My fingers are crossed for Trump to call out the FBI/DHS/CIA or whoever it actually was that orchestrated his assassination attempt.
Correct. I'm not even sure exactly what it is they're pretending to be upset about.
I love Big Don. I'm not sure who else could do what he's done.
These same people think black people can never be wrong. If they survive the Ukraine war, they should be sent to South Africa to be farmers.
Push to get Russia into NATO, with the sole purpose of pissing off the rest of NATO.
Every Democrat Idiot Needs Attention
It'd be a shame if a bunch of frogs left them bad Google reviews....
It's the US government. They're definitely using one credit card to pay off the other..
I can't imagine what it's like to walk around like that.
The same description could easily apply to a dead body.
Splinter them into a thousand pieces, ans use the splinters as kindling in the peace pipe.
There's more pillars than that. There's the lawfare against Trump, the fake phony impeachments, the failed assassination attempts, and much more.
People are Awakening. It's Great.
All buttoned up.
Now I'm in stitches.
Which is worse for the world: Current China, with shitloads of coal power plants, or future China, with shitloads of nuclear power plants?
When it suits him
And just like that: Donald Trump ended ANOTHER war.
Yes! This! Break all the things!
Yup. I think currently, the anons can "sit back and enjoy the show." There's nothing for us to do with this. Nothing to dig into. All I see to do is steer the normies down the appropriate rabbit hole when they ask questions.
Next step: rename our language "Americanesse" and accuse the Brits of stealing their English language from ours.
He looks like a child next to Trump.
Sorry for the fagtube link but here's the video
I care more about the maintenance of Donald Trump's diet coke button than I do about zelensky.