LukyNumbrSlevinteen 5 points ago +7 / -2

I am unsure of any of this. We are being manipulated mentally at every turn. I want to believe you, but then again I don't because it's insane anyone is stewing in a Gitmo like cell for walking around a building.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +1 / -0

The actual mind-blowing Great Awakening Storm we are promised will only happen when nothing is happening. There will be no 'tip offs'. It will be a down and out week/day where anons are bitching that we haven't had BOOMS in eons. It's the only way it can go.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 16 points ago +17 / -1

decodingsymbols (conservative) and miles mathis (liberal) broke down these Jan 6 prisoners and came to the conclusion this is being used for comms/public outcry on both sides as a psyop tactic and there are no actual prisoners. Since we are in an information war I tend to believe this may be the case. It's so over the top and bizarre.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +3 / -2

The one thing he won't share with us, because his determination is very 'surface level' on this (which is probably true) is that all professional sports are also rigged for comms.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Last one doesn't make sense, shows the cat incel has a job.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fucking royally piss my ghost off if it's End Times and we don't get to see Justice and the Finale of all the Great Awakening Q shit.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have zero recollection of fake Q drops or have ever seen this (them, in your post), which is baffling to me, they must of been removed pretty quick. It's hilariously fake as soon as you read it, too. Wow.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I want Covid vengeance more than the Fraud one, but it's a close, close second.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 4 points ago +4 / -0

All the awakened/brilliant pol anons transfered to 8kun. Pol is nothing now. If you're on 4chan and Q is posting drops and somehow you decipher it's a LARP and back off from it you have been weeded out. I can see the plan was actually to collect the best diggers from pol, shake the dead weight, and transfer everything to kun.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny, after being awakened in this World for 8 years now when I saw those planted Chyna videos of people convulsing and keeling over with Covie on the rise I instantly knew it was fake and disregarded the whole thing. This one I give even less of the fucks about, like, into the negatives.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, literally every President has I'm sure. But every Prez doesn't have Q posting the shit then a guy on the Q team posting half the same spiel on his insta, ya see?

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 0 points ago +1 / -1

The last eclipse no one gave a shit, I don't even remember anyone going out to look at it. All I saw the next day was Trump starring at the shit all over the news. Which is obviously a comm.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I’m saying is how does Trump just win this election then expose 2020. That makes no sense. It makes sense it’s stolen again, or he’s reinstated before this election for a “great awakening”. A great awakening is not status quo “oh ok, let’s do some more investigations.”

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 5 points ago +5 / -0

Everything is comms for these Black and White hats to have their little game giggle sesh over. It's warring factions, like Mel Gibson states on the bus in Conspiracy Theory movie. Luckily we are here when the final battle is taking place. It's exciting.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't even with that license plate.

The top row numbers are also 17. 3:31 64.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean…if he’s posting this, this is legit confirmation. In any other reality he would know or be told to never, ever do this.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 5 points ago +5 / -0

All the insane MIL aircraft activity for the last 7 years especially during Sleepys residency has been mapping targets and illegals. There is no incentive. The are apprehended, and removed when the green light goes.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 6 points ago +6 / -0

50 Cent is straight edge just like Poppa Trump, fun fact. Never drank/smoke/drugs. That has always made me curious.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 5 points ago +5 / -0

DecodingSymbols broke down Eminem a day ago or so.

Remember, this dude is on the list..and in pics with Chandler. RIGHT below that photo Q posted is DIDDY with Chandler. The weird thing is he basically proves Eminem is used for comms and basically groomed for that, but never really says if Eminem is a WH plant or a DS actor. All I'm saying is, 50 is BFF's with Eminem...does he not know?

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