LowEnergyFaggot 1 point ago +1 / -0

These are future democrats who will fight against anyone the telescreen tells them to.

LowEnergyFaggot 1 point ago +1 / -0

They'd just become rabid anti-pfizer while shooting all their kids up twice with anything from the other pharmaceutical companies to virtue signal

"I traveled to the Philippines to get my kids all the non-pfizer vaxxes we could load up on!!"

LowEnergyFaggot 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is infuriating.

Its just like saying people who commit murder shouldn't be sent to prison because that would affect the lives of their family members.

Fucking retarded, but it works on the retarded.

LowEnergyFaggot 4 points ago +4 / -0

And the difference between these 1000 immigrants and the ones Biden let in?

A factor of about 1,000. One million (roughly what Biden let in) divided by one thousand is one thousand.

These will likely be checked in on every now and again by the FBI. 1000 fully-known people can be held accountable for their behavior far more easily than the mostly anonymous million+ that came here under Biden.

They probably won't be shitting everywhere, either.

LowEnergyFaggot 11 points ago +11 / -0

That was the ultimate infiltration; pretending there was 2 sides when there was only 1, so EVERY vote was for globalists, regardless of what "side" was voted for.

LowEnergyFaggot 16 points ago +16 / -0

Some "conservatives" are actually just globalist cickholsters, like Bush and Friends.

Their labels don't matter; only their actions.

LowEnergyFaggot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The low energy faggot here is the retard who claims Michael Jackson's death was a hoax with absolutely zero to back it up.

LowEnergyFaggot 18 points ago +18 / -0

The surveys they received asked several questions including whether the researchers had received funding from China, and if their university had recognised only two sexes - male and female.

I guess we're still funding plenty of research in Australian universities, just not the universities that support the trooning. It's a start, but what else are we continuing to fund? So many millions of our tax dollars thrown all over the world.

LowEnergyFaggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Complete Colorado reports that the University of Colorado (CU) has hired a former Biden administration operative at a stunning salary. Andrew Mayock will be CU’s “vice chancellor for sustainability”—whatever that means.

According to the same article, Mayock’s hiring follows an addition of another professional leftist to the CU payroll. When fringe benefits are added in, each of the two is being paid more than $400,000 annually!

LowEnergyFaggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Now I'm a male with social security and a male with Medicaid, but a female on my passport"

That's just fine. Those words won't prevent you from pretending to be whatever you want, right?

It does prevent us from having to play along with your delusions, though.

LowEnergyFaggot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Daniel Clarke-Pounder, 24, burned down three EV chargers in a South Carolina parking lot Friday — where he scrawled “f–k Trump” and “long live the Ukraine,”

Hahahaha this Mainstream Media Brainwashee went all-in for the Ukraine.

I love that someone recognized him and turned him in

LowEnergyFaggot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hate their inability to understand that their shit should not be coming into contact with other people

LowEnergyFaggot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crazy! I can see how upset it is with the unveiling of money laundering schemes

by GDZeus
LowEnergyFaggot 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's about to make a very valuable poop painting

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