MAGAngelo 6 points ago +6 / -0

“It would be a serious error for the Trump administration to interfere with the Fed’s independence”

That reeks of a blatant but veiled threat.

MAGAngelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because Bezos knows how much the upcoming Tariffs will cripple Amazon.

MAGAngelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. My point is simply that the enemy will not restort to "harping or bitching and moaning"

They will expend all avenues and ammo.

But that will not matter. Because NCSWIC

MAGAngelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

20 million more votes for Dems in 2020???

How is that NOT cheating?

20 million blue votes just decided not to participate this time?

"Come on, man."

MAGAngelo 5 points ago +5 / -0

They will not scede power so easily. BOOK IT.

They will fight and burn the house down on their way out.

MAGAngelo 10 points ago +10 / -0

Congratulations, frens!

Today we liberated our great country. Now, the fun starts.

2016 felt like winning an election. 2024 feels like winning a war.

MAGAngelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Decision Desk HQ and Crowder both called them awhile ago. 270 confirmed. With AZ, WI, NV all on deck to go our way too.

MAGAngelo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't trust that broad. She'll say or do whatever she needs to benefit herself. She ain't bout that MAGA life.

MAGAngelo 1 point ago +2 / -1

Glad this topic is gaining steam.

Scary part that wasn’t mentioned here….

Whenever a man organism in a lady (sans protection) he’s also leaving traces/cells that are able to be detected in this same exact manner.

Guys, careful who you choose as a mate for life, because she may be carrying around deposits of past lovers for the rest of her days.

Hence the importance of chastity, and following biblical paths of marriage.

MAGAngelo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Q is akin to the good shepherd.

We Anons are a brutal combination of the one to break out in the allegory of the cave mixed with Sisyphus.

We bring light and truth to a dark world that has been conditioned to hate it, and our lot in life is to carry that torch day after day after day.

MAGAngelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lord, I can't deal with a repeat of 2020.

MAGAngelo 6 points ago +7 / -1

Full disclosure, I'm a body language expert/fag.

HOLY SHIT! That's pretty damning right there. Was not expecting that gem.

First pass through I watched it with no sound, just to identify the moment Bibi's body cues started talking. His body screamed uncomfortableness and panic.

Second pass with volume, the moment Palestine was uttered, he crumbled. The entire tone drastically shifted.

Watch it again. Trump set him up perfectly. He framed the statement as if he was about to praise the people of Isreal. " I WAS SADDENED BY THE FATE OF THE....." Bibi nods his head in approval and even subtly smirks, assuming Trump is going to mention Isreal.

Then Trump pulls the rug out from under him and says Palesinte. Bibi shits his pants. Llooks around the room at a many group of people to read their reactions. Looks down in frustration and confusion. Adjusts his tie.

Pure panic pouring out of his pores.

MAGAngelo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Forgive me…. But I thought it was widely known that Laura is a man?

This is the first I’ve learned about Larry. But that only validates my opinion from the very start.

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