids can use to add “filters” on Snapchat and Instagram, imagine what the deep state has.
Okay now that’s funny
Catsfive=worst mod
Is it things we have too many of? Survey says... that is the top answer
Always has been
I had an old boss who started his working career in DC at the fbi decades ago. He was a rule follower, didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, wouldn’t cheat on his wife, couldn’t be blackmailed. They forced him to resign. The system has been corrupted for 40+ years at least.
Having spent a lot of time in a shipyard that builds ships for the navy, you’d be surprised how few white males are actually building the ships
Pretty sure it was Dan schneider’s
Fuck John Menard
Snowden is a fag
It all funnels into GME
GME on fire sale right now
Said no one ever... fast would’ve been November/December. But I’ll take it as it come regardless
And more life insurance payments to beneficiaries
You must be fun at parties
I do not recognize the authority of a court that hangs the gold-fringed flag. A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an Admiralty court. An Admiralty court signifies a Naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialed twice. that is all. Furthermore..