they live in a fantasy world based on the idea that this country was built by immigrants. We were here all along.
never thought about it that way but yikes.....
that's fucking scary and will probably work if the storm does not roll in on time.
fucking commies saying 'oh but this nation was built by immigrants'
maybe true, but we're full up, no more freedom left for foreigners here. Time to start shipping out the driftwood. I'm 2nd generation immigrant. Wish my folks would have stayed home and I resent them for it
Lol they probably resent ever having me since being pilled. fucking libs.
obviously fake.
Trump would never acknowledge a "Biden administration"
This goes way deeper. Navy is coming to Suez. Sealed indictments are at 850k now. It's going down next week.
I am so sick of people that spend years learning about science telling me stuff about "vaccines" and "mRNA" and "cutting edge medical research" like I'm supposed to trust the FDA. I trust God. That's it.
Unless I am in prayer and hear the voices, no amount of so called "peer reviewed phase 3 clinical trial data" will change why my God says to me every hour of every day. Sorry not sorry.
Kind of sorry that deep state killed 4 family members and 10+ friends and blamed it on the kung flu. LOL like a virus can really kill people. all those people were praying to live and had many praying for them. proof right there of foul play. no God of mine would let that happen unless the cabal is just that powerful.
What honestly causes me the most pain is that from the start, Trump wanted to fight this hoax with vaccines. Seems like he still does. Probably just a psyop to get the libs to take it and die off! well played. sir.
not datefagging. this info is coming from the top. only posting because it's fool proof this time. opsec secure.
What the actual fuck. DJT is coming back, that is FOR SURE. Trust the plan.
Why can't we let a single news item just be news without being twisted into a crowdsourced larp?
Shootings. A microphone on a 6' boom. A cargo ship. YES THE STORM IS COMING, but not every literal piece of world news needs to be folded into bread.
I'm starting to worry that Xiden is actually potus right now. (Not for long) but many of my frens are saying it's all cgi or clones or masks. Not trying to doom. Trump is making moves, but I can't claim to know them and y'all shouldn't either.
The crime is being recorded. I think. Or do we wait for '22/'24????
(I know.... I know.... Fox)....
but my source is all the people I follow on social media. Too many to name, but CitizenMan for one.