MagaMan1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't had any antibody tests, but I've taken the bullshit covid tests as per an office requirement and they always came back negative. Haven't tested since Christmas, when my mom (vaxxed, not boosted) who was staying with me got Covid and I didn't.

MagaMan1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't mention it, don't really talk about it. Masks are optional in the office. I opt never to wear one. They still do.

MagaMan1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't say anything. I don't talk about it. I'm sure they realize it, at least maybe some do. But I'll allow them to keep getting boosted and feel like they're doing their part or whatever bullshit they want to believe. And I'll keep not being vaxxed and staying healthy.

MagaMan1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've had a handful of tests, as it was a requirement for awhile if I had ever been traveling. I've never tested positive, and I've certainly not had symptoms.

MagaMan1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

The moment all this shit started, I started losing respect for my coworkers. Immediately jumped on the bandwagon. Cornered me when it came to light that I would not be getting vaxxed. Prematurely blaming me for their grandmother's death (even though their grandmother is alive and I've never met her).

MagaMan1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

I handle it like I've handled my entire life. Normally. I don't wear a mask, I don't try to stay distanced. I live life and work completely normally.

MagaMan1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fuck Knuckle here from ABC, we're coming to you live from an elementary school that we've just learned is a military target.

We are here, with our talent and our lighting and our camera crews and our vans parked right outside, inside of a military target in an active war zone.

Yes, that's correct. An active war zone. A military target. And we're inside, taking pictures and conducting interviews.

No, this totally normal, and like most military targets in active war zones, we are supposed to be here without any weaponry or armor.

MagaMan1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah this person clearly put Kyiv as their search parameter and then found all these companies with locations there.

MagaMan1776 8 points ago +9 / -1

This looks really really fake

MagaMan1776 15 points ago +15 / -0


I know a lot of people. I have a large family and group of friends, and I went to public school and I went to college.

I have seen less than 10 people in boots like this in my life.

Why the FUCK do all these politicians and celebrities have fucking boots?!?!

MagaMan1776 8 points ago +8 / -0

I bet they're sending out like 50 million already-positive test kits.

I work in shipping in my company and we work with USPS a lot, every single day. They lost 93 of the packages I sent between 12/31 and 1/4. I'm not convinced sending out dozens if not hundreds of millions of test kits is even a doable thing for that shithole of an organization.

No offense to any postal workers who might read this, but if USPS was a boat it would be at the bottom of the ocean by now.

MagaMan1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah my movie theaters are showing like 15 movies all weekend

MagaMan1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

And of that 160, 160 of them were turned in by faggot losers who didn’t deserve them

MagaMan1776 8 points ago +9 / -1

Do nothing. Be gay. Nobody really cares.

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