My Croatian wife wants us to flee back home from Canada.
Brave strong intelligent free thinking woman.
It’s been a tough few weeks, look around and see the support you do have world wide. People are standing up finally. Keep fighting.
Died down because they get owned everytime lol
They have my vote. I’m done hearing about splitting the conservative vote. I’m done with the Canadian conservatives. They want vax passports they’re no different. Going to vote for the only party that is standing up for my rights.
Afghanistan is one giant distraction.
I’m from BC Canada. They’ve just imposed non vax are not able to go to restaurants, bars, concerts, sports etc. Shameful day for this Province and Country.
Happening everywhere he goes so far
She sleeps with a murderer
Lollll vile gangster. Instead of space frogs she’s eating pineal glands
Was Hillary there???
If she doesn’t die maybe she’ll lose her voice 🤷♂️
Smoke weed with your wife, have wonderful sex, eat awesome food, talk deep and laugh, get out and hike.
The best part is you have a 99.8% chance of surviving Ayla!
“I’d buy that for a dollar”
Damn white supremacy
More like we’re choosing a horrible couple days of hay fever like symptoms or a man flu…
That’s me and my old man too 😂
Made him look like a dude
Marry that woman
I was just starting to like the guy…
That will be going against WHO
Gavin! Recommend his podcast.
😂 very true. No soup for you!!!!!